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The Migraine Art Competition Collection

The British Migraine Association ran a series of migraine art competitions in the 1980s with the intention to share people’s varied experiences of migraine. In the seven years that the competition ran, the Migraine Art Competition Collection was formed, comprising 545 unique, often striking works of art. Rada Vlatkovic, Collections Information Officer at Wellcome Collection, shares some images from the collection and reflects on her own experience of migraine.

Words by Rada Vlatkovic

  • In pictures

About the author

Black and white photograph of a woman with short brown hair looking directly at the camera and smiling. The background is a lawn and trees.

Rada Vlatkovic

Rada Vlatkovic is part of the Collections Information Team at Wellcome Collection, responsible for creating and publishing high-quality cataloguing metadata and improving the accessibility of our collections. She is a Mental Health First Aider at Wellcome.