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Piecing Us Together

  • Free
  • Workshop
  • British Sign Language
  • Relaxed
A young person  holds up an object in her hands that she is creating out of yarn plaited and wrapped around a central core.
Piecing us together workshop, Photographer: Susan Smart. Source: Wellcome Collection. © Wellcome / Susan Smart.

What you’ll do

Join a playful fabric-crafting workshop with artist Charmaine Wombwell. Through making and sharing, you’ll be invited to explore how we visualise our bodies, memories and emotions.

Experiment with gluing, stitching and binding yarn, scraps of cloth and other materials to create a piece of work that expresses your relationship with a part of your body or an emotional experience. Share your story through the piece you create.

It is up to you what you do with your piece. You can take it away with you or you can attach it to a large mannequin in the room as part of a growing collective display.

You’ll be able to drop in and out of the workshop. Go at your own pace and stay for as long as you like.

If you need a space away from the event at any time, you can go to our Chill-Out Room. There will be low lighting, comfortable seating, cushions, mats and space to move around and be yourself. You can also make use of ear defenders, earplugs, board games, stim toys and materials with different textures.

The workshop is inspired by the exhibition ‘Jason and the Adventure of 254’, which is free to visit on the day. 


Just turn up

Need to know


We’ll be in the Studio and the Forum on level 1. When you enter Wellcome Collection, head up the stairs or take the lift, then follow the signs through the ‘Being Human’ gallery.

Drop in

Just turn up to this event. It's likely to have room for everyone.

British Sign Language

This event will have British Sign Language interpretation.


This is a relaxed event, which means that if you need to, you are welcome to move around and make noise at any time.

For more information, please visit our Accessibility page. If you have any queries about accessibility, please email us at access@wellcomecollection.org or call 0 2 0. 7 6 1 1. 2 2 2 2

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About your facilitator

Charmaine Wombwell

Charmaine Wombwell is a multidisciplinary artist whose work spans theatre, music, paint and natural fibres. The dominant threads throughout her work are colour and movement. Charmaine’s work is always autobiographical with an embodied approach.