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749 results
  • Two human figures with abnormalities
  • Two human figures with abnormalities
  • Three human figures with abnormalities
  • Two human figures with abnormalities
  • Two human figures with abnormalities
  • Two human figures with abnormalities
  • Two human figures with abnormalities
  • Two human figures with abnormalities, one male and one female figure
  • Two figures with abnormalities, both showing a half human and half dog monster
  • Two human figures with abnormalities, one with two sets of arms and legs and the other with two heads
  • Three figures with abnormalities, One figure has a human body with a ducks head, the second figure has a Lions body with a human head and the third has a human body with webbed feet and hands
  • Two human figures showing abnormalities, one with a face on the torso and the other with the body of a child on the torso
  • Two human heads with abnormality, one frontal view with no nose and one profile with large nose
  • A practical essay on the club-foot, and other distortions in the legs and feet of children, intended to shew under what circumstances they are curable, or otherwise; with thirty-one cases that have been ... treated by the method for which the author has obtained the King's patent, and the specification of the patent for that purpose ... As well as for curing distortions of the spine, and every other deformity that can be remedied by mechanical applications / By T. Sheldrake.
  • A practical essay on the club-foot, and other distortions in the legs and feet of children, intended to shew under what circumstances they are curable, or otherwise; with thirty-one cases that have been ... treated by the method for which the author has obtained the King's patent, and the specification of the patent for that purpose ... As well as for curing distortions of the spine, and every other deformity that can be remedied by mechanical applications / By T. Sheldrake.
  • [Article from the Revue internationale de clinique et de thérapeutique (pages 487-8 - no date) entitled: Curiosités médico-chirurgicales : un cyclope humain - a single eyed infant, also lacking a nose].
  • [Article from the Revue internationale de clinique et de thérapeutique (pages 487-8 - no date) entitled: Curiosités médico-chirurgicales : un cyclope humain - a single eyed infant, also lacking a nose].
  • Feuilleton du Temps du 9 novembre 1911 : causerie scientifique : le monde vivant / Edmond Perrier.
  • Feuilleton du Temps du 9 novembre 1911 : causerie scientifique : le monde vivant / Edmond Perrier.
  • A child of ten years with a parasitic attachment on its back, Sagñay, Camarines Sur, the Philippines. Photograph by Martinez Studio, 1927.
  • A malformed foetus. Wood engraving.
  • Anomalies and curiosities of medicine : being an encyclopedic collection of rare and extraordinary cases, and of the most striking instances of abnormality in all branches of medicine and surgery derived from an exhaustive research of medical literature from its origin to the present day / abstracted, classified, annotated, and indexed by George M. Gould and Walter L. Pyle.
  • A boy with a supernumerary arm, fighting off six assailants. Wood engraving.
  • At the Globe and Duke of Marlborough's Head in Fleet Street, is to be seen a bold Grimace Spaniard...
  • A girl born without an arm. Reproduction, 1905, of a photograph by G. Kelly.
  • Anomalies and curiosities of medicine : being an encyclopedic collection of rare and extraordinary cases, and of the most striking instances of abnormality in all branches of medicine and surgery derived from an exhaustive research of medical literature from its origin to the present day / abstracted, classified, annotated, and indexed by George M. Gould and Walter L. Pyle.
  • Stony covering of the skin.
  • New species of man ...  : now exhibiting at Mr. Laxton's Rooms, no.23, New Bond Street : this young man is 30 years of age, covered with scales, with the exception of the face, soles of the feet, and palms of the hand, which are like those of any other man.
  • An extraordinary freak of nature, or, a man encrusted with a barnacle or stone-like skin.
  • Observationes anatomici. Historia monstri bicorporis duobus capitibus, tribus pedibus, pectore pelvique concreti : curae renovatae de anastomosi tubulorum lactiferorum mammae muliebris, concrementa terrestria, venae capitis et colli cum figuris ad vivum expressis / Joannis Gottlieb Walteri.