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672 results
  • Bronze bust, winged head, probably Death or Sleep.
  • The philosophy of sleep / [Robert Macnish].
  • The philosophy of sleep / [Robert Macnish].
  • "Doctor, can you help me to sleep better?".
  • "Doctor, can you help me to sleep better?".
  • A man disturbed from sleep by visions caused by guilt. Etching by Brocas.
  • Doctor Jules Cloquet performs a painless operation on a woman in magnetic sleep.
  • Welcome to the new day : morning freshness assured after restful sleep with Doriden.
  • Welcome to the new day : morning freshness assured after restful sleep with Doriden.
  • Welcome to the new day : morning freshness assured after restful sleep with Doriden.
  • Welcome to the new day : morning freshness assured after restful sleep with Doriden.
  • Painless childbirth in twilight sleep : a complete history of twilight sleep from its beginning in 1903 to its present development in 1915, including its successful use in Great Britain to-day / by Hanna Rion.
  • Another first from Beecham : the only medicine specially formulated to relieve night congestion and aid sleep.
  • Another first from Beecham : the only medicine specially formulated to relieve night congestion and aid sleep.
  • A man using RIPA insecticide to kill bedbugs and get a good night's sleep. Colour lithograph, ca. 1900.
  • David steals a spear and jug from Saul, who lies deep in a sleep imposed by God. Engraving.
  • A couple making love in the foreground; a woman in post-coital sleep behind. Gouache painting, 1890s.
  • The seven sisters of sleep: popular history of the seven prevailing narcotics of the world / [M.C. Cooke].
  • Silenus in a drunken sleep with satyrs and the naiad Aegle. Engraving by G. Vascellini after A. Fedi.
  • The seven sisters of sleep: popular history of the seven prevailing narcotics of the world / [M.C. Cooke].
  • The seven sisters of sleep: popular history of the seven prevailing narcotics of the world / [M.C. Cooke].
  • Two elderly women in bed, disturbed from sleep by a nightmare vision of "The monster" (R. Williams), 1790. Drawing.
  • A woman personifying night carries two babies over the land, representing sleep and death. Etching by F. Bartolozzi, 1764, after Annibale Carracci.
  • St Benedict removing a bladder-stone from Emperor St Henry II during his sleep and placing it in his hand; to right, a doctor, sleeping.
  • Safe sedation 'Distaval' 25 mg. thalidomide per tablet... : 'Distaval' Forte 100 mg. thalidomide per tablet ... sounder sleep / The Distillers Company (Biochemicals) Limited.
  • Safe sedation 'Distaval' 25 mg. thalidomide per tablet... : 'Distaval' Forte 100 mg. thalidomide per tablet ... sounder sleep / The Distillers Company (Biochemicals) Limited.
  • Safe sedation 'Distaval' 25 mg. thalidomide per tablet... : 'Distaval' Forte 100 mg. thalidomide per tablet ... sounder sleep / The Distillers Company (Biochemicals) Limited.
  • Safe sedation 'Distaval' 25 mg. thalidomide per tablet... : 'Distaval' Forte 100 mg. thalidomide per tablet ... sounder sleep / The Distillers Company (Biochemicals) Limited.
  • The child Samuel is laid down to sleep and the hushed priests await his prophecies; the elaborate surrounding panel is decorated with florid demons. Engraving.
  • The wise virgins take their lamps to the newly married couple; the foolish virgins sleep. Colour wood engraving by E. Evans after D.H. Friston.