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3,051 results
  • Arm with urticaria pigmentosa
  • Arm with rupial ulceration
  • Arm of a man with herpetiform syphilide
  • Arm from a case of epidermolysis bullosa
  • Arm of a patient with bilateral cervical ribs
  • Arm of a woman with secondary sarcomatous tumours
  • Arm of a woman with secondary sarcomatous tumours
  • Arm of a man with an unusual form of lichen
  • Arm of an unvaccinated child, 7th day of eruption
  • Arm of a woman suffering from mycosis fungoides of the skin
  • Arm and hand of a patient with xanthelasma plana et tuberosa
  • Arm with deep bronzing of the skin associated with Addision's disease
  • Arm of a man with an unusual form of lichen planus
  • Arm of a child with a peculiar rash of small vesicles
  • Two Bulgarian women arm-in-arm wearing national dress.
  • Arm of a girl admitted with burns, showing lineae transversae on the skin
  • Superficial view of the Arm on the inner side, with the parts undisturbed
  • Wir spülen für Sie mit dem langen Arm : Calmic cleaning compounds / Calmic GmbH.
  • Wir spülen für Sie mit dem langen Arm : Calmic cleaning compounds / Calmic GmbH.
  • Wir spülen für Sie mit dem langen Arm : Calmic cleaning compounds / Calmic GmbH.
  • Wir spülen für Sie mit dem langen Arm : Calmic cleaning compounds / Calmic GmbH.
  • An elegantly dressed couple walk arm in arm under an umbrella. Photographic reproduction.
  • Two drunken war veterans staggering along arm-in-arm. Coloured lithograph by E. Purcell.
  • Pemphigus affecting the arm
  • Two men wearing dressing gowns sitting arm-in-arm on a terrace. Photographic postcard, 192-.
  • Two men wearing dressing gowns sitting arm-in-arm on a terrace. Photographic postcard, 192-.
  • Two soldiers stand arm-in-arm outside a building of corrugated metal (barracks?). Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • Two soldiers stand arm-in-arm outside a building of corrugated metal (barracks?). Photographic postcard, 191-.
  • Erythema circinatum of an arm
  • Sloughing phagedaena of the arm