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  • A doctor goes off gallivanting with two young dancers. Colour process print after by J-A. Faivre, 1902.
  • [Leaflet (1863?) advertising a variety bill at the Criterion Hall of Amusement, Leicester Square, London with 7 foot tall Polish Giantess, Countess Lodoiska headline act].
  • A musical score against a background of painted red and yellow crosses; advertising a benefit concert in support of World AIDS Day on 1 December 1991 at the Kunsthalle, Bremen. Colour lithograph by Becker Repro Service.
  • A curtained stage from which a keyboard, an arrow, musical notes, a mouth, an eye and various other symbols emanate; an advertisement for a benefit cabaret performance in support of World AIDS Day on 1 December 1993 at the Frankfurter Hof, Mainz. Colour lithograph, 1993.
  • A map of London: showing sites of medical interest in Lambeth, Pimlico, Southwark and Westminster. Coloured lithograph, 1913.
  • A map of London: showing sites of medical interest in Lambeth, Pimlico, Southwark and Westminster. Coloured lithograph, 1913.
  • Another surprise for London! : Important engagement of Pat O'Brien, the Great Irish Giant and his wife, the renowned German Giantess direct from Barnum's American Circus : the tallest married couple in the world ...
  • A map of London: showing sites of medical and other interest in the City of London, and Westminster. Coloured lithograph, 1913.
  • A map of London: showing sites of medical and other interest in the City of London, and Westminster. Coloured lithograph, 1913.
  • Night calls by doctors: sixteen vignettes. Wood engraving by M. Marais, 1897.