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945 results
  • A face bearing a blurred bustling street scene; representing an an HIV positive person in the city. Colour lithograph by Marc Petaud, 1989, for CRIPS (Centre Régional d'Information et de Prévention du SIDA).
  • A small forlorn-looking man looking up suggesting the feeling that an HIV positive gay person experiences; an advertisement for solidarity for gay and lesbians with HIV by the Coordinadora gai-lesbiana. Colour lithograph, ca. 1996.
  • A yellow hand holding within its palm, a red and blue huddled figure representing an HIV positive person suffering in isolation; with a description of the social effects of the HIV infection; an advertisement by the Österreichische AIDS-Hilfe. Colour lithograph, 199-.
  • A man stands with his hands in his pockets with the question in French: "You need to feel loved. Why would an HIV positive person be any different from you?"; advertisement for the SIDA Info Service by the Agence française de lutte contre le SIDA. Colour lithograph.
  • A woman stands holding her arms with the question in French: "You consider your work to be an important part of your life. Why would an HIV positive person be any different from you?"; advertisement for the SIDA Info Service by the Agence française de lutte contre le SIDA. Colour lithograph.
  • A message in Italian yellow lettering asking can you kiss an HIV positive person with the answer yes because AIDS is not contracted in this way; one of a series of safe sex posters from a 'Stop AIDS' poster campaign by Aiuto AIDS Svizzero, in collaboration with the Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph.
  • A message in Italian yellow lettering asking can you stroke an HIV positive person with the answer yes because AIDS is not contracted in this way; one of a series of safe sex posters from a 'Stop AIDS' poster campaign by Aiuto AIDS Svizzero, in collaboration with the Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph.
  • A message in French yellow lettering asking can you cuddle an HIV positive person with the answer yes because you can't catch AIDS in this way; French version of a series of 'Stop SIDA' [Stop AIDS] campaign posters by the Federal Office of Public Health, in collaboration with the l'Aide Suisse contre le SIDA. Colour lithograph.
  • A message in French yellow lettering asking can you kiss an HIV positive person with the answer yes because you can't catch AIDS in this way; French version of a series of 'Stop SIDA' [Stop AIDS] campaign posters by the Federal Office of Public Health, in collaboration with the l'Aide Suisse contre le SIDA. Colour lithograph.
  • A message in German yellow lettering asking can you make love with an HIV positive person with the answer yes because condoms protect against AIDS; an advertisement for safe sex and the trademark 'OK' quality seal awarded to brand condoms; one of a series of posters from a 'Stop AIDS' campaign by the AIDS-Hilfe Schweiz in collaboration with the Office of Federal Health. Colour lithograph.
  • A message in French yellow lettering asking can you make love with an HIV positive person with the answer yes because condoms protect against AIDS; an advertisement for safe sex and the trademark 'OK' quality seal awarded to brand condoms; French version of a series of 'Stop SIDA' [Stop AIDS] campaign posters by the Federal Office of Public Health, in collaboration with the l'Aide Suisse contre le SIDA. Colour lithograph.
  • A message in Italian yellow lettering asking can you make love with an HIV positive person with the answer yes because condoms protect against AIDS; an advertisement for safe sex and the trademark 'OK' quality seal awarded to brand condoms; one of a series of safe sex posters from a 'Stop AIDS' poster campaign by the Auto AIDS Svizzero, in collaboration with the Office of Public Health. Colour lithograph.
  • Annonce de la séropositivité : be gay : bien être / Crips Île-de-France.
  • Annonce de la séropositivité : be gay : bien être / Crips Île-de-France.
  • Annonce de la séropositivité : be gay : bien être / Crips Île-de-France.
  • Annonce de la séropositivité : be gay : bien être / Crips Île-de-France.
  • Annonce de la séropositivité : be gay : bien être / Crips Île-de-France.
  • Annonce de la séropositivité : be gay : bien être / Crips Île-de-France.
  • Annonce de la séropositivité : be gay : bien être / Crips Île-de-France.
  • Annonce de la séropositivité : be gay : bien être / Crips Île-de-France.
  • A manifestation about AIDS and HIV issued by L'agence de Prevention du SIDA with the message in bold French lettering: 'So, if there were no problems, where is the problem?'. Lithograph ca. 1996.
  • Trop... séropo? : on est tous le "trop" ou le "pas assez" de quelqu'un... / AIDES.
  • Trop... séropo? : on est tous le "trop" ou le "pas assez" de quelqu'un... / AIDES.
  • A man with AIDS showing skin markings caused by the HIV virus on his arms and face; an appeal for donations by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe e.V. Colour lithograph by Ines de Nil, 199-.
  • The letter 'H' of 'HIV' crossed out and 'L' inserted to read 'Living'; advertisement by the Comité des personnes atteintes du VIH du Québec. Colour lithograph.
  • A man with HIV explaining why he uses the CPAVIH, Comité des personnes atteintes du VIH du Québec. Colour lithograph.
  • The letter 'H' of 'VIH' crossed out and 'E' inserted to read 'VIE'; advertisement by the Comité des personnes atteintes du VIH du Québec. Colour lithograph.
  • The faces of HIV Positive men and women with a message that HIV does not discriminate but people do; advertisement by the National AIDS Campaign and Australian National Council on AIDS. Colour lithograph.
  • Three figures leaning out with their arms joined representing a warning about HIV; advertisement for the Sunnye Sherman AIDS Education services available from the Whitman-Walker Clinic, Washington. Colour lithograph by Annie Adjchavanich and Jayson Hait.
  • A telephone directory list highlighting the numbers for the AIDS information line and HIV + line with times available; advertisement by AIDS Fonds Stichting. Colour lithograph by Doc Visser of Harry Poortman Design Works.