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112 results
  • Are you an HIV positive woman? : Want to speak to other HIV positive women? : 0207713 0222 / Positively Women, living with HIV ... changing lives.
  • Two HIV positive women look over their shoulders to suggest their social isolation while below the same women look forwards to reflect a more positive attitude; an advertisement for the support services offered for HIV positive women by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Lauterbach and Boek.
  • The dial of a telephone; advertising the telephone helpline run by Berliner AIDS-Hilfe for women and HIV-positive people. Colour lithograph, 1996.
  • Four strips of numbered positive photos of four different women with the words: "Frauen Positiv Power'; a message about HIV positive women by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph by Renate Altermath and Augenblitz.
  • Two lesbian women preparing to inject themselves representing a warning to the lesbian community about being HIV positive by the AIDS Council of New South Wales. Colour lithograph.
  • A group of women and a child stand with their arms around each other wearing dresses representing unity and strength; advertising a support group for HIV positive women by the AIDS Action Council of the ACT, Australia. Colour lithograph.
  • The back view of woman in a tight white strappy dress who is embraced by a man; with the message in German 'Humanity is contagious. With HIV (positive) women do not stroke/caress'; an advertisement by the AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph by PK&P.
  • We are women, men, black, white, religious, non-religious, HIV positive, HIV negative, untested, sons, daughters, carers, parents, students, NHS/local authority workers ... and proud : Lesbian & Gay Switchboard ... Terrence Higgins Trust / produced by the West London Health Promotion Agency.
  • We are women, men, black, white, religious, non-religious, HIV positive, HIV negative, untested, sons, daughters, carers, parents, students, NHS/local authority workers ... and proud : Lesbian & Gay Switchboard ... Terrence Higgins Trust / produced by the West London Health Promotion Agency.
  • The faces of HIV Positive men and women with a message that HIV does not discriminate but people do; advertisement by the National AIDS Campaign and Australian National Council on AIDS. Colour lithograph.
  • One of the principal routes of transmission of HIV is from a woman with HIV to her baby during pregnancy, birth or breast feeding : 3% of all women attending antenatal clinics in Mumbai (Bombay) are testing HIV positive / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities.
  • One of the principal routes of transmission of HIV is from a woman with HIV to her baby during pregnancy, birth or breast feeding : 3% of all women attending antenatal clinics in Mumbai (Bombay) are testing HIV positive / NPL, The Naz Project, an HIV/AIDS service for the South Asian, Middle Eastern & North African communities.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women.
  • Plain speaking about HIV and AIDS and how it affects women, written for women by the experts - women. 4, Women, drugs and HIV / Positively Women.