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37 results
  • Observations on the nature and consequences of wounds and contusions of the head, fractures of the skull, concussions of the brain, etc / [Percivall Pott].
  • Observations on the nature and consequences of wounds and contusions of the head, fractures of the skull, concussions of the brain, etc / [Percivall Pott].
  • Tractatus de vulneribus capitis, in quo omnia, quae ad cognitionem curationemqúe laesionum calvariae attinent, accuratè considerantur, et singula, quae ab Hippocrate tradita sunt in libro ... uberrimis commentariis illustrantur ... Adjecti sunt in calce duo tractatuli: alter de contusione calvariae in pueris, alter de eorumdem hydrocephalo ... / [Giovanni Battista Cortesi].
  • Commentaria nuper in lucem aedita in Avicennae textum. De apostematibus calidis. De contusione et attritione. De casu et offensione. De calvariae curatione / Ejusdem Mariani. Compendium in chirurgia. Libellus de lapide renum. Libellus aureus de lapide vesicae per incisionem extrahendo. Libellus quidditativus de modo examinandi medicos chirurgicos. Oratio de laudibus medicinae.
  • Vade mecum: or, a companion for a chyrurgion: fitted for times of peace or war. Compendiously shewing ... the use of every severall instrument ... and the vertues and qualities of such medicines as are needfull ... with the maner [sic] of compounding them ... As also the perfect cure of green wounds, either incised or contused, ulcers, fistulaes, fractures, and dislocations. To which is added the maner [sic] of making reports before a Judge of Assize, of any one that hath come to an untimely end / [Thomas Brugis].
  • Vade mecum: or, a companion for a chyrurgion: fitted for times of peace or war. Compendiously shewing ... the use of every severall instrument ... and the vertues and qualities of such medicines as are needfull ... with the maner [sic] of compounding them ... As also the perfect cure of green wounds, either incised or contused, ulcers, fistulaes, fractures, and dislocations. To which is added the maner [sic] of making reports before a Judge of Assize, of any one that hath come to an untimely end / [Thomas Brugis].
  • Vade mecum: or, a companion for a chyrurgion: fitted for times of peace or war. Compendiously shewing ... the use of every severall instrument ... and the vertues and qualities of such medicines as are needfull ... with the maner [sic] of compounding them ... As also the perfect cure of green wounds, either incised or contused, ulcers, fistulaes, fractures, and dislocations. To which is added the maner [sic] of making reports before a Judge of Assize, of any one that hath come to an untimely end / [Thomas Brugis].
  • Vade mecum: or, a companion for a chyrurgion: fitted for times of peace or war. Compendiously shewing ... the use of every severall instrument ... and the vertues and qualities of such medicines as are needfull ... with the maner [sic] of compounding them ... As also the perfect cure of green wounds, either incised or contused, ulcers, fistulaes, fractures, and dislocations. To which is added the maner [sic] of making reports before a Judge of Assize, of any one that hath come to an untimely end / [Thomas Brugis].
  • Vade mecum: or, a companion for a chyrurgion: fitted for times of peace or war. Compendiously shewing ... the use of every severall instrument ... and the vertues and qualities of such medicines as are needfull ... with the maner [sic] of compounding them ... As also the perfect cure of green wounds, either incised or contused, ulcers, fistulaes, fractures, and dislocations. To which is added the maner [sic] of making reports before a Judge of Assize, of any one that hath come to an untimely end / [Thomas Brugis].
  • Vade mecum: or, a companion for a chyrurgion: fitted for times of peace or war. Compendiously shewing ... the use of every severall instrument ... and the vertues and qualities of such medicines as are needfull ... with the maner [sic] of compounding them ... As also the perfect cure of green wounds, either incised or contused, ulcers, fistulaes, fractures, and dislocations. To which is added the maner [sic] of making reports before a Judge of Assize, of any one that hath come to an untimely end / [Thomas Brugis].
  • Vade mecum: or, a companion for a chyrurgion: fitted for times of peace or war. Compendiously shewing ... the use of every severall instrument ... and the vertues and qualities of such medicines as are needfull ... with the maner [sic] of compounding them ... As also the perfect cure of green wounds, either incised or contused, ulcers, fistulaes, fractures, and dislocations. To which is added the maner [sic] of making reports before a Judge of Assize, of any one that hath come to an untimely end / [Thomas Brugis].
  • Vade mecum: or, a companion for a chyrurgion: fitted for times of peace or war. Compendiously shewing ... the use of every severall instrument ... and the vertues and qualities of such medicines as are needfull ... with the maner [sic] of compounding them ... As also the perfect cure of green wounds, either incised or contused, ulcers, fistulaes, fractures, and dislocations. To which is added the maner [sic] of making reports before a Judge of Assize, of any one that hath come to an untimely end / [Thomas Brugis].
  • Polypharmakos kai chymistēs: or, The English unparalell'd physitian and chyrurgian : shewing the true use of all manner of plants and minerals. In which is explained, the whole art and secresy of physick and chyrurgery. Wherein is contained, 1. The cure of any internal disease, which hath taken effect, and brought forth symptoms, ... 2. The making of diverse rare and excellent balsames, oyls, plaisters, and waters, with the effects thereof. 3. The making, and use of purges, vomits, drinks, and clisters, ... 4. The nature and temperarure [sic] of herbs, plants, and vegetables, ... 5. The way to extract the spirits and quintaessences of several sorts of herbs and minerals, and the rare operations they have. 6. The making of salt of wormwood, balm, or any other herb. 7. The cure of any wound, contusion, puncture, or ulcer in any part of the body. All which have been prescribed and practised by several learned doctors and chyrurgians. / By D. Border, practitioner in physick.
