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  • Luxor, Egypt; blacksmith selling his wares. Shows men, one with a goat, examining metal implements. Trades such as smithing are often performed by landless villagers who are often amongst the poorest groups. In 1990, as much as 40% of the rural population was landless. These people often provide village services including carpentry, machinery maintenance, and livestock herding or cultivate land for absentee landlords as tenants and sharecroppers. Photographed in January 1990.
  • A monkey poet, in arrears with his rent, is embarrassed when his landlady opens the door to present him with bills. Etching by T. Landseer, 1828.
  • An elderly land-lady taking a warming-pan to put in her lodgers bed, which is already occupied by someone else. Coloured lithograph by H. Heath.
  • Dr Samuel Johnson reading the manuscript of Oliver Goldsmith's 'The vicar of Wakefield', while a bailiff waits with the landlady. Mezzotint by S. Bellin, 1845, after E.M. Ward.
  • A sick man (Valentine) in bed with his hand held by his sister Camilla: the landlady demands the rent as David Simple enters the room. Line engraving by W. Blake, 1782, after T. Stothard.
  • Fukien province, China: women and children outside a school (?). Photograph by John Thomson, 1871.
  • Fukien province, China: women and children outside a school (?). Photograph by John Thomson, 1871.