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31 results
  • Sanax vibrator : 16.
  • Sanax vibrator : 15.
  • Sanax vibrator : 18.
  • Sanax vibrator : 17.
  • Ondes courtes. Notice 110 / Établissements G. Duflot.
  • Ondes courtes. Notice 110 / Établissements G. Duflot.
  • Ondes courtes. Notice 110 / Établissements G. Duflot.
  • All in search of health should wear Harness' electropathic belt : for suffering men & women : for nervous exhaustion, neuralgia, rheumatism, indigestion, sleeplessness, ladies ailments &c. it imparts new life and vigour / The Medical Battery Co., Ltd.
  • Dr. to Richard Trood, medical electrician : 78, Wigmore Street, London, W.
  • Trojan high frequency (violet-ray) electrical outfits for health and  beauty / John Shaw & Sons, Wolverhampton, Ltd.
  • Trojan high frequency (violet-ray) electrical outfits for health and  beauty / John Shaw & Sons, Wolverhampton, Ltd.
  • Trojan high frequency (violet-ray) electrical outfits for health and  beauty / John Shaw & Sons, Wolverhampton, Ltd.
  • Trojan high frequency (violet-ray) electrical outfits for health and  beauty / John Shaw & Sons, Wolverhampton, Ltd.
  • All who suffer from rheumatism, gout, sciatica, lumbago, torpid liver, indigestion ... or any form of disease or weakness should avoid poisonous drugs, quack medicines ... and try the marvellous curative efficacity of Mr. C.B. Harness' world-famed bona-fide "Electropathic" belt / the Electropathic & Zander Institute.
  • All who suffer from rheumatism, gout, sciatica, lumbago, torpid liver, indigestion ... or any form of disease or weakness should avoid poisonous drugs, quack medicines ... and try the marvellous curative efficacity of Mr. C.B. Harness' world-famed bona-fide "Electropathic" belt / the Electropathic & Zander Institute.
  • The "Eclipse" radiant heat hand lamp / Stanley Cox Ltd.
  • The "Eclipse" radiant heat hand lamp / Stanley Cox Ltd.
  • Electricity in failing health : men and women of all ages, and in all stations of life should stop taking poisonous medicines & drugs & simply wear Dr. Carter Moffat's cool feather-weight electric body belt ... / Dr. Carter Moffat.
  • Electricity in failing health : men and women of all ages, and in all stations of life should stop taking poisonous medicines & drugs & simply wear Dr. Carter Moffat's cool feather-weight electric body belt ... / Dr. Carter Moffat.
  • A home remedy : the Electropoise ... / Electrolibration Co.
  • A home remedy : the Electropoise ... / Electrolibration Co.
  • A home remedy : the Electropoise ... / Electrolibration Co.
  • A home remedy : the Electropoise ... / Electrolibration Co.
  • Ruck's improved portable medical galvanic apparatus : sold wholesale and retail / by William Ruck.
  • Ruck's improved portable medical galvanic apparatus : sold wholesale and retail / by William Ruck.
  • Disease exterminated from the system and every form of nervous, muscular, or organic weakness cured without drugs ... : Harness' electropathic belt : it imparts new life and vigour to the debilitated / the Medical Battery Company Limited.
  • Disease exterminated from the system and every form of nervous, muscular, or organic weakness cured without drugs ... : Harness' electropathic belt : it imparts new life and vigour to the debilitated / the Medical Battery Company Limited.
  • Pulvermacher's patent portable hydro-electric chain for personal use : (inventor and patentee- J.L. Pulvermacher) ... / Charles Meinig.
  • Pulvermacher's patent portable hydro-electric chain for personal use : (inventor and patentee- J.L. Pulvermacher) ... / Charles Meinig.
  • Pulvermacher's patent portable hydro-electric chain for personal use : (inventor and patentee- J.L. Pulvermacher) ... / Charles Meinig.