- Archives and manuscripts
M0012988: Title page from 'A declaration of egregious popish impostures, to with-draw the harts of her majesties subjects?'
Date: April 1953- Books
Compendio dell'arte essorcistica, et possibilità delle mirabili, et stupende operatione delli demoni, et de i malefici. Con li rimedii opportvni alle infermità maleficiali / del R.P.F Girolamo Menghi ... con vna copiosissima aggiunta dell'istesso auttore ; opera non meno gioueuole alli Essorcisti ...
Menghi, Girolamo.Date: 1601- Books
They flew : a history of the impossible / Carlos M.N. Eire.
Eire, Carlos M. N.Date: [2023]- Archives and manuscripts
M0014281: Disease of the eye caused by witchcraft, woodcut
Date: October 1955- Archives and manuscripts
M0013812: Scot: The Discouerie of Witchcraft, 1584: chapter 9
Date: November 1954