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88 results
  • Simon Plössl. Lithograph by J. Kriehuber, 1836.
  • Pierre Simon, Marquis de Laplace. Stipple engraving by J. Posselwhite after J. C. Naigeon.
  • Simon Forman, astrologer. Oil painting after J. Bulfinch, ca. 1900.
  • Simon Forman, astrologer. Oil painting after J. Bulfinch, ca. 1900.
  • Saint Simon. Etching by B. Maura, 1874, after J. Ribera.
  • Conversion of Simon the Sorcerer. Aquatint by J. Stewart after Raphael.
  • Simon Forman. Line engraving by R. Godfrey, 1776, after J. Bulfinch.
  • Sir Samuel Garth. Mezzotint by J. Simon after Sir G. Kneller.
  • Pierre Simon, Marquis de Laplace. Stipple engraving after J. C. Naigeon.
  • Simon Forman. Line engraving by R. Godfrey, 1776, after J. Bulfinch.
  • Saint Simon the Apostle (Zelotes): his martyrdom. Etching after J. Callot.
  • Peter Simon Pallas. Line engraving by J.C. Krüger.
  • Simon André Tissot. Line engraving by J. Mercorus (Mercoli) after A. Guanzati.
  • Joseph Honoré Simon Beau. Wood engraving by J. Robert after M. Chenu.
  • Simon André Tissot. Line engraving by J. Mercorus (Mercoli) after A. Guanzati.
  • Sir Isaac Newton. Wash drawing by G. S., 1848, after J. Simon, 1723, after Sir J. Thornhill, 1710.
  • Georg Simon Kluegel. Line engraving by G. A. Liebe, 1790, after J. Rieter.
  • Saint Paul preaches before a crowd in Athens. Mezzotint by J. Simon after Raphael.
  • Saint Paul preaches before a crowd in Athens. Mezzotint by J. Simon after Raphael.
  • Sir Theodore Turquet de Mayerne. Mezzotint by J. Simon after Sir P. P. Rubens.
  • A man telling a lady's horoscope. Colour stipple engraving by J.P. Simon, 1786, after J.R. Smith.
  • Saint Simon. Line engraving by L. Kilian, 1623, after J.M. Kager.
  • The apostles Peter and John heal the lame man. Mezzotint by J. Simon after Raphael.
  • The apostles suddenly receive a miraculous shoal of fishes. Mezzotint by J. Simon after Raphael.
  • Various birds: jay, woodpecker, wood pigeon, woodcock, curlew and bittern. Etching by J. Simon after F. Barlow.
  • John Dryden, Samuel Garth, John Vanbrugh, and Richard Steele. Mezzotint by J. Simon after Sir G. Kneller.
  • The burial of Atala outside her cave in the mountains. Stipple print with etching by J.P. Simon after J.B. Mallet.
  • The death of General Simon Fraser at the Battle of Bemis Heights, Saratoga. Stipple engraving by W. Nutter after J. Graham.
  • Jean Origet (left) and Nicolas Simon (right). Line engraving by A.F.B. Geille after J.-L. Boilly.
  • The death of General Simon Fraser at the Battle of Bemis Heights, Saratoga: key print. Letterpress and etching, 1803, after J. Graham.