Published papers and bibliography

Part of:
Chain, Professor Sir Ernst Boris
  • Archives and manuscripts

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Two boxes of published papers, and accompanying 'List of Sir Ernst Chain's publications' (compiled at Imperial College, London, August 1979)

The list of publications, which is transcribed below, was prepared at Imperial College immediately after Chain's death in 1979, and corresponds to the contents of the two boxes of publications at G.1/1-2, the first of which includes the original copy of the list. References to the list, in Section G and elsewhere, are given in the form (Bibliog…..). It is recognised that the list is not a complete bibliography (see the Introduction to Section G), but it is the only currently available guide to Chain's publications.

Items 1-58 are held as PP/EBC/G.1/1; items 59-181 are held as PP/EBC/G.1/2.

In a few cases, the bibliography below includes items not held in the Chain papers: this is indicated by the note "[This item is not held in the Chain papers:]".

1. "Beitrage zur Encymatischen Esterbildung und Spoltung". ; P. Rona, E. Chain & R. Ammon.; Bioch. Zeitschr. (1932) 247,113

2. "Zur Konfigurations Specifitat der Estersynthetishierenden Fermente"; P. Rona & E. Chain; Bioch. Zeitschrift (1933) 258, 480

3. "The Isolectric Points of Lecithin & Sphingomyelin"; E. Chain & I.Kemp; Biochem. J.t (1934), 2052

4. "The Spontaneous Decomposition of Lecithin & Its Bearing on the Determination of the Isoelectric Point"; H.Fischgold & E. Chain; Biochem.J. XXVIII, No. 6(1934) 2044-2051

5. "On the Ampholytic Nature of Phospholipins"; H. Fischgold & E. Chain; Proc.Roy. Soc. London, Series B, No. 804, 117, 239-257 (1935)

6. "Effect of Snake Venoms on Glycolysis &Fermentation in Cell-free extracts"; E.Chain; Quar, J. of Exp.Physiol. 26 No. 3(1937) 299-303

7. "Neutralisation of the Antifermenting Prinicple in Sanke Venoms by Antivenins"; E. Chain; Quart. J. Exp.Physiology (1937) 27, 49-54

8. "Studies on the Chemical Nature of the Anti Fermenting Principle in Black Tiger Snake Venom"; E.B. Chain & L.J. Goldsworthy; Quart. J. of Experimental Physiology, Vol.27, No. 4 (Feb. 1938)

9. "Studies on Phosphorylcholine"; A.B.L. Beznak & E. Chain; Quart. J. of Experimental Physiology (1937) 26, No.3, 201-214

10. "Studies on the Colorimetric Determination of Phosphate"; I. Berenblum, E.B. Chain; Biochem. J. Vol.XXXII, No. 2 (1938), 286-294

11. "An Improved Method for the Colorimetric Determination of Phosphate"; J. Berenblum & E.B. Chain; Biochem. J. Vol. XXXII (1938) 295-298

12. "A Reticulocytogenic Agent for Guinea-Pigs Present in Certain Gastrointestinal Secretions"; J. Goodfriend, E.B. Chain & H.W. Florey; Quart. J. of Experimental Physiology & Cognate Medical Sciences, Vol. 28, No.2 (July 1938)

13. "Inhibition of Dehydrogenases by Snake Venom"; E.B. Chain; Biochem. J. Vol. XXXIII, No. 4 (1939) 407-411

14. "A.Mucolytic Enzyme in Testis Extracts"; E.B. Chain, E.S. Duthrie; Nature, Vol.144 (9 Dec, 1939) 977

15. "The Study of Metabolic Activities of Small Amounts of Surviving Tissues"; I. Berenblum, E.B. Chain, N.G. Heatley; Biochem. J. Vol. XXXIII, No. 1(1939) 68-74

16. "A Polypeptide Responsible for some of the Phenomena of Acute Inflamation" ; E.S. Duthrie, E.B. Chain; Brit. J. of Experimental Pathology, Vol. XX (1939) 417

17. "VIII A New Type of Microrespirometer"; N.G. Heatley, I. Berenblum, E.B. Chain; Biochem. J. Vol.XXXIII, No. 1 (1939), 53-57

18. "Identity of Hyaluronidase & Spreading Factor"; E.B. Chain, E.S. Duthrie; Br. J. Experimental Pathology, Vol.XXI (1940) 324

19. "Penicillin as a Chemotherapeutic Agent"; E.B. Chain, H.W. Florey, A.D.Gardner, N.G.Heatley, M.A. Jennings, J. Orr-Ewing, A.G. Sanders; The Lancety (24 August 1940) 226

20. "An Enzyme From Bacteria able to Destroy Penicillin"; E.P. Abraham, E. Chain; Nature (1940) 146, 837

21. "Carbohydrate Metabolism of Tumours"; I. Berenblum, E.B. Chain, N.G. Heatley; Nature, Vol. 145 (18/5/1940) 778

