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1,368 results
  • Two women talking about politics, one of them smoking a pipe. Lithograph by A. Lorentz.
  • Doctor Cromm talks to a diseased prostitute; surrounded by macabre symbols of contemporary French politics. Lithograph by Félicien Rops.
  • Gladstone and three other politicians involved in Irish politics as Christmas drinking companions. Colour lithograph by Tom Merry, 24 December 1887.
  • Gladstone and three other politicians involved in Irish politics as Christmas drinking companions. Colour lithograph by Tom Merry, 24 December 1887.
  • The emblematic figure of a man representing secularisation, technical innovation, educational reforms and liberal politics in the United Kingdom. Lithograph, ca. 1830.
  • Men sitting around a candle-lit table, talking about politics, smoking and drinking. Lithograph by C.J.W. Winter after G.M. Woodward.
  • A quack doctor offering a gouty John Bull some medicine while conventional doctors are turned away; referring to British politics. Coloured lithograph attributed to J. Doyle.
  • A quack doctor offering a gouty John Bull some medicine while conventional doctors are turned away; referring to British politics. Coloured lithograph attributed to J. Doyle.
  • A quack doctor offering a gouty John Bull some medicine while conventional doctors are turned away; referring to British politics. Coloured lithograph attributed to J. Doyle.
  • A Liberal dentist discussing politics and the merits of Gladstone to his patient (a Tory) while the latter is prevented from speaking. Wood engraving by F.H., 1892.
  • Henry Addington as a medical practitioner bleeding the exhausted John Bull, assisted by other politicians; representing Britain's strength being sapped by nepotism in politics and by war with Napoleon. Coloured etching by J. Gillray, 1803.
  • Essay in political arithmetick
  • Two essays in political arithmetick, concerning the people, housing, hospitals, etc. of London and Paris / By Sir William Petty.
  • Burma: a wounded political officer being carried on a stretcher. Wood engraving by P. Naumann, 1889, after W.B. Wollen.
  • Reginald McKenna as British Home Secretary asking Æsculapius for help with the microbe "Militancy"; referring to political militancy. Wood engraving.
  • Two men walking above a city; representing harmony of religious or political states. Etching by C. Murer after himself, c. 1600-1614.
  • A sick old woman seated between two doctors each prescribing different medication; representing Wellington's and Russell's opposing political views. Coloured etching, 1831.
  • Men diving into the Fleet ditch, London; representing the activities of political scandal-mongers. Process print after C. Grignion after F.  Hayman.
  • Men diving into the Fleet ditch, London; representing the activities of political scandal-mongers. Process print after C. Grignion after F.  Hayman.
  • A barber reading political news from a newspaper to his client; in the background another man listens too. Mezzotint after T. Clater (?).
  • John Bull shaking the hand of a sick man; referring to Wellington's illness and depression due to political strain. Coloured lithograph by J. Doyle, 1831.
  • Prince Albert and Queen Victoria instructing their children in the alphabet; a political alphabet frames the image. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1843.
  • One of a group of soldiers has his arm cupped; representing the political situation of France in relation to the German states. Coloured etching, 1820.
  • Bethlem Hospital, London: the incurables being inspected by a member of the medical staff, with the patients represented by political figures. Drawing by Thomas Rowlandson, 1789.
  • W.E. Gladstone as Dr. Faustus making a pact with Mephistopheles in order to satisfy his political ambitions. Lithograph by J.M Rogier, 12 December 1885.
  • John Bull being force-fed via a stomach pump, by a queue of people; representing Britain's numerous political problems. Colour photomechanical reproduction after S. Pritchard, 1913.
  • A patient asking her doctor his political leanings, he retorts that it varies - depending on who he is treating. Wood engraving after A.T. Smith.
  • Political and social events of 1830 as predicted by Raphael; twelve months of the year on each side of the central image. Wood engraving and letterpress, 1830.
  • John Bull presented as the Chinese labourer Hoo Loo surrounded by surgeons discussing the removal of his tumor; referring to British political reform. Coloured lithograph by J. Doyle, 1831.
  • A rowdy dinner of British political radicals at John Horne Tooke's house in Wimbledon: Tooke and Burdett wear bonnets rouges. Coloured etching by Thomaso Scrutiny (Samuel De Wilde?), 1808.