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30 results
  • Two naked children in a drunken state. Lithograph by Piecq, c. 1845, after Gosse.
  • Two naked children bottling champagne. Lithograph by Piecq, c. 1845, after Gosse.
  • Two naked children drinking champagne. Lithograph by Piecq, c. 1845, after Gosse.
  • Two naked children wrapping and inspecting champagne bottles. Lithograph by Piecq, c. 1845, after Gosse.
  • Two naked children pressing grapes. Lithograph by Piecq, c. 1845, after Gosse.
  • Two naked children tasting champagne and tying up bottles. Lithograph by Piecq, c. 1845, after Gosse.
  • Two naked children tying up and storing champagne bottles. Lithograph by Piecq, c. 1845, after Gosse.
  • Two naked children picking grapes. Lithograph by Piecq, c. 1845, after Gosse.
  • Mollusc shells: classification chart showing 132 varieties, with a diagram below outlining details of the three main shapes. Coloured lithograph, 1830/1860?.
  • Jean Calvin on his deathbed, with eight men in attendance. Lithograph by Jacott, 1850.
  • A young woman has the laces of her bodice loosened by her new husband on their wedding night. Coloured lithograph by Bettannier brothers, 1851, after L.-F. Corréard.
  • Franco-Prussian War: a nurse looking out of a window at the queues for bread during the siege of Paris. Coloured transfer lithograph by F. Betbeder, ca. 1871.
  • A little girl seated in a baby carriage urges her mother to pull faster in order to overtake her father who is seated in a wheelchair. Lithograph by Régnier Bettannier et Morlon after N. Bassaget, 1864.
  • Four Protestant reformers translating the Bible. Lithograph by L. Noel after P.A. Labouchère, 1847.
  • Two men hidden behind a fence are watching a young woman bathing; cottages in the background. Coloured lithograph by L. Noël after E. Lepoittevin, 1847.
  • A cart of plague victims at Elliant drawn by a woman in rags. Lithograph by J. Moynet, 1852, after L. Duveau.
  • Pierre-Eloi Fouquier. Lithograph by A. Maurin.
  • Saint Martin of Tours. Coloured lithograph after L.C. Maréchal, 1844.
  • An emaciated old man is transformed by four beauticians. Coloured lithograph by Ch.-J. Fuhr after Ch. Bargue, 1852.
  • A doctor serving in the French Garde Nationale (reserves) feeling the pulse of a frail old man who is seated in an armchair wearing a saucepan on his head. Coloured lithograph by Draner (Jules Renard), 1865.
  • E. Frédéric Dubois d'Amiens. Lithograph by C. L. Masquelier, 1849.
  • François Alexandre Henri Conneau. Lithograph by J. F.G. Llanta after J.-B.F. de Fournier.
  • The busy street in front of the Bath house, Boulogne, France. Coloured lithograph after I.L. Deroy, 1853.
  • Death of Saint Francis Xavier, holding a crucifix, by the sea. Lithograph by L.E.Soulange-Teissier, 1854, after E.J. Lafon.
  • A young woman leans against a tree while she waits for her lover. Lithograph after H. Decaisne.
  • Two young women are standing by a stone wall, one is offering the other a rose to smell. Lithograph by E.C. Fischer, 1844, after Héloise Leloir.
  • Three French army officers of the reign of Louis XVI in military dress: the inspectors of doctors, surgeons and the barracks. Coloured lithograph by G. David, 1854, after A. de Marbot.
  • Three French army officers of the reign of Louis XVI in military dress: the inspectors of doctors, surgeons and the barracks. Coloured lithograph by G. David, 1854, after A. de Marbot.
  • Babies at a maternity hospital refusing to breast feed until the Houses (of Parliament) are dissolved. Coloured lithograph by J.E. Chaponnière, 1831.
  • Eight famous European doctors. Lithograph by J.F.G. Llanta, 1832.