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11 results
  • As people collapse with snake bites, Moses brings out the brazen serpent. Woodcut.
  • Moses presents his brazen serpent to the people. Woodcut after Robert Anning Bell, c. 1890.
  • Moses points to the brazen serpent while his people carry their wounded towards it. Etching.
  • Moses with his rod and his brazen serpent. Engraving by J. Hall, 1793, after B. West.
  • People writhe in pain among the fiery serpents as Moses produces the brazen serpent. Line engraving after F. Fenzoni.
  • The Israelites afflicted by a plague of serpents; two men worshipping the brazen serpent erected by Moses. Engraving by M. Coxcie, 15--.
  • Moses and Eleazar reveal the brazen serpent to the people afflicted with snakebite. Lithograph by A. Blanco after P.P. Rubens.
  • Moses points to the brazen serpent while his people writhe on the ground, besieged by fiery serpents. Etching by G. Cooke, 1816, after C. le Brun.
  • Moses and Eleazar show the brazen serpent before the writhing multitude afflicted with snake-bites. Engraving by S. à Bolswert after P.P. Rubens, ca. 1635-40.
  • A map of the biblical Palestine with three biblical scenes: Moses and the ten commandments; the serpent on the pole; Christ healing the insane; the Crucifixion. Coloured etching after G. Rogg.
  • Political and social events of 1830 as predicted by Raphael; twelve months of the year on each side of the central image. Wood engraving and letterpress, 1830.