22. "The Metabolism of Normal & Neoplastic Skin Epithelium: Evidence against the theory of Aerobic Glycolysis associated with a low a feature of a Disturbed Metabolism indicative of a Tumour growth"; I. Berenblum, E.B. Chain, N.G.Heatley; American Journal of Cancer, Vol. XXXVIII, No.3 (March 1940)

23. "Some Observations on the Preparation and Properties of the Subtrate of Lysozyme"; L.A,. Epstein, E. Chain; Brit. J. Exp. Path (1940), 21, 339

24. "Further Observations on Penicilling"; E.P. Abraham, E.Chain, C.M. Fletcher, A.D. Gardner, N.G. Heatley, M.A.Jennings, H.W. Florey; Lancet (1941) 177-

25. "An Antibacterial substance produced by Penicillium Claviforme"; E. Chain, H.W.Florey, M.A. Jennings; Brit.. J. Exp.Path. (1942) 23, 202

26. "The Nitrogens Nature of Pencilling"; E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain, H.W. Florey, E.R. Holiday, R. Robinson ; Nature (1942) 149, 356

27. "Purification and some physical & Chemical Properties of Penicillin"; E.P. Abraham, E. Chain; Brit. J.Exp. Path. (1942) 23, 103

28. "Proactinomycin, A Bacteriostatic Produced by a Species of Proactinomyces"; A.D. Gardner, E.Chain; Brit. J. Exp.Path (1942) 23, 124

29. [This item is not held in the Chain papers:] "Helvolic Acid, an Antibiotic produced by A. Fumigatus"; E. Chain, H.W.Florey, M.A. Jennings, T.I. Williams; Brit. J .Exp. Path. (1943) 24, 108

30. "Penicillamine, A. Characteristic Degradation Product of Penicillin"; E.P. Abraham, E. Chain, W. Baker, R. Robinson; Nature (1943), 151, 107

31. "Antibacterial Substances produced by Bacteria & Fungi (2) (Biochemistry)"; E. Chain, H.W. Florey; Annual Reports of the Chemical Society (1944) 40

32. "Penicillin"; E. Chain, H.W. Florey; Endeavour (1944) Vol. III, No. 9

33. "Identity of Patulin & Claviformin"; E. Chain, H.W. Florey, M.A. Jennings; Lancet (1944) Series 1, 112

34. "Bactericidal & Bacteriolytic Action of Penicillin on the Staphylococcus"; E. Chain, E.S. Duthrie; Lancet (1945) 652

35. "The Chemical Structure of the Pencillins: Nobel Lecture"; E.N. Chain; Stockholm (20 March 1946)

36. "La Constitozione Chimica Della Penicillina"; E.B. Chain; Roma (1947) Vol. X; Congress at Instituto Superiore di Sanita

37. "LaPenicillinia: Proprieta Chimiche, Biologiche E Terapeutiche"; E.B. Chain; Congress at Instituto Superiore di Sanita (1947)

38. "The Chemistry of Penicillin (1948)"; E.B. Chain; Annual Review of Biochemistry (1948) 657-704

39. "Industrial Microbiology"; E. Chain; Research (1952), 5, 567-576

40. "Aeration Studies 1. Factors influencing aeration efficiency"; E.B. Chain, D.S. Callow, F.Ugolini, S.Paladino, J.van de Sluis; Bulletin of W.H.O, (1952) 6, 73-97

41. "Observations on Penicillium Chrysogenum in submerged Culture: I. Mycelial Growth & Autolysis; L. Comici, G.Sermonti, E.B. Chain; Bulletin of World Health Organization (1952) 6, 265-276

42. "A Micromethod for the serial Determination of Organically Bound Halogen; S.J. Pirt, E.B. Chain; Biochem.J. Vol. 50, No. 5 (1952) 716-719

43. "Microbiology in Industry"; Dr E. B. Chain; Times Review of Industryt (March 1953)

44. "The Biochemical Approach to Biological Phenomena"; Harben Lectures 1954; E.B. Chain; J. of Royal Institute of Public Health & Hygiene (May, June, Sept.1966)

45. "The Development of Bacterial Chemotherapy"; Paul Ehrlich Lecture; E.B. Chain; International Record of Medical & General Practice Clinics, Vol.167, No.3 (March 1954); Antibiotics & Chemotherapy 3-215 (1954)

46. [This item is not held in the Chain papers:] "Aeration Studies II"; E.B. Chain & G.Gualandi; Rend. Inst. Superiore, Sanita (1954) 17, 5

47. "Biosynthetic Mechanisms of the Formation of Organic Acids in Moulds"; E.B.Chain; Proceedings of the International Congress of Biochemistry Brussels (1955)

48. "La Figura E L'Opera di Alexander Fleming"; Prof. E.B.Chain; Nuova Antologia Estratto-Anno 90, Vol. 464, fasc. 1853 (May 1955) 47

