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151 results
  • Illustrated Letterhead Luzern
  • St. Ivel : [letterhead].
  • St. Ivel : [letterhead].
  • Illustrated Letterhead of Glarus
  • [British Red Cross Society letterhead, as used in 1992].
  • [Letterhead for  G.R. Lane of Gloucester (9 September 1992)].
  • [1992 letterhead for Weleda UK, makers of natural medicines and toiletries].
  • Animal Diseases Research Association : Moredun Institute, Gilmerton, Midlothian : [letterhead].
  • Valentine's Meat-Juice Company (established 1871), Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A. : [letterhead].
  • Vann Bros. Ltd. [letterhead] : manufacturers of coldlite instruments : British patents 540806, 549791, 551146.
  • Vann Bros. Ltd. [letterhead] : manufacturers of coldlite instruments : British patents 540806, 549791, 551146.
  • Quorn myco-protein : The Quorn Kitchen, Freepost, Ashford, Kent TN23 2WY : [letterhead].
  • Army Pensions Office [letterhead] : Room... Kentigern House, 65 Brown Street, Glasgow G2 8EX ....
  • Nutricia Dietary Products Ltd. : Nutricia Dietary Products Ltd., 494-496 Honeypot Lane, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 1JH... [letterhead].
  • Lyons Waddell : 5th Floor, Villiers House, 41-47 The Strand, London WC2N 5QB... : [Letterhead].
  • [Letterhead for Salus (UK) Ltd. (8 September 1992), manufacturers of traditional herbal remedies, biological food supplements and natural dietary aids].
  • The Royal Institute of Chemistry : patron: H.M. The Queen : 30 Russell Square, London, W.C.1. : [Letterhead].
  • The Royal Air Forces Association [letterhead] : incorporated by Royal Charter : registered under the War Charities Act, 1960 -Registration No. 226686.
  • War Widows Association of Great Britain : member of Council of British Service and ex-Service Organisations, affiliated to National Council of Women [letterhead].
  • British Limbless Ex-Service Men's Association : registered in accordance with the National Assistance Act, 1948, and as a Charity under the Charities Act, 1960. No.207621 : [letterhead].
  • Arnold & Sons (Savory & Moore Ltd.) [letterhead] : Directors: E.T. Neathercoat, Ph.C., E.A. Umney, Ph.C, E.J.C. Savory, J.E. Saul, Ph. C., F.I.C. : makers of veterinary instruments and appliances : Standard Works, Lawrence Road, Tottenham, N.15.
  • World Summit of Ministers of Health on Programmes for AIDS Prevention : London 26-28 January 1988 / jointly organised by the World Health Organization and the United Kingdom Government.
  • Action Against AIDS : in support of the Terrence Higgins Trust.
  • AIDS Care Education and Training : P.O.Box 1323 London W5 5TF.
  • Positively Women : living with HIV ... changing lives : 347-349 City Road, London EC1V 1LR ...
  • Franklin Watts, a Grolier comapny : 12a Golden Square, London W1R 4BA, England ...
  • The Lethal Chamber Company : sole manufacturers of the Richardson Lethal Chamber, patented : 25, Craven Street, Strand, W.C.
  • The Lethal Chamber Company : sole manufacturers of the Richardson Lethal Chamber, patented : 25, Craven Street, Strand, W.C.
  • The Lethal Chamber Company : sole manufacturers of the Richardson Lethal Chamber, patented : 25, Craven Street, Strand, W.C.
  • The Lethal Chamber Company : sole manufacturers of the Richardson Lethal Chamber, patented : 25, Craven Street, Strand, W.C.