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12 results
  • Hop pickers at work. Wood-engraving, c. 1842 (?).
  • Hop pickers at work. Wood-engraving, c. 1843 (?).
  • Hop pickers at work. Colour line block by Leighton Brothers after A. Hunt, 185-.
  • Two scenes of farm buildings with workers packing hops. Wood-engraving, c. 1874.
  • Four scenes of hops being packed and workers being paid. Wood-engraving, c. 1874.
  • Hops being cut down and harvested in the field. Aquatint, c. 1786.
  • Harvest time in a hop-garden at Farnham, Surrey. Wood-engraving, c. 1835.
  • Hops being cut down and harvested: six scenes. Sepia aquatint by W.H. Pyne, ca. 1804.
  • A woman with young children sitting in a hop field during harvesting. Stipple engraving with etching by G. Stodart, c. 1845, after W. Witherington.
  • A woman decorating a girl's hat with hops in a hop field during harvest. Stipple engraving with etching by H. Bourne, c. 1845, after W. Witherington.
  • Harvest time in a hop-garden in Kent. Wood-engraving, c. 1857 (?).
  • John Bull making hop-tea in front of a hop grower and his workers; representing adulteration of beer by brewers. Chromolithograph by T. Merry, 1890, after himself.