49. "A Laboratory Fermenter for Vortex & Sparger Aeration (1955)"; E.B. Chain, S.Paladino, F. Ugolini, D.S. Callow, J.van der Sluis; Instituto Superiore di Sanita Vol. XV11 (1955) 61-86

50. "Interrelation of Protein & Polynucleotide Synthesis in Escherichia Coli"; R.Cavanna, E.B.Chain, C.G. Heden, B. Malmaren, N.A. Eliasson, e. Hammersten, S. Aqvist; Instituto Superiore di Sanita Vol.XVII (1955)

51. "The Effect of Mechanical Agitation on the Morphology of Penicillium Chrysogenum Grown in Stirred Fermenters (1955)"; W.M. Dixon, A. Carilli, G. Sermonti, E.B. Chain; Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. XVII (1955)

52. "Fermenters of 90 + 300 1 Capacity for Vortex & Sparger Aeration (1955)"; S. Paladino, F. Ugolini, E.B. Chain; Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol.XVII (1955)

53. "Quantitative Bidimensional Radiochromatography"; E.B. Chain, M. Frank, F. Pocchiari, C. Rossi, F. Ugolini, G.Ugolini; Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol.1, Part II (1956) 241-280

54. "Carbohydrate Metabolism in Rat Liver: II Glycogen & fatty acid synthesis from glucose in perfused rat liver"; A. Beloff-Chain, D.Bovet, R. Catanzarro, E.B. Chain, R.Kohn, I. Masi & F. Pocchiari; Instituto Superiore di Sanita (1956) Vol. II, Part 1,304-327

55. "Experiments designed to test the "HexokinaseTheory & Perfmeability Theory" of the Mode of Action of Insulin"; A. Beloff-Chain, R.Catanzarro, E.B. Chain, I. Masi & R. Pocchiari; Instituto Superiore di Sanita (1956) Vol.1, Part III

56. "Chemistry & Biochemistry of Antibiotics"; E.B. Chain; Annual Review of Biochemistry, Vol. 27 (1958)

57. "Recent Studies on Carbohydrate Metabolism"; E.B. Chain; Brit.Medical J. (17 Oct.1959), Vol. II, 709-719

58. "Some Observations on the Mode of Action of Insulin"; E.B. Chain; Instituto Superiore di Sanita (1959)

59. "Note on the Sterilization of Media containing Sold Organic Material in Laboratory & Pilot Plant Fermenters"; E.B. Chain,S.Paladino, F.Zanchi; Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part 1 (1959) 88-98

60. "The Distribution of sulphurylicholine in Fungi"; A. Ballio, E.B. Chain, F.Dentice di Accadia, F. Navazion, C. Rossi, M. Ventura; Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. III (1959), Roma

61. "The Fate of 35 s-sulphate & 35 s-methionine in a high yielding & a non-penicillin producing strain of penicillin um Chrysogenum grown in a simple replacement medium"; A. Ballio, E. Brandl, E.B. Chain, F. Dentice di Accadia, F.Navazio, C. Rossi; Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part II 1959)

62. "Glucose Oxidation in Rat Brown Adipose Tissue Homogenate"; A. Beloff-Chain, R.Catanzarro, E.B. Chain, F. Pocchiari; Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part 1(1959) 132-138

63. "The Metabolism of Pyruvate in Rat Liver & Brain Slices"; A. Beloff-Chain, R. Catanzorro, E.B. Chain, I. Masi, F. Pocchiari; Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part 1 (1959)

64. "Simple Media for Penicillin Production"; E. Brandl, A. Carilli, E.B. Chain; Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part II (1959) 195-211

65. [This item is not held in the Chain papers:] Penicillin Production by Washed Mycelium of Penicillin Chrysogenum in Replacement Media"; E. Brandl, A. Carilli, E.B. Chain; Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part II (1959)

66. "The Effect of Mechanical Agitation on the Production of Kojic acid by Asperginus Flavus in Submerged Culture"; Anna Campasano, E.B. Chain, G. Gualandi; Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part II (1959)

67. "An Improved Automatic Scanner for the Quantitative Evaluation of Bidimensional Radiochromatograms"; M.Frank; Addenum in performance by E.B. Chain, F.Pocchiari, C. Rossi; Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part 1 (1959)

68. "Automatic Continuous Measure & Control of pH by means of Steam Sterlizable Glass Electrodes"; G. Gualandi, Elizabetta Caldarola, E.B. Chain; Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part 1 (1959)

69. "Continuous Measure of Dissolved Oxygen in Fermentations in the Presence of Micro- organisms"; G. Gualandi, G. Morisi, G. Ugolini, E.B. Chain; Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. III, Part 1 (1959)

70. "The Fate of 2-24 -c-labelled Acetate in Penicillium Chrysogenum"; J.A.Olson, E.B. Chain; Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol. II, Part II (1959)

71. "Organic Acid Metabolism of Acetate Grown Penicillium Chrysogenum"; J.A. Olson, E.B. Chain; Instituto Superiore di Sanita, Vol.II, Part II (1959)

