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126 results
  • A compleat history of druggs divided into three classes, vegetable, animal and mineral : with their use in physick, chymistry, pharmacy, and several other arts, illustrated ... / written by Monsieur Pomet ; to which is added what is further observable on the same subject from Messrs. Lemery, and Tournefort ... Done into English from the originals [by Joseph Browne].
  • A compleat history of druggs divided into three classes, vegetable, animal and mineral : with their use in physick, chymistry, pharmacy, and several other arts, illustrated ... / written by Monsieur Pomet ; to which is added what is further observable on the same subject from Messrs. Lemery, and Tournefort ... Done into English from the originals [by Joseph Browne].
  • Hydrangea quercifolia W.Bartram Hydrangeaceae. Oak-leaved hydrangea. Distribution: South-eastern United States. Beta-dichroine a quinazolinone also called febrifugine from the leaves of hydrangeas is 64-100 times more potent than quinine as an antimalarial in animals, but extremely toxic. A synthesised tolyl derivative, methaqualone (2-methyl-3-o-tolyl-4(3H)-quinazolinone), was found to be a mild hypnotic, and marketed in the sleeping tablet, Mandrax. Widely abused and quickly banned by most countries. Illegal manufacture continues and in South Africa methaqualone is the commonest drug of abuse, mixed with cannabis and smoked. Photographed in the Medicinal Garden of the Royal College of Physicians, London.
  • Thorley's horse and cattle spice is now creating such a sensation throughout the world, that all practical horse-keepers, flock-masters & cattle-feeders are pronouncing it the greatest discovery of the nineteenth century / Joseph Thorley.
  • Thorley's horse and cattle spice is now creating such a sensation throughout the world, that all practical horse-keepers, flock-masters & cattle-feeders are pronouncing it the greatest discovery of the nineteenth century / Joseph Thorley.
  • Ming herbal (painting): Adjutant bird(?)
  • Ming herbal (painting): Pigeons
  • Ming herbal (painting): Siberian white crane
  • Ming herbal (painting): Xichi (a water fowl)
  • Poultry powder.
  • Ming herbal (painting): Owl
  • Ming herbal (painting): Peacock
  • Ming herbal (painting): Stork
  • Ming herbal (painting): Crow
  • Ming herbal (painting): Quail
  • Ming herbal (painting): Paradise flycatcher
  • Ming herbal (painting): Shrike
  • Ming herbal (painting): Cormorant
  • Ming herbal (painting): Swan
  • Ming herbal (painting): Chinese jungle mynah
  • Devon drench for cattle, horses, etc. : safe and certain : a famous and invaluable remedy for the disorders of horses, cattle, sheep and pigs. Especially so for red water, scouring, cold, colic and influenza, milk fever, costiveness, etc. and as a cleansing drench for cows and ewes after calving and lambing and preventative of milk fever.
  • Safe and certain drench : a famous and invaluable remedy for the disorders of horses, cattle, sheep and pigs : especially so for red water, scouring, cold, colic and influenza, milk fever, costiveness etc.
  • Condition powder for horses, cattle and sheep.
  • Leeming's essence : for lameness in horses : poison.
  • Curb & spavin cure : no more torturing with hot irons or irritating blisters : a safe easily applied and effective remedy.
  • Ming herbal (painting): The dog
  • Ming herbal (painting): Horse
  • St. Jacob's oil for veterinary purposes : in yellow wrappers : superior to all other liniments and embrocations / The Charles A. Vogeler Co.
  • St. Jacob's oil for veterinary purposes : in yellow wrappers : superior to all other liniments and embrocations / The Charles A. Vogeler Co.
  • Veterinary embrocation for the field, farm, kennel and stable.