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140 results
  • Five medical satires: A 'congress of patients'; a woman tells her blue-eyed lover that the man of her dreams has black eyes - could he obtain artificial eyes to remedy this discrepancy?; diseased patients displayed at a Great Exhibition; a doctor restraining a cow for vaccination; a maid complains that she has to get vaccinated each time she wants a pint of milk. Wood engravings, c. 1868.
  • Five medical satires: A 'congress of patients'; a woman tells her blue-eyed lover that the man of her dreams has black eyes - could he obtain artificial eyes to remedy this discrepancy?; diseased patients displayed at a Great Exhibition; a doctor restraining a cow for vaccination; a maid complains that she has to get vaccinated each time she wants a pint of milk. Wood engravings, c. 1868.
  • Five medical satires: A 'congress of patients'; a woman tells her blue-eyed lover that the man of her dreams has black eyes - could he obtain artificial eyes to remedy this discrepancy?; diseased patients displayed at a Great Exhibition; a doctor restraining a cow for vaccination; a maid complains that she has to get vaccinated each time she wants a pint of milk. Wood engravings, c. 1868.
  • Five medical satires: A 'congress of patients'; a woman tells her blue-eyed lover that the man of her dreams has black eyes - could he obtain artificial eyes to remedy this discrepancy?; diseased patients displayed at a Great Exhibition; a doctor restraining a cow for vaccination; a maid complains that she has to get vaccinated each time she wants a pint of milk. Wood engravings, c. 1868.
  • Five medical satires: A 'congress of patients'; a woman tells her blue-eyed lover that the man of her dreams has black eyes - could he obtain artificial eyes to remedy this discrepancy?; diseased patients displayed at a Great Exhibition; a doctor restraining a cow for vaccination; a maid complains that she has to get vaccinated each time she wants a pint of milk. Wood engravings, c. 1868.
  • A man tending an HIV infected man in bed with a message to care and support those with HIV; an AIDS prevention advertisement for the NGO AIDS Cell Centre for Community Medicine in New Delhi. Colour lithograph, ca. 1997.
  • John Coakley Lettsom, physician, with his family, in the garden of Grove Hill, Camberwell.
  • Crimean War: Florence Nightingale at Scutari Hospital. Coloured lithograph by E. Walker, 1856, after W. Simpson.
  • Crimean War: Florence Nightingale at Scutari Hospital. Coloured lithograph by E. Walker, 1856, after W. Simpson.
  • Four male couples wearing t-shirts bearing the slogans 'testing', ' treatment', 'trials' and 'triumphs'; advertisement for early advocacy and care for HIV by the Department of Public Health of San Francisco. Colour lithograph by John Tomlinson and Ira Nowinski.
  • In arduis fidelis : with best wishes for Christmas and the new year from / Royal Army Medical Corps.
  • In arduis fidelis : with best wishes for Christmas and the new year from / Royal Army Medical Corps.
  • A dentist and nurse tending a patient in a chair, a woman holding up a test tube filled with blood and three surgeons in green coats and face masks; a warning about the dangers of contaminated blood and transmission of the AIDS disease. Colour lithograph, ca. 1995.
  • Gasparis Taliacotii ... De curtorum chirurgia per insitionem, libri duo. In quibus ea omnia, quae ad huius chirurgiae, narium scilicet, aurium, ac labiorum per insitionem restaurandorum cum theoricen, tum practicen pertinere videbantur, clarissima methodo cumulatissimè declarantur. Additis cutis traducis instrumentorum omnium, atque deligationum iconibus, & tabulis. Cum indice quadruplici expeditissimo, capitum singulorum, authorum, controversiarum, rerum denique & verborum memorabilium ... / [Gaspare Tagliacozzi].
  • Gasparis Taliacotii ... De curtorum chirurgia per insitionem, libri duo. In quibus ea omnia, quae ad huius chirurgiae, narium scilicet, aurium, ac labiorum per insitionem restaurandorum cum theoricen, tum practicen pertinere videbantur, clarissima methodo cumulatissimè declarantur. Additis cutis traducis instrumentorum omnium, atque deligationum iconibus, & tabulis. Cum indice quadruplici expeditissimo, capitum singulorum, authorum, controversiarum, rerum denique & verborum memorabilium ... / [Gaspare Tagliacozzi].
  • Gasparis Taliacotii ... De curtorum chirurgia per insitionem, libri duo. In quibus ea omnia, quae ad huius chirurgiae, narium scilicet, aurium, ac labiorum per insitionem restaurandorum cum theoricen, tum practicen pertinere videbantur, clarissima methodo cumulatissimè declarantur. Additis cutis traducis instrumentorum omnium, atque deligationum iconibus, & tabulis. Cum indice quadruplici expeditissimo, capitum singulorum, authorum, controversiarum, rerum denique & verborum memorabilium ... / [Gaspare Tagliacozzi].
  • A verger's dream: Saints Cosmas and Damian performing a miraculous cure by transplantation of a leg. Oil painting attributed to the Master of Los Balbases, ca. 1495.
  • Section of the dorsal (?) rib cage showing multiply fractured ribs. Watercolour in grisaille by S. A. Sewell, ca. 1918.
  • The face of a man wearing glasses representing a man worried about HIV; a poster from the America responds to Aids advertising campaign. Lithograph, 1991.
  • The face of a black man with his hand on his cheek representing a man worried about HIV; a poster from the America responds to Aids advertising campaign. Lithograph, 1993.
  • Red apples representing healty living with a message about how AIDS patients can learn to live with the disease with the help of the assistance of the Diocesan Caritas Association for the Archdiocese of Cologne eV AIDS-Hilfe Unit. Colour lithograph by Hüsch & Hüsch Aachen and Werbung.
  • Chinese C18: Paediatric pox - 'Purple and black indentations'
  • Veronicastrum virginicum 'Pink Glow'
  • Veronicastrum virginicum 'Pink Glow'
  • Public AIDS Symposium in Berlin on 28 November 1992
  • Two yellow lines encircled by a grey/green line at the centre of a poster with details of the Public AIDS Symposium in Berlin on 28 November 1992 at the Seminar Centrum, Berlin; organised by Berliner AIDS-Hilfe, Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, an initiative of Sergei Bashir and Manfred D. Kuno. Colour lithograph by ComDesign.
  • Two yellow lines encircled by a grey/green line at the centre of a poster with details of the Public AIDS Symposium in Berlin on 28 November 1992 at the Seminar Centrum, Berlin; organised by Berliner AIDS-Hilfe, Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, an initiative of Sergei Bashir and Manfred D. Kuno. Colour lithograph by ComDesign.
  • Chinese woodcut: Abscesses -- gangrene, etc.
  • The Plague Expedition to Anzob in Russian Turkestan. Photograph album by A.M. Levin, 1899.
  • The Plague Expedition to Anzob in Russian Turkestan. Photograph album by A.M. Levin, 1899.