72. "A Modified "Rotating Drum" Fermenter"; F. Ugolini, G.Ugolini, E.B.Chain; Instituto Superiore di Sanita,Vol. II, Part I (1959)

73. "Nouvelles voies Microbiologiques pour L'Obtention de Medicaments'; E.B. Chain; Journees Pharmaceutiques Francaises (1960)

74. "Participation of the Ammonium Ion in the Transformation of Glucose to Amino Acids in Brain Tissue"; E.B. Chain, M. Chiozzotto, F. Pocchiari, C. Ross, R. Sandman Proceedings of Roy. Soc. Vol.152 (1960) 290-297

75. "The Fate of Glucose in Different Parts of the Rabbit Brain"; E.B Chain, S. Larsson, F. Pocchiari; Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B. Vol. 152 (1960)

76. "The Absorption of Sucrose, Maltose and Higher Oligosaccharides from the Isolated Rat Small Intestine"; E.B. Chain, K.R.L.Mansford, F.Pocchiari; J. Physiol. (1960) 154, 39-51

77. "La Sterilizzazione dei Terreni di Cultura Contenuti Materiale Organico Solido in Fermentation da Laboratorio e da Impianto Pilota"; Rome (1960) Vol. XXIII; Estratto dai rendiconti dell Instituto Superiore di Santa

78. "Incorporation of Dicarboxylic acids as side chains into the Penicillin Molecule"; A. Ballio, E.B., Chain, F.Dentice di Accadia, M. Mastropietro-Cancellierei, G.Morpurgo, G. Serlupi-Crescenzi, G.Sermonti; Nature, Vol.185, No. 4706 (9 Jan. 1960) 97-99

79. "Influence of Anaerobiosis on Glucose Metabolism in the Isolated Rat Diaphragm Muscle"; A. Beloff-Chain, R. Cantanzaro, E.B. Chain, L. Longinotti, I.Masi, F. Pocchiari; Drug Research (1960) 330-333.

80. "Bacteriological Studies on a New Penicillin BRl (24)"; G.N. Rolinson, Shirley Stevens, J.Cameron-Wood, E.B. Chain, F.R. Batchelor; Lancet,(10 Sept 1960) 564-567

81. "Modified Penicillins"; E.B. Chain; Laboratory Practice (1961) 238-239

82. "Production of Lysergic Acid Derivatives by a Strain of Claviceps Paspali Stevens & Hall in Submerged Culture"; F. Arcamore, C.Bonino, E.B. Chain, A. Ferretti, P. Pennella, A.Tonolo, Lidia Vero; Nature, Vol.187, No. 4733 (1961) 238-239

83. "Formation of 2, 3-Dihydroxybenzoic Acid in Fermentation Liquors during the Submerged Culture Production of al Lysergic Acid and Hydroxyethylamide by Claviceps Paspali Stevens & Hall"; A. Arcamore, E.B. Chain, A. Ferretti, P. Pennalla; Naturet, Vol. 192, No. 4802 (11 Nov 1961) 552-553

84. "Production of a new Lysergic Acid Derivative in Submerged Culture by a Strain of Claviceps Paspali (Stevens & Hall)"; F. Arcamore, E.B. Chain, A. Ferretti, A.Minghetti, P. Pennalla, A. Tonola, Lydia Vero; Proceedings of the Roy. Soc. Bt Vol. 155 (1961), 26-54

85. 'Identification of a Compound related to 6-aminopenicillanic acid isolated from Culture Media of Penicillium Chrysogenum"; A. Ballio, E.B. Chain, F.Dentrice di Accadia, M.Mauri, K. Rauer, M. Schlesinger, Sondra Schlesinger; Nature Vol. 191, No. 4791 (26 August 1961) 909-910.

86. "I. 6-Aminopenicillanic acid in Penicillin Fermentations"; F.R. Batchelor, E.B. Chain, G.N. Rolinson; Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B. (1961), 498-508

87. "III. Isolation & Purification of 6-Aminopenicillanic Acid"; F.R. Batchelor, E.B. Chain, T.L.Hardy, K.R.L. Mansford, G.N. Rolinson; Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B. (1961), 498-508

88. "V. 6-Aminopenicillanic Acid as a Substitute for Penicillanase & an Inducer of Penicillanase Formation"; F.R. Batchelor, J. Cameron-Wood, E.B. Chain, G.N. Rolinson; Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B (1961) 514-521.

