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56 results
  • King of Sweden presents Nobel prizes in Stockholm.
  • The 1904 World's Fair, St. Louis, Missouri: an exhibit relating to the Technical School of Stockholm, Sweden. Photograph, 1904.
  • Two condoms hovering like haloes above the heads of a naked man and woman making love; an AIDS, STD prevention and safe sex advertisement by Landstinget Förebygger AIDS (LAFA). Colour lithograph by Vince Reichardt, ca. 1996.
  • A man wearing a codpiece and a belted body brace with the message in Swedish 'Dare you jump without a parachute? Do you love without a condom?'; an AIDS and STD prevention and safe sex advertisement by Landstinget Förebygger AIDS (LAFA). Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • An art gallery with paintings featuring condoms and the names of men; advertising an art exhibition on AIDS prevention. Colour lithograph after L. Nitka for Landstinget förebygger AIDS, 1993.
  • Cartoon scenes featuring condoms representing a safe sex advertisement by the Folkhälsoinstitutet RFSU och Landstinget Förebygger AIDS. Colour lithograph by L. Nitka, ca. 1995.
  • The victorious English 400 m. women's relay swimming team at the Stockholm Olympic Games.
  • The words 'Take care be safe' in large white letters against a pastel red, purple and green background; a safe sex advertisement by RFSL. Colour lithograph by Ola Johansson, ca. 1996.
  • The eyes of Torbjörn, an HIV positive man with the message about the difficulties of not being honest about being HIV; advertising an AIDS help-line run by the Foundation Noah's Ark and the Red Cross. Colour lithograph by Ted Bates, ca. 1995.
  • A man in a dark t-shirt sits smiling on the shoulders of his bare-chested companion with the message in Swedish, 'Trust. Never hurt'; one of a series of AIDS prevention advertisements by the RFSL, The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • The message in Swedish 'Don't forget. Men'; one of a series of AIDS prevention advertisements by the RFSL, the Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • A figure dives off a cliff into the sea; one of a series of AIDS prevention advertisements for Swedish addiction support groups including the AIDS delegation, the Federation of alcohol and drug awareness, Youth Federation and Soldiers Against Drugs. Colour lithograph by Annerino-Liaison, 1992.
  • The head of a male toy figure wearing a shirt and tie with a verse below about AIDS and HIV. Colour lithograph by Garbergs, ca. 1995.
  • The yellow and green silhouettes of abstract figures with the statement 'Equal rights shared responsibility' representing an advertisement for World AIDS Day on 1st December 1995 by the Folkhälsoinstitutet [National Public Health Institute]. Colour lithograph, 1995.
  • Annie Söderberg, a social worker in Stockholm and a pioneer in addiction treatment; with the message in Swedish 'You must take the love game seriously'. Lithograph by Ted Bates, ca. 1995.
  • A frog wearing a crown with the title in Swedish 'A bedtime story' in the form of a verse about AIDS below. Colour lithograph by Garbergs, ca. 1995.
  • The face of a middle-aged blonde-haired woman wearing black; French version in a series of AIDS prevention advertisements entitled 'Yes' by Folkhälsoinstitutet. Colour lithograph by Nina Vestlund & Co and Anti Wendel, ca. 1995.
  • A woman in a short polka dot skirt leans back as a man standing in front of her grabs her hands in the act of making love; one of a series of AIDS prevention advertisements for Swedish addiction support groups including the AIDS delegation, the Federation of alcohol and drug awareness, Youth Federation and Soldiers Against Drugs. Colour lithograph by Rex, 1992.
  • The index fingers of two hands touch, one painted silver, the other gold with the words 'love without fear' in Finnish, and partly showing in Chinese and Arabic; an advertisement for a free handbook about HIV and AIDS by the Folkhälsoinstitutet [National Public Health Institute]. Colour lithograph by Garbergs, ca. 1995.
  • A man and woman kiss while sitting in shallow sea water; one of a series of AIDS prevention advertisements for Swedish addiction support groups including the AIDS delegation, the Federation of alcohol and drug awareness, Youth Federation and Soldiers Against Drugs. Colour lithograph by Gamma, 1992.
  • Two hands bent over each other to the left, one painted silver, the other gold with the words 'love without fear' in Chinese, Russian and Italian; an advertisement for a free handbook about HIV and AIDS by the Folkhälsoinstitutet [National Public Health Institute]. Colour lithograph by Garbergs, ca. 1995.
  • A young man surfing on a circular board with the message 'The real binge is within you'; one of a series of AIDS prevention advertisements for Swedish addiction support groups including the AIDS delegation, the Federation of alcohol and drug awareness, Youth Federation and Soldiers Against Drugs. Colour lithograph by Sander-Liaison, 1992.
  • A framed family portrait with text below about the importance of being faithful to partners. Colour lithograph by Garbergs, ca. 1995.
  • A woman wearing a lace collar with her eyes obscured by a black line with the message in Swedish 'You don't have to be gay to have AIDS'. Lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • The 1904 World's Fair, St. Louis, Missouri: an exhibit relating to the Swedish common schools. Photograph, 1904.
  • A man lying back on a woman with the title 'Otrohet & herpes' with a warning about the dangers of infidelity and STDs like herpes in Swedish. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • A man in red pvc standing vertically with his arms by his sides representing an ejaculating penis with two balloons as scrotums at his feet; surrounded in a purple silhouette in the shape of a condom against a blue background; with the message in Swedish, condoms are everywhere; a safe sex advertisement by the RFSL/RFSU and Malmöhus County Council. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • A man in red pvc standing vertically with his arms by his sides representing an ejaculating penis with two balloons as scrotums at his feet; surrounded in a blue silhouette in the shape of a condom against a lime green background; with the message in Swedish, condoms are the way in; a safe sex advertisement by the RFSL/RFSU and Malmöhus County Council. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • A man in red pvc standing vertically with his arms by his sides representing an ejaculating penis with two balloons as scrotums at his feet; surrounded in a blue silhouette in the shape of a condom against a yellow background; with a warning in Swedish to always use a condom; a safe sex advertisement by the RFSL/RFSU and Malmöhus County Council. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • Two arms entwined one painted silver, the other gold with the words '[love without fear] in Swedish, Arabic, Chinese and English; one of a series of AIDS prevention advertisements by the Folkhälsoinstitutet [National Public Health Institute]. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.