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44 results
  • Six different species of serpents, including pythons and cobras, killing their prey, cattle, by strangulation. Coloured etching by J. Bishop after J. Stewart.
  • An Indian snake charmer squatting down playing his pipe, with two cobras in a basket in front of him, in a studio setting. Photograph, ca.1900.
  • Two poisonous snakes (Indian cobras): four figures showing the snakes' hoods, seen from above and below, indicating the distinctive 'spectacle'and 'V-shaped' markings. Watercolour, ca. 1795.
  • Painted wooden mask, polychrome, with coiled Cobra disc ear-pieces and Cobra headress representing beaked gurulu rassa from Kolam play, Sinhalese
  • Painted wooden mask, polychrome, with coiled Cobra disc ear-pieces and Cobra headress representing beaked gurulu rassa from Kolam play, Sinhalese
  • Cobra-lily (Arisaema fimbriatum): inflorescence and leaf. Watercolour.
  • Indian cobra, with 'spectacle' marking on hood. Watercolour, 1782.
  • Indian cobra, with 'spectacle' marking on hood. Watercolour, 1782.
  • Four snakes of the cobra family. Engraving, ca. 1778.
  • A hooded cobra in striking position. Coloured engraving, ca. 1792.
  • Australian Pilbara cobra: (Pseudechis australis): the underside of its throat. Photograph, 1900/1920.
  • Vasudeva carrying a baby Krishna encountering a cobra and jackal. Watercolour drawing.
  • Indian cobra, with 'monocle' marking on hood. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1782.
  • Indian cobra, with 'spectacle' marking on hood. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1782.
  • Indian cobra, with 'spectacle' marking on hood. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1782.
  • Indian cobra, with 'monocle' marking on hood. Watercolour by Bhawani Das, 1782.
  • An indian snake charmer charming a cobra held by his wife. Gouache drawing.
  • Six snakes of the cobra family, including a rhomboidal and diamondbacked species. Engraving, ca. 1778.
  • Two snakes, including an Indian Cobra (?), with 'spectacle' marking on its hood. Etching, 18--?.
  • Vishnu accompanied by his wives riding on Garuda who carries a cobra. Chromolithograph by R. Varma.
  • Five snakes of the cobra family, one a coral snake eating a lizard. Engraving, ca. 1778.
  • Baby Krishna sucking his toes, on his cobra throne, attended by female attendants, all surrounded by decorative borders. Wood engraving.
  • One cobra and four colubrid snakes, including possibly an oriental whip snake and the primitive worm-like species, Leptotyphlops humilis. Engraving, ca. 1778.
  • A poisonous snake, Indian cobra: illustration shows 'spectacle' marking on the snake's hood and includes two details of the head and an outline drawing of the tail. Watercolour, ca. 1795.
  • Snake charmer holding an Egyptian cobra (<I>Naja haje</I>), whose venom immobolises its prey by attacking the nervous system. The Brooklyn Museum Papyri from Ancient Egypt includes a book of snakebites which describes all the possible snakes to be found in Egypt with a compendium of treatments. The papyri were translated in 1966-1967 by Serge Sauneron.
  • El nuevo y mejorado Elíxir Cofrón 12 : (hierro, cobre, vitamina B12 y factores hepáticos, Abott) / Abbott Laboratories del Perú, S.A.
  • Snake charmer with wife holding the snake. Gouache drawing.
  • Pilgrims with roses worship a snake shrine while a Brahmin priest and attendants pray during a snake festival. Gouache drawing.
  • Pilgrims with roses worship a snake shrine while a Brahmin priest and attendants pray during a snake festival. Gouache drawing.
  • Shiva with his symbols riding Nandi. Gouache drawing.