89. "VI. Formation of 6-Aminopenicillanicacid from Penicillin by Enzymic Hydrolysis"; F.R. Batchelor, E.B. Chain, M. Richards, G.N. Rolinson; Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B (1961) 522-531

90. "Aeration Studies. Continuous Measurement of Dissolved Oxygen during Fermentation in Large Fermenters"; A. Carilli, E.B. Chain, G. Gualandi, G. Morisi; Sci. Reports Instituto Superiore di Sanita (1961) 177-189

91. "Action of Insulin on Metabolic Reactions"; (CIBA Foundation Symposium on Enzymes and Drug Action 1962); E.B. Chain; Instituto Superiore di Sanita pp. 95-109 of above Symposium notes

92. "Studies on Brain Metabolism - Chap II"; E.B. Chain; Ultrastructure & Metabolism of the Nervous System Vol. XL (27-42)

93. "Inter-Relation of Glucose, Glutamate, & Aspartate Metabolism in Rat Cerebral Cortical Slices"; E.B. Chain, M.M. Cohen, F. Pocchiari; Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B., Vol.156 (1962) 163-167

94. "The Metabolism of Glutamic Acid In Rat Retina"; E.B. Chain, F. Pocchiari, H.W.Reading; Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B. Vol.156 (1962) 144-147

95. "The Effect of Trytophan & Methyltryptophans on Submerged Lysergic Acid Fermentation by Claviceps Paspali (Stevens & Hall) 1957"; F. Arcamone, E.B. Chain, A. Ferretti, A. Minghetti, P. Pennella, A. Tonolo; Biochem., Biophys. Acta (1962) 168-171

96. "The Influence of Glucose on Acetate Alanine & Pryuvate Metabolism in Rat Cerebral Cortical Slices"; A. Beloff-Chain, Rafaella Catonzaro, E.B. Chain, L. Longinotti, Ines Masi, F. Pocchiari; Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B Vol.156 (1962) 168-171

97. "The Metabolism of Glucose & Pyruvate in Rat Retina"; R. Catanzaro, E.B. Chain, F. Pocchiari, H.W. Reading; Proceedings of the Roy. Soc. B.Vol.156 (1962) 139-143

98. "The Metabolism of Glutamate & Aspartate in Rat Cerebal Cortical Slices"; O.Z. Sellinger, R.Catanzaro, E.B. Chain, F. Pocchiari; Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B, Vol.156 (1962) 148-162

99. "Accademic & Industrial Contributions to Drug Research"; Trueman Wood Lecture; E.B. Chain; English: Nature Vol. 200, No. 4905 (Nov. 1963) 441-451; Swedish: Nytt och Nyttigt, Nr 2 (1966); French: Medeicine et Hygiene No. 675 (17 Feb, 1964); German: Arzneimittel-Forschung 13 829-841

100. "Contributi della Fondazione Wellcome alla Ricera Scientifica nel Campo Della Medicina"; E.B. Chain (1963) Wellcome Italia

101. "Pure & Applied Chemistry"; E.B.Chain; Journal of International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry, Vol.6 (1963) 483- 491

102. "Studies on Ferroverdin, a Green Iron-containing Pigment Produced by a Streptomyces Wak Species (1962)"; Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B. Vol. 158 (1963) 43-70

103. "Studies on Penicillinase Produced by a Strain of Staphylococcus Aureus"; F.R. Batchelor, J. Cameron-Wood, E.B. Chain, G.N. Rolinson; Proceedings of Roy. Soc. B. Vol.158 (1968) 311-328

104. "Conquest of the Resistant Staphylococcus by New Penicillins"; E.B. Chain; New Scientist Vol.8 (1964) 838-840

105. "New Antibiotics (The New Penicillins)"; E.B. Chain; New Perspectives in Biology - BBA Lib. Vol.4 (1964). Elsevier Publishing Co

106. "The New Penicillins"; E.B. Chain; Laboratory Aspects of Therapy (reprinted from Therapy with the New Penicillins Conf. At Apothecaries Hall, June 1964

107. "Development & Trends of Antibiotic Research"; Oliver Sharpey Lecture; E.B. Chain; Proceedings of Conference at Royal College of Phsyicians (16-29 Nov.1964)

108. "Fusicoccin: a new Wilting Toxin Produced by Fusicoccum Amygdali - del"; E.B. Chain, A. Ballio, P. de Leo, B.F. Erlanger, M. Mauri, A. Tonolo; Nature Vol. 203, No. 2942 (18 July 1964) 297

109. "Anti-Bacterial Chemotherapy"; Mary Barber, E.B. Chain; Annual Review of Pharmacology, Vol. 4 (1964)

110. "The Metabolism of Glucose, 1. Phosphate & Glucose.6 Phosphate and their Influence on the Metabolism of Glucose in Rat Diaphragm Muscle"; A. Beloff-Chain, P. Betto, Raffaella Catanzaro, E.B. Chain, L. Longinotti, I.Masi, F. Pocchiari; Biochem. J.(1964), 91, 620

111. "Jephcott Lecture"; Contributions from Chemical Microbiology to Therapeutic Medicine; E.B. Chain; Proceedings of Roy. Soc. Medicine, Vol. 58 (Feb. 1965), No. 2, 85-96

112. "Landmarks and Perspectives in Biochemical Research"; (Inaugural Lecture); E.B. Chain; B.M.F. (23 & 30 Jan. 1965) I, 209-220 & 273-278

113. "Phases of Penicillin Research (1965)"; E.B. Chain; Israel Journal of Medical Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 6 (Nov. 1965) 1400-1405

