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35 results
  • Mamamania: An artistic interpretation of Alzheimer's Disease
  • Alzheimer's disease, artwork
  • Alzheimer’s Disease is a degenerative disorder of the brain which starts in middle or late life. It mainly affects the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain, where the cortex becomes atrophied. Plaques containing an amyloid-like protein have been found within the cortex on examination.
  • Alzheimers disease
  • Neurons derived from human neural stem cells. The green staining highlights the typical appearance of differentiated nerve cells. Cells such as these could form the basis of future treatments for degenerative brain diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
  • Human embryonic stem cell (gold) growing on a layer of supporting cells (fibroblasts). Stem cells are derived from very early embryos and can either be grown to stay in their original state or triggered to form almost any type of human cell. The fibroblasts provide special factors that maintain the stem cells in their original state. The stem cell appears to be grasped by the underlying fibroblast. Stem cell research could lead to cures for many diseases such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and diabetes, where a patient's cells are damaged or absent.
  • Galanthus nivalis L. Amaryllidaceae Snowdrop. Hardy, bulbous herb. Distribution: Europe. A chemical, galantamine, is sourced principally from the Caucasian snowdrop, Galanthus woronowii but is present in our ‘English’ snowdrop and related genera. It is a competitive, reversible, acetylcholinesterase inhibitor so increases brain acetylcholine, a chemical of great importance in cerebral function. As such it has been recommended for ameliorating the symptoms of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease, but not for mild cognitive impairment as in US clinical trials there was an increased mortality. Johnson (Gerard, 1633) calls it the bulbous violet, Viola theophrasti
  • Inside the brain / Wellcome Trust.
  • Narcissus Species, Daffodil
  • Amyloid fibrils, AFM
  • Amyloid fibrils, AFM
  • Amyloid fibrils, AFM
  • Teenage girl with Down's syndrome
  • Newborn baby with Down's syndrome
  • Adult couple with Down's syndrome
  • Teenage girl with Down's syndrome
  • Adults with Down's syndrome
  • Teenage girl with Down's syndrome
  • Teenage girl with Down's syndrome
  • Adult with Down's syndrome
  • Adults with Down's syndrome
  • Teenage girl with Down's syndrome
  • Young girl with Down's syndrome
  • Adult couple sitting on a bed, Down's syndrome
  • Adult with Down's syndrome
  • Adult with Down's syndrome
  • Young girl with Down's syndrome
  • Adult with Down's syndrome
  • Young girl with Down's syndrome
  • Young girl with Down's syndrome