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1,307 results
  • Amputation instruments and apparatus.
  • A reference list of surgical instruments and medical appliances, orthopædic and deformity apparatus, hospital furniture and equipment, electro-medical and surgical apparatus, etc / Allen & Hanburys Ltd.
  • A reference list of surgical instruments and medical appliances, orthopædic and deformity apparatus, hospital furniture and equipment, electro-medical and surgical apparatus, etc / Allen & Hanburys Ltd.
  • Jencons (Scientific) Limited : apparatus and instruments for science and industry, laboratory, medical and glassworking equipment.
  • Jencons (Scientific) Limited : apparatus and instruments for science and industry, laboratory, medical and glassworking equipment.
  • Surgical instruments and apparatus. Engraving with etching.
  • Surgical instruments and apparatus, including an air pump vapour bath. Engraving by Campbell.
  • Instruments and apparatus of restraints used in Hanwell.
  • Jencons (Scientific) Limited : apparatus & instruments for science & industry, research, medical & glassworking equipment : office and works Cherrycourt Way Industrial Estate, Stanbridge Road, Leighton Buzzard.
  • Surgical instruments, including lithotomy forceps and Mr. Brockedon's apparatus for weak knee joints. Engraving by J. Cleghorn after C. Varley.
  • Above, surgical instruments and apparatus to cure a fractured humerus; below, Huso, the Isinglass fish. Engraving with etching by T. Jefferys.
  • Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, Wigmore Street, London: alembic flasks and other apparatus in a sixteenth-century alchemist's laboratory. Photograph.
  • Ruck's improved portable medical galvanic apparatus : sold wholesale and retail / by William Ruck.
  • Ruck's improved portable medical galvanic apparatus : sold wholesale and retail / by William Ruck.
  • Series of Graeco-Roman surgical and toilet instruments found at Thebes. In the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum. Ex-hamonic Collection
  • Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, Wigmore Street, London: a display of instruments of torture and appliances for restraint of the insane. Photograph.
  • Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, Wigmore Street, London: a display of instruments of torture and appliances for restraint of the insane. Photograph.
  • A physiology laboratory, either at the Institute of Experimental Medicine or at the Imperial Military Medical Academy, St Petersburg, with workbenches, cabinets of apparatus, and two members of staff. Photograph, 1904.
  • The Röntgen rays in medical work / by David Walsh ; with an introductory section upon electrical apparatus and methods by J.E. Greenhill.
  • The Röntgen rays in medical work / by David Walsh ; with an introductory section upon electrical apparatus and methods by J.E. Greenhill.
  • The Röntgen rays in medical work / by David Walsh ; with an introductory section upon electrical apparatus and methods by J.E. Greenhill.
  • The Röntgen rays in medical work / by David Walsh ; with an introductory section upon electrical apparatus and methods by J.E. Greenhill.
  • The Röntgen rays in medical work / by David Walsh ; with an introductory section upon electrical apparatus and methods by J.E. Greenhill.
  • Description of a glass apparatus, for making in a few minutes, and at a very small expence, the best mineral waters of Pyrmont, Spa, Seltzer, Seydschutz, Aix-la-Chapelle, &c. Together with the description of two new eudiometers, or instruments, for ascertaining the wholesomeness of respirable air, and the method of using these instruments, in a letter to the Rev. Dr. J. Priestley / By J.H. de Magellan, F.R.S.
  • Description of a glass apparatus, for making in a few minutes, and at a very small expence, the best mineral waters of Pyrmont, Spa, Seltzer, Seydschutz, Aix-la-Chapelle, &c. Together with the description of two new eudiometers, or instruments, for ascertaining the wholesomeness of respirable air, and the method of using these instruments, in a letter to the Rev. Dr. J. Priestley / By J.H. de Magellan, F.R.S.
  • Description of a glass apparatus, for making in a few minutes, and at a very small expence, the best mineral waters of Pyrmont, Spa, Seltzer, Seydschutz, Aix-la-Chapelle, &c. Together with the description of two new eudiometers, or instruments, for ascertaining the wholesomeness of respirable air, and the method of using these instruments, in a letter to the Rev. Dr. J. Priestley / By J.H. de Magellan, F.R.S.
  • A surgeon shows a gentleman his surgery: the room contains a human skeleton, écorché figures, rows of jars and a variety of medical instruments. Engraving, ca. 1748.
  • A surgeon shows a gentleman his surgery: the room contains a human skeleton, écorché figures, rows of jars and a variety of medical instruments. Engraving, ca. 1748.
  • The gymnastic free exercises of P. H. Ling : ... a systematized course of gymnastics without apparatus, for the development and strengthening of the body ... adapted to the use of medical men ... / arranged by H. Rothstein ; translated with additions by M. Roth.
  • Surgical apparatus: includes an army medicine chest, demonstrations of a splint for excision of the elbow and an orthopaedic instrument to correct curvature of the spine. Wood engraving, 1850/1880?.