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525 results
  • John Howard. Stipple engraving by E. Scott, 1789, after M. Brown.
  • John Howard. Stipple engraving by E. Scott, 1789, after M. Brown.
  • Saint Antony of Padua. Etching G. M. Mitelli after E. S. Sirani.
  • Johann Zacharias Platner. Line engraving by J. M. Bernigeroth, 1749, after E. G. Haussmann.
  • Johann Zacharias Platner. Line engraving by J. M. Bernigeroth, 1749, after E. G. Haussmann.
  • Gottfried Heinsius. Line engraving by J. M. Stock, 1770, after E. G. Haussmann, 1751.
  • Edinburgh University Group portrait. Including H.G. Dunbar , C.M. Campbell, A.N. Fell, Alexander Frew, R.G. Gordon, David Hepburn, A.W.M. Harvey, Mathew Holmes, E.B., M.B., Ch.B. Jamieson, E. L. Meynell, John Lovett, William Maclaren, Sir William Turner, K.C.B., William Lilico, B.P. Watson, S.A.K., Wilson, David Waterson, I. Scott, R.E. Russell, A.B. Ross, H.H. Robarts.
  • An old woman dying with her hand held by her daughter; two men, with impaired limbs, pay their last respects. Colour stipple print by E. & M.A. Scott after T. Stothard.
  • The coffin of W.E. Gladstone lying in state in Westminster Hall, attended by five men praying. Drawing by G.B. Scott after A. Kemp Tebby, 1898.
  • The plague of the Israelites. Drawing by M. Penley, 18--, after G.E. Petit after P. Mignard.
  • The temple of Aesculapius at Epidaurus: cross-section showing the statue of the deity. Watercolour by G.M. Goring and E. Kenna, 1911, after A. Defrasse.
  • London School of Tropical Medicine, 62nd session, group portrait- including N. Cheua, A.K. Cosgrove, J.A. Cruickshank, Gray, J., A.L. Gregg, W.P. Hogg, M.K. Abdul Khalik, E.U. MacWilliam, M. Jackson, Dr. G.C. Low, E.G. Mack, Miss Turner, R.T. Leiper, J.S. Maxwell, Dr. Sambon, G.A.S. Madgwick, E.J. Wood, G. Warren, Dr. P. Manson-Bahr.
  • The heads of two male antelope, possibly oryx, one blazed and one dappled. Reproduction of a painting by G E M(?).
  • London School of Tropical Medicine (10th Session) group portrait including Sir Patric Manson, M.C. Blair, R.F. de Boissiere, C.W. Daniels, A.H. Davies, J.T. Hancock O. Galgey, and E. Da Cunha, G. Hungerford, Sir Francis Lovell, J. Lunn, G. Lecesne, W.S. Milne, T. Hood, M. Sandeman, D. Steel, Dr. Sambon, G.D. Warren, Charles and Robert the lab assistants
  • Rural life: seven scenes, including milking, gleaning, and fishing. Lithograph, c.1850, by M. and N. Hanhart after G.E. Hicks.
  • The electoral picture gallery at Düsseldorf: paintings in the fifth gallery. Engraving by M.G.E. Eichler, 1776, after P.P. Rubens.
  • London School of Tropical Medicine 13th sessionGroup Portrait- including Sir Patrick Manson, Dr. Sambon, G.D. Warren, H.F. Conyngham, Dr. Crombie, M. F. Ellis, L. Clifford, W.F. Holmes, A.D. Humphry, Dr. G.C. Low , G. Loader, J.E. Mitchell, J.F.G. Mayer, Dr. Ross, D. Steel, P. Rees, E.H. Read, G.R. Ruata, Major Wilson, W.J. Radford, G. Warren, and Robert (lab assistant).
  • Bando : essendosi dilatato il Male Contagioso anche in Neustat, e Praga, & in altre città della Germania, per la quale dilatazione da signori della Sanità di Venezia sono state bandite le dette città, e loro vicini ...  / G.M. Estense Tassoni.
  • Bando : essendosi dilatato il Male Contagioso anche in Neustat, e Praga, & in altre città della Germania, per la quale dilatazione da signori della Sanità di Venezia sono state bandite le dette città, e loro vicini ...  / G.M. Estense Tassoni.