114. "Use of Radioisotopes in General Biochemistry"; E.B. Chain; Chemistry & Industry (1965) 1352-1353

115. "Twenty-Five Years of Penicillin Therapy in Perspective"; E.B. Chain; Antimicrobial agents & Chemotherapy (1965)

116. "Effect of Ammon I um and other ions on the Glucose-dependent active transport of L- Hist Adine in slices of rat brain cortex"; D.F de Almeida, E B. Chain, F. Pocchiari; Biochem. J. (1965) 95, 793-796

117. "A Nitrosophenolcobalt Chelate produced by a Streptomycete"; A. Ballio, S.Barcellona, E.B. Chain, A. Tonolo, Lidia Vero-Barcellona; Proceedings of Roy. Soc, B, Vol. 161 (1965) 384-391

118. "Influence of some Mononucleotides and their corresponding Nucleosides on the Met. Of Carbohydrates in the Isolated Rat Diaphragm Muscle"; A. Beloff-Chain, P. Betto, W. Bleszynski, Raffaella Catanzaro, E.B. Chain, A.A. Dmitrovski, L. Longinotti, F. Pocchiari; Biochem. J.(1965), 97, 565-568

119. "Aeration Studies IV: Aeration Conditions in 3000-litre submerged Fermentation with various Micro-organisms"; E.B. Chain, G. Gualandi, G. Morisi; Biotechnology & Bio-Engineering Vol. VIII 595-619

120. "The Quest for New Biodynamic Substances"; E.B. Chain; Perspectives in Biology & Medicine , Vol. 10, No. 2 (1967)

121. "Studies Concerning Lysergic & Dihydrolysergic Acid & Hydroxyethylamides"; F, Arcamone, B. Camerino, E.B. Chain, A.Ferretti, S.Redailli; Tetrahedron, (1967), Vol. 23, 11-18 Pub. Pergammon Press

122. "Influence of Anti-Insulin Serum on Glucose Metabolism (I) in Isolated Adipose Tissue"; A. Beloff-Chain, R. Catanzaro, E.B. Chain; Diabetes, (July 1967), Vol. 16, No. 7, 472-472

123. "Viruses in Fungi & Interferon Stimulation"; G.T. Banks, K.W. Buck, E.B. Chain, F. Himmelweit, J.E. Marks, J.M. Tyler, M. Hollings, F.T. Last, O.M. Stone

124. "The Constitution of Fusicoccin"; K.D. Barrow, D.H.R. Barton, E.B. Chain, U.F.W. Ohnsorge, R. Thomas; Chemical Communications (1968)

125. "Fusiococcin: Characterisation of the Oxygen Substituents"; K.D. Barrow, D.H.R. Barton, E.B. Chain, C.Conlay, T.V. Smale, R. Thomas, E.S. Waight; Chemical Communications (1968)

126. "Formation & Structure of Extracellular Glucans Produced by Claviceps Species"; K.W. Buck, A.W. Chen, A.G. Dickerson, E.B.Chain; J. Gen. Microbiol. (1968) 51, 337-352

127. "Effects of Insulin on the Pattern of Glucose Metabolism in the Perfused Working & Langendorrf Heart of Normal & Insulin Deficient Rats"; E.B. Chain, K.R.L. Mansford, L.H. Opie; Biochem. J. (1969) 115, 537

128. "Metabolism of Hexoses in Rat Cerebal Cortex Slices"; E.B. Chain, S.P.R. Rose, I. Masi, F. Pocchiari; J. Neurochem. (1969) 16, 93-100

129. "Penicillium Cyaneo-Fulvum Virus & Interferon Stimulation"; G.T. Banks, K.W. Buck, E.B. Chain, Joan E. Darbyshire, F. Himmelweit; Nature, Vol. 223, No.5202 (12 July 1969) 155-158

130. "Virus-like Particles in Penicillium Producing Strains of Penicillium Chrysogenum"; G.T. Banks, K.W. Buck, E.B. Chain, Joan E. Darbyshire, F. Himmelweit; Nature, Vol.222, No. 5188 (5 Apr.1969) 89-90

131. "Glucose & Amino-Acid Metabolism in Some Invertebrate Nervous Systems"; H.F Bradford, E.B.Chain, H.T.Cory, S.P.R. Rose; J. of Neurochemistry, (1969) Vol.16, 969-978

132. [This item is not held in the Chain papers:] "High Cell Wall Galactosamine Content & Virus Particles in Penicillium Stoloniferum"; K.W. Buck, E.B. Chain, Joan Darbyshire; Nature (1969) 233, 1273

133. "The Biochemist's Approach to Medical Research"; E.B. Chain; The Scientific Basis of Medicine Annual Reviews (1970)

134. "Recent Studies in Amino Acid Glucose Interrelations in Brain"; E.B. Chain; FEBS Symposium Vol. 21 (1970) 306-319

135. "Social Responsibility and the Scientist in Modern Western Society"; Robert Waley Cohen Memorial Lecture; Prof. Sir E. Chain; The Council of Christians & Jews

