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58 results
  • The crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the crucifixion of Saint Andrew. Colour lithograph after F.J. Baigent, 1852, after a painting.
  • Mount Calvary.
  • The descent from the Cross. Engraving by H. Guttenberg after C.A. Chasselat after P.P. Rubens.
  • The Crucifixion. Mezzotint by John Martin after himself, 1834.
  • The cross on which Christ died: a woman holding a child up to view it. Engraving after P.R. Morris.
  • A map of the biblical Palestine with three biblical scenes: Moses and the ten commandments; the serpent on the pole; Christ healing the insane; the Crucifixion. Coloured etching after G. Rogg.
  • The menhir of Saint-Uzec, in Pleumeur-Bodou, Brittany. Colour lithograph after A. de Mortillet.
  • Fernando de Contreras contemplating Christ on the cross. Engraving by D. Dragon after F. Preciado de la Vega.
  • Christ carries the bodily remains of the dead up a ladder to his position on the cross. Etching by A. Hirschvogel, 1547.
  • A prisoner sits in his cell and carves the Crucifixion in the wall with a nail. Engraving by F. Bacon after E.H. Wehnert.
  • The crucifixion of Christ. Woodcut.
  • The altruism of a soldier killed in World War I compared to the death of Christ on the cross. Colour process print after J. Clark, 1914.
  • St Margaret's Westminster: the east window. Engraving by J. Basire, 1768.
  • A personification of Obedience with her attributes is attacked from the sides by eight vices; above her appears Christ on the cross; (top left) the sacrifice of Isaac; (right) Jacob sends Joseph to his brothers; (below) three examples of disobedience, including the expulsion from Paradise. Engraving after H. Wierix .
  • Abraham Francen, apothecary, seated by a window, gazing at a print or drawing. Etching by or after Rembrandt.
  • Abraham Francen, apothecary, seated by a window, gazing at a print or drawing. Etching by or after Rembrandt.
  • Saint Camillus de Lellis: he is presented to Christ on the Cross, who encourages him to found the order of Camillians. Line engraving by D. Miserotti after F. Torelli.
  • The crucifixion of Christ, with Mary and John the Evangelist, and vignettes relating to the Passion. Woodcut.
  • Philip Doddridge as a child being taught the Old and New Testaments by his mother using ceramic tiles around the fireplace. Engraving by G. Presbury after J. Franklin.
  • Frederick III, Elector of Saxony (Frederick the Wise) and Martin Luther kneeling at the feet of Christ on the cross. Woodcut, 1555.
  • Saint Gregory the Great: he holds up before a heretic woman the Host in which Christ crucified appears. Engraving by F. Voyez, 1769, after C. van Loo.
  • The crucified Christ bleeds into cups held by attending angels. Woodcut.
  • Christ's body is carried to its tomb; the lamenting women watch. Line engraving by A. Sadeler after F. Barocci.
  • Saint Faith, holding a gridiron, being addressed in prayer by a monk; the Crucifixion below. Etching after J. Schnebbelie, 1821.
  • The crucifixion of Christ. Line engraving by J. Neeffs after P.P. Rubens, 16--.
  • The crucifixion of Christ. Line engraving by J. Neeffs after P.P. Rubens, 16--.
  • The crucifixion of Christ; his side is punctured by a soldier's lance. Engraving by B. à Bolswert after P.P. Rubens.
  • The four holy women lament over the dead Christ. Engraving by Annibale Carracci, 1597, after himself.
  • An altar, surmounted by a statue of the Virgin surrounded by votive offerings; in the foreground, sick or troubled people praying. Woodcut, 16--.
  • The Virgin holds the dead Christ in her arms. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after A. Tiarini.