  • Prohibitione di comercio di tutto il Trentino e de Siginori Griggioni : essendo ragguagliati li Signori Conservatori di Sanità per lettera del Magistrato della Sanità di Brescia in data delli 7. corrente che habbino havvuto li medesimi Signori di Brescia ordine da Venezia d'interdire come di fatto hanno interdetto il comercio de Signori Trentini, e Griggioni ... / G.M. Estense Tassoni.
  • Prohibitione di comercio di tutto il Trentino e de Siginori Griggioni : essendo ragguagliati li Signori Conservatori di Sanità per lettera del Magistrato della Sanità di Brescia in data delli 7. corrente che habbino havvuto li medesimi Signori di Brescia ordine da Venezia d'interdire come di fatto hanno interdetto il comercio de Signori Trentini, e Griggioni ... / G.M. Estense Tassoni.
  • Fat particles from the kidneys of a large sheep and some viewed with the aid of a microscope (fig. 1, a-d; e-h; i-m) (illustrations to entry on Adeps); human allantois of twins, in two views (figs 2-3), and an allantois of a small aborted foetus (fig. 4) (illustrations to entry on Allantois) Etching by G. Bickham after himself, 1743.
  • Memoire sur l'usage œconomique du digesteur de Papin / donnée au public par la Société des Belles-Lettres, Sciences et Arts de Clermont-Ferrand. Par M. ***, avoc. anc. sécret. de la même Société et auteur des Ouvertures de paix universelle [i.e. F.G. Quériau].
  • Editto contro Graz nella Stiria, e Bruma nel Marchesato di Moravia per cagione di peste : havendo havuto avviso l'Illustrissimi Signori Conservatori della Sanità di Ferrara  ... che in Graz nella Stiria, & in Bruma nel Marchesato di Moravia sia penetrato il Contagio ...  / G.M. Estense Tassoni.
  • Bando : per gli avvisi havuti da questi signori conservatori della sanità che si sia scoperto il Mal Contagioso à Cilla sopra Lubiana circa quaranta miglia, e che la città di Trieste habbia bandito il commercio, non solo con detto luogo di Cilla, mà anco con Lubiana ...  / G.M. Estense Tassoni.
  • Bando : per gli avvisi havuti da questi signori conservatori della sanità che si sia scoperto il Mal Contagioso à Cilla sopra Lubiana circa quaranta miglia, e che la città di Trieste habbia bandito il commercio, non solo con detto luogo di Cilla, mà anco con Lubiana ...  / G.M. Estense Tassoni.
  • London School of Tropical Medicine, 7th Session group portrait, including Sir Patrick Manson, J.T. Bradley, B.G. Brock, J. Ritchie Brown, C.W. Daniels, D. M. Ford, A.L.N. MacLean, R.N. Moffatt, A. Terzi, Rev. A.P. Tjellstrom, J.P. Tullock, P. Michelli, T.E. Rice, P.T. Manson (different from Sir Patrick Manson), Dr. Sambon, G.D. Warren, Robert (lab assistant.
  • Bazilica chymica, et praxis chymiatricæ, or Royal and practical chymistry in three treatises. Wherein all those excellent medicines and chymical preparations are fully discovered, from whence our modern chymists have drawn their choicest remedies / Being a translation of Oswald Crollius his Royal chymistry, augmented and inl. by John Hartman. To which is added his Treatise of signatures of internal things. Or, A true and lively anatomy of the greater and lesser world. As also the Practice of chymistry of John Hartman, M.D., augmented and inlarged by his son [G.E. Hartmann]. All faithfully Englished by a lover of chymistry.
  • Bazilica chymica, et praxis chymiatricæ, or Royal and practical chymistry in three treatises. Wherein all those excellent medicines and chymical preparations are fully discovered, from whence our modern chymists have drawn their choicest remedies / Being a translation of Oswald Crollius his Royal chymistry, augmented and inl. by John Hartman. To which is added his Treatise of signatures of internal things. Or, A true and lively anatomy of the greater and lesser world. As also the Practice of chymistry of John Hartman, M.D., augmented and inlarged by his son [G.E. Hartmann]. All faithfully Englished by a lover of chymistry.
  • Annual report for the year 1902 (fifth year of issue) / Metropolitan Asylums Board.