136. "Social Responsibility & the Scientist"; Prof. Sir E. Chain; New Scientist (1970) 22, 166-172

137. "A Computerised Scanncer for Bidimensional Radiochromatograms"; E.B. Chain, A.E. Lowe, K.R.L. Mansford; Journal of Chromatography, 53 (1970) 293-314

138. "Antivirial Activity of Double Stranded RNA from a Virus Isolated from Aspergillius Foetidus"; G.T. Banks, K.W. Buck, E.B. Chain, Joan E. Darbyshire, F. Himmelweit, G. Ratti, T.J. Sharpe, D.N. Planterose; Nature, Vol.227, No. 5257 (Aug. 1, 1970) 505-507

139. "Influence of Insulin on the Met. Of Glucosamine in the Isolated Rat Diaphragm Muscle"; A. Beloff-Chain, E.B. Chain, K.A. Rookledge; Biochem. J (1970) 117, 451-455

140. "Biosynthesis of N- - Hydroxyethyl Lysergamide, a Metabolite of Claviceps Paspali (Stevens & Hall)"; N. Castagnoli, Jun., K. Corbett, E.B. Chain, R. Thomas; Biochem.J. (1970) 117, 451-455

141. "Further investigations of the Toxicity of Fusiococcins"; E.B. Chain, P.G. Mantle, B.V. Milborrow; Physiological Plant Pathology 1, 495-514

142. "Fisicoccin. Part 1. The Nature of the Substittuent Groups"; K.D. Barrow, D.H.R. Barton, Sir Ernst Chain, C. Conlay, T.C. Smale, R. Thomas, E.S. Wright; J. of the Chemical Soc., Section C, Organic Chemistry (1971)

143. "Fusicoccin. Part II. The Constitution of Fusicoccin"; K.D. Barrow, D.H.R. Barton, Sir Ernst Chain, U.F.W. Ohnsorge, R.Thomas; J. of the Chemical Society, Section C. Organic Chemistry (1971)

144. "The Influence of Insulin & of Contraction on Glucose Metabolism in the Perfused Diaphragm Muscle from Normal & Streptozotocin-Treated Rats"; A. Beloff-Chain, E.B. Chain, K.A. Rookledge; Biochem. (1971) 125, 97-103

145. "Comparison of Interferon Induction in Mice by Purified Penicillium Chrysogenum Virus & Derived Double-Stranded RNA"; K.W. Buck, E.B. Chain, F. Himmelweit; Journal of General Virology (1971) 12, 131-139

146. "Pseudomonic Acid: An Antibiotic Produced by Pseudomonas Fluorescens"; A.T. Fuller, G. Mellows, M. Woolford, G.T. Banks, K.D. Barrow, E.B.Chain; Nature Vol. 234, No. 5329 (1971) 416-417

147. "Crystal Protein of Bacillus Thuringiensis Var. Tolworth: Subunit Structure & Toxicity to Pieris Brassicae"; Barry N. Herbert, Hannah J. Gould, Ernst B. Chain; Eur. J. Biochem. 24 (1971) 366-375

148. "Fungal Viruses & Their Antiviral Properties"; Sir Ernst Chain; Proc. Roy. Inst 45 (1972)

149. "Thirty Years of Penicillin Therapy"; Sir Ernst Chain; J. Roy. Coll. Phycns. Lond. Vol. 6, No. 2 (2 January 1972) also Proc. Roy. Lond. B (1971) 179, 293-319

150. "Investigations on the Phytotoxicity of Fusicoccins"; Sir Ernst Chain, Peter G. Mantle, Barry V. Milborrow (1972); In Phytotoxins in Plant Diseases; Ed. R.K.S. Wood, A. Ballio, G. Graniti. Academic Press

151. "Effect of Glucose on Enzyme Release from, and Recovery of the Anoxic Myocardium"; D.J. Hearse & E.B. Chain; In Myocardial Metabolism: Recent Advances in Studies on Cardiac Structure & Metabolism (1972) Vol. 3. University Park Press, Baltimore,P.763-772

152. "Glucose & the Survival and Recovery of the Anoxic Myocardium"; D.J. Hearse & E.B. Chain; Proceedings of the Biochemical Society Biochem. J. (1972) 127, No. 2, 20 p

153. "The Role of Glucose in the Survival 'Recovery' of the Anoxic Isolated Perfused Rat Heart"; D.J. Hearse & E.B. Chain; Biochem. J. (1972) 128, 1125-1133

154. "Professor Heyman's Memorial Speech"; Ernst Chain; Archives Internationales de Pharmacodyami et de Therapie Supplement to Vol.22 (April 1973)

155. "Relationships Between Industrial & Academic Laboratories"; E. Chain; Biochem. Soc. Spec. Publ (1973), 2, 51-56

156. "Protein Synthesis by Perfused Hearts from Normal & Insulin-Deficient Rats"; Ernst B. Chain & Peter M. Sender; Biochem. Jt (1973) 132, 593-601

