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173 results
  • N. Andre, posture and corrective excercises
  • Chinese woodcut: Twelve Brocades of Cultivation: 7th posture
  • Chinese woodcut: Twelve Brocades of Cultivation: 8th posture
  • Chinese woodcut: Twelve Brocades of Cultivation - 1st posture
  • Guidelines to correct back posture in Djibouti. Colour lithograph, ca. 2000.
  • The Jaina saint Mahavira in the kayotsarga posture, from the Kalpasutra
  • "The upright posture of man, a review of its origin and evolution."
  • A man walking with the posture of a drunkard. Drawing with wash, c. 1789.
  • Effects of post mortem posture on the blood in the brains of two rabbits
  • Gentlemen being instructed in dancing and posture. Mezzotint by B. Clowes after J. Collet, ca. 1768.
  • Abel Drugger, from Ben Jonson's 'The alchemist', in a posture of combat. Engraving by J. Thornthwaite, 1777, after Roberts.
  • An Indian person of high rank in a yogic posture (the bow pose, or dhanurāsana). Gouache painting by an Indian painter.
  • The examination of the uterus, the natural posture of a child at birth, an uterus cut open and a chair used for the delivery of children. Engraving with etching.
  • A naked man wearing a necklace with one hand on his chest and the message in German ''show posture'; an advertisement for safe sex by the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz, AIDS Suisse Contre le SIDA and Aiuto AIDS Svizzero. Lithograph, 1990.
  • Cain, a bald-headed man with a nose ring and denim waistcoat bearing badges holds his hands in fists in a threatening posture with the message "AIDS is not the threat, it's carelessness ..."; advertising safe sex. Colour lithograph by Jan Gort for the SAD Schorerstichting.
  • Krsna enchants the natural and human worlds with his flute. Standing in the tribhangi or 'three bends' posture, Krsna plays the flute as enchanted gopis, cattle, and birds look on. A clump of trees act as a sheltering umbrella, the symbol of gods and kings in Indic iconography.
  • Krsna enchants the natural and human worlds with his flute. Standing in the tribhangi or 'three bends' posture, Krsna plays the flute as enchanted gopis, cattle, and birds look on. A clump of trees act as a sheltering umbrella, the symbol of gods and kings in Indic iconography.
  • Twenty hands shown in various postures, movements and deeds. Drawing, c. 1793.
  • (Above) A man receiving a command from another, showing postures of timidity and arrogance; (below) a prisoner sits manacled while one gentleman prays and another waits with a sword, showing postures of prayer, desire for liberty, and fatuity. Coloured lithograph, ca. 1854.
  • Two men exhibiting postures which express their character: on the left a man of 'brutal sensibility', on the right, a miser. Drawing by D.N. Chodowiecki, c. 1789.
  • Daoyin tu - chart for leading and guiding people in exercise for improving health and treatment of pain, containing animal postures such as bear walk. The images originally come from a 'Guiding and Pulling Chart' excavated from the Mawangdui Tomb 3 (sealed in 168BC) in the former kingdom of Changsha.
  • Daoyin tu - chart for leading and guiding people in exercise for improving health and treatment of pain, containing animal postures such as bear walk. This is a reconstruction of a 'Guiding and Pulling Chart' excavated from the Mawangdui Tomb 3 (sealed in 168BC) in the former kingdom of Changsha. The original is in the Hunan Provincial Museum, Changsha, China.
  • A young man posing in the street with hat and cane: three views. Stipple engraving after H.W. Bunbury.
  • A man with a large, protruding head walking with a heavy gait; illustrating the reflective faculty in phrenology. Steel engraving by A. Devrits, 1847, after H. Bruyères.
  • A man is carrying a sphere on his shoulders; showing the bones of the right leg and the right arm. Steel engraving.
  • Joseph Clark, a contortionist. Line engraving by P. Tempest after M. Laroon.
  • How accidents happen : when lifting... when carrying... and remember / prepared for the Ministry of Labour and National Service by the Central Office of Information.
  • A clothed woman pours from a jug and kneels to a praying position. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • A naked woman pours from a jug, kneels to a praying position and picks up a handkerchief. Collotype after Eadweard Muybridge, 1887.
  • A woman kneeling, holding a vase. Drawing, c. 1793.