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91 results
  • Cell flower formed from a 3T3 fibroblast cell. An unusually shaped cell found growing under normal conditions. The cell nucleus, containing the DNA, is stained in blue with DAPI. The cell body is stained for F-actin in red to reveal the flowere like shape.
  • Human neural stem cells stained for nestin (red). Nestin is a type of intermediate filamant protein that is used as a marker of neural stem cells. The blue dots are the cell nuclei stained with DAPI. Neural stem cells can be made to develop into cells found in the central nervous system; neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.
  • Cellular architecture of normal human skin imaged by whole mount tissue microscopy. Human skin has a rich network of white blood cells (specifically dendritic cells, T cells and macrophages) which form sheaths around blood vessels. In this image, T cells (stained for CD3; red) dendritic cells (stained for MHC class II; green) and macrophages (stained for LYVE-1; blue with some cells showing a tinge of green) can be seen. Cell nuclei have been stained with DAPI (grey). This normal cellular architecture is grossly disrupted in diseased skin (see related images). X10 magnification. Scale bar (white) represents 200 micrometres.
  • Cellular architecture of normal human skin imaged by whole mount tissue microscopy. Human skin has a rich network of white blood cells (specifically dendritic cells, T cells and macrophages) which form sheaths around blood vessels. In this image, T cells (stained for CD3; red) dendritic cells (stained for MHC class II; green) and macrophages (stained for LYVE-1; blue with some cells showing a tinge of green) can be seen. Cell nuclei have been stained with DAPI (grey). This normal cellular architecture is grossly disrupted in diseased skin (see related images). X20 magnification. Scale bar (white) represents 100 micrometres.
  • Mouse colon
  • Artery cell
  • Mouse small intestine
  • Human appendix infected with measles virus
  • Human appendix infected with measles virus
  • Ferret lung infected with canine distemper virus
  • Ferret lung infected with canine distemper virus
  • Ferret choroid plexus infected with canine distemper virus
  • Osteoblasts
  • Human osteosarcoma cells
  • Human osteosarcoma cells
  • Mouse small intestine
  • Fragile X chromosome, various stains
  • HeLa cells
  • Human osteosarcoma cells
  • Paneth cells
  • Ferret choroid plexus infected with Canine Distemper Virus
  • Neurons derived from neural stem cells
  • Neural tube in chick embryo, confocal
  • Neurons derived from ES cells
  • Mouse neural stem cells growing in culture. Neural stem cells can be made to develop into cells found in the central nervous system; neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.
  • Blood vessels in the retina showing the endothelial cells in red and the vascular contents in green. Surrounding cell nuclei are stained blue.
  • Human HeLa cancer cells, cytokinesis
  • Xenopus cancer kidney cells, prometaphase
  • Xenopus cancer kidney cells,telophase
  • Cytokinesis in neural tube cells of chick embryo