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56 results
  • Pediatrics of the past : an anthology / [John Ruhräh].
  • The Journal of pediatrics.
  • Semi-centennial volume of the American Pediatric Society, 1888-1938.
  • A girl holding a teddy, a hand on the shoulder of another girl, a boy being tested with a stethoscope and a mother holding a child; advertisement for the 5th annual national Pediatric AIDS conference, September 6-8, 1989, Los Angeles, California. Colour lithograph by T. J. B., 1989.
  • The diseases of infancy and childhood : designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine / by Henry Koplik.
  • De morbis puerorum, or, a treatise of the diseases of children; with their causes, signs, prognosticks, and cures. For the benefit of such as do not understand the Latine tongue, and very useful for all such as are house-keepers, and have children ... / by Robert Pemell.
  • Traité de médecine des enfants / publiée sous la direction de P. Nobécourt et L. Babonneix ; secrétaires de la rédaction: J. Cathala et J. Hutinel.
  • The diseases of infancy and childhood : designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine / by Henry Koplik.
  • The diseases of infancy and childhood : designed for the use of students and practitioners of medicine / by Henry Koplik.
  • An essay on the diseases most fatal to infants. To which are added rules to be observed in the nursing of children: with a particular view to those who are brought up by hand ... / [George Armstrong].
  • Verhandelinge van de opvoedinge en ziekten der kinderen : vertoonende op wat wyse de kinderen gezond konnen blyven, en ziek zijnde, bequamelyk konnen herstelt werden zeer nodig voor alle huyshoudende lieden / door Steph. Blankaart.
  • The history of paediatrics : the progress of the study of diseases of children up to the end of the XVIIIth century / by George Frederic Still.
  • Childbirth, or the happie deliverie of women. Wherein is set downe the gouernment of women ... together with the diseases which happen to women. To which is added, a treatise of the diseases of infants, and young children: with the cure of them / Written in French by Iames Gvillimeav.
  • Childbirth, or the happie deliverie of women. Wherein is set downe the gouernment of women ... together with the diseases which happen to women. To which is added, a treatise of the diseases of infants, and young children: with the cure of them / Written in French by Iames Gvillimeav.
  • De morbis acutis infantum / autore Gualtero Harris.
  • Childbirth, or the happie deliverie of women. Wherein is set downe the gouernment of women ... together with the diseases which happen to women. To which is added, a treatise of the diseases of infants, and young children: with the cure of them / Written in French by Iames Gvillimeav.
  • Die Geschichte der Kinderheilkunde / von Johann v. Bókay.
  • The history of paediatrics : the progress of the study of diseases of children up to the end of the XVIIIth century / by George Frederic Still.
  • De morbis acutis infantum / autore Gualtero Harris.
  • The history of paediatrics : the progress of the study of diseases of children up to the end of the XVIIIth century / by George Frederic Still.
  • MS Japanese 25
  • MS Japanese 25
  • MS Japanese 25
  • MS Japanese 25
  • MS Japanese 25
  • MS Japanese 25
  • MS Japanese 25
  • MS Japanese 25
  • Wonderful phenomena of nature : a female child, (a twin,) 11 years of age, 4 feet 2 inches in height, and weighs one hundred pounds ...
  • Liber ad Almansorem / Contenta in hoc volumine. Liber Rasis ad Almansorem [and others].