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558 results
  • Benares (Varanasi), Uttar Pradesh: the Well of Knowledge. Photograph.
  • The Penny magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.
  • The Penny magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.
  • The Penny magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.
  • The Penny magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.
  • The Penny magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.
  • The Penny magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.
  • The Penny magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.
  • The Penny magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.
  • The Penny magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.
  • The Penny magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.
  • The Penny magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.
  • Transactions of a Society for the Improvement of Medical and Chirurgical Knowledge.
  • Wellcome museum, primitive medicine: primitive knowledge
  • The castle of knowledge / [Robert Record].
  • The castle of knowledge / [Robert Record].
  • The castle of knowledge / [Robert Record].
  • The universal magazine of knowledge and pleasure.
  • The universal magazine of knowledge and pleasure.
  • Three goddesses dance around the Tree of Knowledge. Engraving by J. Payrau, 1901, after E. Burne-Jones.
  • The history of the Royal Society of London, for the Improving of Natural Knowledge / By Tho. Sprat.
  • Medicine of Aborigenal Peoples in the British Commonwealth exhibition. Section I. Knowledge and control of the Natural World.
  • A serpent with a woman's head lurks in the Tree of Knowledge above Adam and Eve. Chromolithograph after Masolino.
  • The knowledge of good and evil, and the consequences of that knowledge, with Adam and Eve and the serpent. Engraving by J. Sadeler, 1583, after M. de Vos.
  • The knowledge of good and evil, and the consequences of that knowledge, with Adam and Eve and the serpent. Engraving by J. Sadeler, 1583, after M. de Vos.
  • The four-handed Mahākāla as the protector of knowledge. Distemper painting.
  • Peter denies knowledge of Christ. Engraving by A. Pauwels after G. Seghers.
  • An essay on the method of acquiring knowledge in physick / [William Graeme].
  • Don't harm yourself ... : arm yourself with knowledge about drugs / NIDA.
  • The castle of knowledge, flanked by the spheres of destiny and fortune. Woodcut, 1556.