  • Polypharmakos kai chymistēs: or, The English unparalell'd physitian and chyrurgian : shewing the true use of all manner of plants and minerals. In which is explained, the whole art and secresy of physick and chyrurgery. Wherein is contained, 1. The cure of any internal disease, which hath taken effect, and brought forth symptoms, ... 2. The making of diverse rare and excellent balsames, oyls, plaisters, and waters, with the effects thereof. 3. The making, and use of purges, vomits, drinks, and clisters, ... 4. The nature and temperarure [sic] of herbs, plants, and vegetables, ... 5. The way to extract the spirits and quintaessences of several sorts of herbs and minerals, and the rare operations they have. 6. The making of salt of wormwood, balm, or any other herb. 7. The cure of any wound, contusion, puncture, or ulcer in any part of the body. All which have been prescribed and practised by several learned doctors and chyrurgians. / By D. Border, practitioner in physick.
  • Polypharmakos kai chymistēs: or, The English unparalell'd physitian and chyrurgian : shewing the true use of all manner of plants and minerals. In which is explained, the whole art and secresy of physick and chyrurgery. Wherein is contained, 1. The cure of any internal disease, which hath taken effect, and brought forth symptoms, ... 2. The making of diverse rare and excellent balsames, oyls, plaisters, and waters, with the effects thereof. 3. The making, and use of purges, vomits, drinks, and clisters, ... 4. The nature and temperarure [sic] of herbs, plants, and vegetables, ... 5. The way to extract the spirits and quintaessences of several sorts of herbs and minerals, and the rare operations they have. 6. The making of salt of wormwood, balm, or any other herb. 7. The cure of any wound, contusion, puncture, or ulcer in any part of the body. All which have been prescribed and practised by several learned doctors and chyrurgians. / By D. Border, practitioner in physick.
  • Polypharmakos kai chymistēs: or, The English unparalell'd physitian and chyrurgian : shewing the true use of all manner of plants and minerals. In which is explained, the whole art and secresy of physick and chyrurgery. Wherein is contained, 1. The cure of any internal disease, which hath taken effect, and brought forth symptoms, ... 2. The making of diverse rare and excellent balsames, oyls, plaisters, and waters, with the effects thereof. 3. The making, and use of purges, vomits, drinks, and clisters, ... 4. The nature and temperarure [sic] of herbs, plants, and vegetables, ... 5. The way to extract the spirits and quintaessences of several sorts of herbs and minerals, and the rare operations they have. 6. The making of salt of wormwood, balm, or any other herb. 7. The cure of any wound, contusion, puncture, or ulcer in any part of the body. All which have been prescribed and practised by several learned doctors and chyrurgians. / By D. Border, practitioner in physick.
  • Polypharmakos kai chymistēs: or, The English unparalell'd physitian and chyrurgian : shewing the true use of all manner of plants and minerals. In which is explained, the whole art and secresy of physick and chyrurgery. Wherein is contained, 1. The cure of any internal disease, which hath taken effect, and brought forth symptoms, ... 2. The making of diverse rare and excellent balsames, oyls, plaisters, and waters, with the effects thereof. 3. The making, and use of purges, vomits, drinks, and clisters, ... 4. The nature and temperarure [sic] of herbs, plants, and vegetables, ... 5. The way to extract the spirits and quintaessences of several sorts of herbs and minerals, and the rare operations they have. 6. The making of salt of wormwood, balm, or any other herb. 7. The cure of any wound, contusion, puncture, or ulcer in any part of the body. All which have been prescribed and practised by several learned doctors and chyrurgians. / By D. Border, practitioner in physick.
  • Polypharmakos kai chymistēs: or, The English unparalell'd physitian and chyrurgian : shewing the true use of all manner of plants and minerals. In which is explained, the whole art and secresy of physick and chyrurgery. Wherein is contained, 1. The cure of any internal disease, which hath taken effect, and brought forth symptoms, ... 2. The making of diverse rare and excellent balsames, oyls, plaisters, and waters, with the effects thereof. 3. The making, and use of purges, vomits, drinks, and clisters, ... 4. The nature and temperarure [sic] of herbs, plants, and vegetables, ... 5. The way to extract the spirits and quintaessences of several sorts of herbs and minerals, and the rare operations they have. 6. The making of salt of wormwood, balm, or any other herb. 7. The cure of any wound, contusion, puncture, or ulcer in any part of the body. All which have been prescribed and practised by several learned doctors and chyrurgians. / By D. Border, practitioner in physick.
  • Use Continental Ointment : Continental Ointment for man and beast.
  • Use Continental Ointment : Continental Ointment for man and beast.
  • St. John's Amblance Healing Oils.
  • St. John's Amblance Healing Oils.
  • Calvert's Curative Powder.
  • Calvert's Curative Powder.
  • Calvert's Carbolic Ointment : preserve your teeth by using Calvert's Carbolic Tooth Powder.
  • Calvert's Carbolic Ointment : Calvert's Carbolic Tooth Powder.
  • Calvert's Carbolic Ointment : Calvert's Carbolic Tooth Powder.
  • Calvert's Carbolic Ointment : preserve your teeth by using Calvert's Carbolic Tooth Powder.
  • A sovereign remedy.
  • A sovereign remedy.