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92 results
  • A young mother cradles her child in her arms. Mezzotint by J. Porter.
  • Six men are working with saws, drills, hammers and vices making chairs, cabinets shelves and cradles. Coloured etching.
  • A distressed woman cradles the body of a dying child in her arms while another woman holds a mask in her right hand. A bearded man and two women watch the scene from a distance. Etching by J. Gregory after M.L.L. Willmann, 1794.
  • Edward II's cradle. Engraving.
  • Edward II's cradle. Engraving.
  • Henry V's cradle. Wood engraving.
  • Henry V's cradle. Wood engraving.
  • Pefume bottle, gilt filigree swinging cradle.
  • Portable cradle metwork, Hall Sound, New Guinea
  • Cradle shown in Madonna with cat by Romano.
  • Child's cradle, Italian, 16th-17th century.
  • A woman taking her baby from its cradle. Engraving.
  • Birth of the Virgin by Wierx, showing child in cradle.
  • Child in cradle or carrier with contrivance for applying lateral pressure to the skull.
  • Two angels approach the Virgin Mary and Joseph with Christ sleeping in his cradle. Etching.
  • Two people watching over the cradle of a sleeping baby at night. Aquatint after Rembrandt van Rijn, 1644.
  • Two people watching over the cradle of a sleeping baby at night. Aquatint after Rembrandt van Rijn, 1644.
  • Two men saw at a log which is resting in a wooden cradle. Coloured lithograph by H. Tesson.
  • A woman breast feeding her child while she is holding it and its cradle. Collotype after a wooden sculpture.
  • A woman sewing in a pleasant domestic interior, her baby sleeps sweetly in its cradle. Aquatint by J. Sartain after G. Dou.
  • Members of the British Association playing cat's cradle on board a ship on its way to South Africa. Photograph by J.T. Bottomley, 1905.
  • The adoration of the shepherds at the birth of Christ; a bound lamb is placed before the cradle. Engraving by S.F. Ravenet after D. Feti.
  • Virgil and A. Pollio deep in conversation above a bustling town and harbour, Saloninius (Pollio's infant son) lies in a cradle at their feet. Woodcut after Virgil.
  • Virgil and A. Pollio deep in conversation above a bustling town and harbour, Saloninius (Pollio's infant son) lies in a cradle at their feet. Woodcut after Virgil.
  • A woman in Cairo holding a child, accompanied by an Abyssinian slave woman standing next to the cradle. Coloured lithograph by A. Mouilleron after Prisse d'Avennes, 1848.
  • A young widowed woman sits and weeps, while one barefoot child looks on and a baby sleeps in the cradle. Wood engraving by M. Klinricht after Frank Holl.
  • Precariously perched on the top of a tree, William IV is sleeping in a cradle, the faces of Lord John Russell, Daniel O'Connell and Lord Melbourne in the clouds blow vigorously. Coloured lithograph by H.B. (John Doyle), 1836.
  • The life & age of man : shewing the different stages of man's life, from the cradle to the grave; wherein all Christians may behold their frail nature, and the miseries that attend a sinful life, set forth in a poem.
  • The life & age of man : shewing the different stages of man's life from the cradle to the grave : wherein all Christians may know their frail nature, and the miseries that attend a sinful life, set forth in a poem.
  • A desperately unhappy woman cradling her sick child. Etching by T.A. Steinlen, 1902.