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20 results
  • Northern and central Africa: indigenous peoples, landscapes and animals. Lithograph.
  • Abyssinia (Ethiopia): animals and indigenous people, including an Abyssinian priest, Adael and Shoho warriors. Lithograph.
  • Abyssinia (Ethiopia): animals and indigenous people, including an Abyssinian priest, Adael and Shoho warriors. Lithograph.
  • Java (Indonesia): animals and indigenous people, including Javan labourers, Javan warriors, a bride of a higher class and a native sportsman being attacked by a tiger. Lithograph.
  • Fuchsia magellanica Lam. Onagraceae. Hardy fuchsia. Semi-hardy shrub. Distribution: Mountainous regions of Chile and Argentina where they are called 'Chilco' by the indigenous people, the Mapuche. The genus was discovered by Charles Plumier in Hispaniola in 1696/7, and named by him for Leonhart Fuchs (1501-1566), German Professor of Medicine, whose illustrated herbal, De Historia Stirpium (1542) attempted the identification of the plants in the Classical herbals. It also contained the first accounts of maize, Zea mays, and chilli peppers, Capsicum annuum, then recently introduced from Latin America. He was also the first person to publish an account and woodcuts of foxgloves, Digitalis purpurea and D. lutea. The book contains 500 descriptions and woodcuts of medicinal plants, arranged in alphabetical order, and relied heavily on the De Materia Medica (c. AD 70) of Dioscorides. He was a powerful influence on the herbals of Dodoens, and thence to Gerard, L’Escluse and Henry Lyte. A small quarto edition appeared in 1551, and a two volume facsimile of the 1542 edition with commentary and selected translations from the Latin was published by Stanford Press in 1999. The original woodcuts were passed from printer to printer and continued in use for 232 years (Schinz, 1774). Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • M0005599: Ashanti girl with a traditional Akuaba doll, Ghana
  • M0000038: Palang (ampallang) beneath a photograph of it in use
  • M0000038: Palang (ampallang) beneath a photograph of it in use
  • M0000038: Palang (ampallang) beneath a photograph of it in use
  • Malay Chiefs, Mindanao. The phrenological journal, 1899.
  • M0000038: Palang (ampallang) beneath a photograph of it in use
  • "Fig. 1 - Negrito" The phrenological journal, 1870.
  • Fig. 2 - A Tagal Naturalist. The phrenological journal, 1871.
  • Visayas women weaving. The phrenological journal, 1899.
  • Three people from different backgrounds of the Northwest Territories of Canada discussing the facts on AIDS; advertisement by Northwest Territories Health. Colour lithograph.
  • Sculpted image of Ojibway medicine man sucking out disease.
  • Sculpted image of Ojibway medicine man sucking out disease
  • Sculpted image of Ojibway medicine man sucking out disease.
  • Two people reach out to touch the tree of life and hope surrounded by dragonflies, frogs, birds and a butterfly representing an Aboriginal depiction of the cycle of life and the role people must play to ensure an AIDS free future. Colour lithograph by Zane Saunders, March 1993.
  • Nepal; Sherpa traders of the Khumbu, 1986