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42 results
  • Photomicrographs, histology of dinosaur tumour
  • Photomicrographs, histology of dinosaur tumour
  • Photomicrographs of lung tissue stained with eosin, showing alveolar structure
  • Daguerreotype - photomicrographs made by Leon Foucault
  • The Wellcome Building, Euston Road, London: a device for viewing photomicrographs in the Wellcome Museum of Medical Science. Photograph.
  • Human milk. Photomicrograph by Léon Foucault, 1844.
  • Uric acid crystals. Photomicrograph by Léon Foucault, 1844.
  • Photomicrograph of callus in fractured fibula of Edaphosaurus
  • Spermatozoa of a frog. Photomicrograph by Léon Foucault, 1844.
  • Rouleaux of blood corpuscles. Photomicrograph by Léon Foucault, 1844.
  • Spermatozoa of a mouse. Photomicrograph by Léon Foucault, 1844.
  • Rouleaux of blood corpuscles. Photomicrograph by Léon Foucault, 1844.
  • The sandfly Phlebotomus argentipes: longitudinal section of abdomen. Photomicrograph, 1900/1950.
  • Blood corpuscles of a frog. Photomicrograph by Léon Foucault, 1844.
  • Blood corpuscles of a frog. Photomicrograph by Léon Foucault, 1844.
  • The sandfly Phlebotomus argentipes, the transmitter of kala-azar disease, feeding on a mammal. Photomicrograph, 1900/1950.
  • Vanillin crystals, LM
  • Artificial sweetener saccharin crystals, LM
  • Artificial sweetener saccharin crystals, LM
  • Malarial infection: a cross-section of blood cells (from the work of Alphonse Laveran). Photograph, ca. 1890.
  • Four kidney sections showing the kidney affected by yellow fever. Photograph, 1920/1950 (?).
  • Yellow fever: section of brain of a patient infected with yellow fever. Photograph, 1900/1920 (?).
  • Type I diabetes glucagon production in pancreas
  • Insulinoma, amyloid deposits in pancreas islets.
  • Alpha cells secreting glucagon, human pancreas
  • Formation of islets from ductal cells in foetal pancreas
  • Kidney: pyaemic abscess
  • Calcifying pancreatitis, Ca deposition/pancreatic damage
  • Beta cells secreting insulin in human pancreas
  • Focal pancreatitis, inflammation of exocrine cells