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43 results
  • Left, the banner of the Spanish Inquisition; right banner of the Inquisition in Goa. Engraving by B. Picart, 1722.
  • M0006601: Milton visiting Galileo when a prisoner of the Inquisition
  • Left, a young woman condemned to be burnt alive by the Spanish Inquisition; right, a young man about to be burnt alive at the stake by the Spanish Inquisition. Engraving by B. Picart, 1722.
  • The procession of the Spanish Inquisition in Goa entering the church with standards and banners. Engraving.
  • Accused heretics standing before a tribunal of the Spanish Inquisition in Sevilla. Etching by E. Moyse.
  • An auto-da-fé of the Spanish Inquisition held in a church. Engraving by B. Picart.
  • Galileo Galilei at his trial by the Inquisition in Rome in 1633. Photograph of a painting.
  • Galileo Galilei at his trial by the Inquisition in Rome in 1633. Photograph of a painting.
  • The standards and criminal habits used by the Inquisition in the Dominions of Spain & Portugal. Engraving, 1748.
  • An interrogation room of the Spanish Inquisition with two priests and an accused heretic. Engraving by B. Picart, 1722.
  • The torture of William Lithgow in the dungeons of the Inquisition in Malaga in 1620. Line engraving with etching by W. Raddon after Craig.
  • Left, a man convicted of heresy in the Spanish Inquisition; right, a nun that escaped being burned at the stake by recanting. Engraving by B. Picart, 1722.
  • An auto-da-fé of the Spanish Inquisition and the execution of sentences by burning heretics on the stake in a market place. Engraving by B. Picart.
  • An auto-da-fé of the Spanish Inquisition: the burning of heretics in a market place. Wood engraving by H.D. Linton after Bocourt after T. Robert-Fleury.
  • The inside of a jail of the Inquisition, with a priest supervising his scribe while men and women are suspended from pulleys, tortured on the rack or burnt with torches. Etching.
  • The inside of a jail of the Spanish Inquisition, with a priest supervising his scribe while men and women are suspended from pulleys, tortured on the rack or burnt with torches. Etching.
  • A torture chamber of the Spanish Inquisition with suspected heretics having their feet burned or being suspended with a rope from a pulley while scribes note down confessions. Engraving by B. Picart, 1722.
  • Left, a young man avoiding being burnt at the stake for heresy by the Spanish Inquisition by recanting; left, a young woman avoiding being burned alive by recanting after the judgement. Engraving by B. Picart, 1722.
  • A distressed young woman protests her innocence and prays before the judge and the counsel of the Spanish inquisition. Aquatint by J.P.M. Jazet, 1839, after S.J.E. Jones.
  • Pope John Paul II frowns and raises a finger on which sits a condom; a safe sex advertisment for Act Up Europe by Denis Rommelaere and Noël Roger. Lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • The pope reclining forward to kiss the floor with the words in French: 'Fight AIDS: condoms not skull caps'; an advertisement for safe sex to prevent AIDS. Colour lithograph.
  • An auto-da-fé in Spain: the accused are led in procession by the Inquisitors to their trial. Engraving, 1749.
  • An auto-da-fé in Spain: the accused are led in procession by the Inquisitors to their trial. Engraving, 1749.
  • An auto-da-fé in the Great Square in Madrid with the inquisitors pronouncing the sentences to the accused and the crowds on the tribunes. Engraving.
  • S. A. Hart; "Milton visiting Galileo..."; 1847
  • Above, the martyr Nicholas Burton is tied and suspended from a hook and tortured by men using pliers to tear flesh from his body; below, Richard Wilmot and Thomas Halifax are scourged in Drapers Hall, London. Engraving with etching.
  • A nude woman and child with proportional markings, seen from the front. Etching by J. García Hidalgo, ca. 1691.
  • A nude woman and child with proportional markings, seen from the front. Etching by J. García Hidalgo, ca. 1691.
  • A cock, representing Theodorus de Cock (Theodorus de Kock). Engraving attributed to Carel Allard, 1705.
  • A Christian man being burned at the stake in Japan; a crowd watching. Wood engraving by J. Gauchard after A. Feyen-Perrin.