157. "Fusicoccin. Part III. The Structure of Fusicoccin H"; K.D. Barrow, D.H.R. Barton, Sir Ernst Chain, U.F.W. Ohnsorge, R.P. Sharma; Journal of the Chemical Society Perkin Transactions 1 (1973)

158. "Biosynthesis of Ergotamine by Claviceps Purpurea (Fr.) Tul"; R.A. Bassett, E.B. Chain, K.Corbett; Biochem. Journal (1973), 134, 1-10

159. "Effects of Heart Work & Insulin on the Incorporation of (14C) Glucose into Hexose Phosphates & Uridine Diphosphate Glucose In Normal & Diabetic Perfused Rat Heart"; Indrajit Das & Ernst B. Chain; Biochem. Society Transactions Vol. 1 (1973) 536th Meeting, London, 599 p

160. "Abrupt Reoxygenation of the Anoxic Potassium-Arrested Perfused Rat Heart: A Study of Myocardial Enzyme Release" ; D.J. Hearse, S.M. Humphrey, E.B. Chain; Journal of Molecular & Cellular Cardiology (1973) 5, 395-407

161. "The Effect of Reoxygenation on Enzyme Release from the Anoxic Isolated Perfused Rat Heart"; D.J. Hearse, S.M. Humphrey, E.B. Chain; Biochem. Soc. Transactions (1973), 538th Meeting, Birmingham, Vol. 1, 869 p.

162. "Myocardial Enzyme Release Under Conditions of Graded Hypoxia: Studies with the Isolated Perfused Rat Heart"; D.J. Hearse, S.M. Humphrey, E.B. Chain; Biochem. Soc.Transactions (1973), 538th Meeting, Birmingham, Vol. 1,869p

163. [This item is not held in the Chain papers:] "Beitrage des Biochemikers Zur Arzneimittelforschung"; E.B. Chain; Sonderdruck aus Wiener Klinische Wochenscrift 86(1), 1-5 (1974) Schriftleiter: O. Kraupp und E.Deutsch

164. "Manifestation en L'Honneur du Doyen F. Tayeau"; E.B. Chain; Bordeaux Medical/i> (1974) No. 16, 2443-2444

165. "Structure of Pseudo Monic Acid, An Antibiotic from Pseudomonas Fluorescens"; E.B. Chain & Graham Mellow; J. of the Chemical Soc. Chemical Communications (1974) 847-848

166. "The Effects of Cardioplegiaon Adenosine Triphosphate Content & Recovery in the Isolated Perfused Working Rat Heart"; David J. Hearse, David A. Stewart, Ernst B. Chain; Biochem. Soc. Transactions, 2 (1974) 427

167. "Recovery from Cardiac Bypass & Elective Cardiac Arrest: The Metabolic Consequences of Various Cardioplegic Procedures in the Isolated Rat Heart"; David J.Hearse, David A. Steward, Ernst B. Chain; Circulation Research (September 1974) Vol.35

168. "Dietary Fibre & Sterol. Metabolism in the Rat"; B. Morgan, Monique Heald, Sandra D. Atkin, J. Green, E.B. Chain; Brit. J. Nutr. (1974), 32, 447-455

169. "Reminiscences of Severo Ochoa from our Oxford Days (Reflections on Biochemistry)"; E. Chain; (1975)

1970. "Concluding Remarks: Symposium on Food Science & Technology"; Sir Ernst Chain; Proc. Roy. Soc. London. B (1975) Vol. 191, 195-198

171. "The Pharmaceutical Sciences, Government & the People"; Sir Ernst Chain; Australian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (1975), Vol. NS4, No. 1, 1-13

172. "Fusicoccin. Part 4. The Structure of Fusicoccin J+"; K.D. Barrow, D.H.R. Barton, Sir Ernst Chain, D. Bageenda-Kasujja, G. Mellows; Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkins Transactions I,/i> (1975), 877-883

173. "Purification of D-Alanine Carboxypeptidase from Escherichia Coli B"; M. Gorecki, Atara Bar-Eli, Yigal Burnstein, A. Patchornik, E.B. Chain; Biochem. J (1975), 147, 131-137

174. "Diabetes and the Survival & Recovery of the Anoxic Myocardium"; D.J. Hearse, D.A. Steward, E.B. Chain; J. Molecular & Cellular Cardiology (1975) Vol. 7, 397-415

175. "Reflections on Research in Chemotherapy"; Sir Ernst Chain; Chemotherapy (1976) 1, 7-13

176. "Effect of Heart Work and Insulin on the Incorporation of 14C Glucose into Hexose Phosphates, Uridine Diphosphate Glucose & Glycogen in the Normal & Insulin-Deficient Perfused Rat Heart under Working & Non-Working Conditions"; Intradjit Das & Ernst B. Chain; J. Biochem. (1976), 154, 765-772

177. "The Position of Applied Research in Non-Industrial Laboratories"; Chain. Chapter 1; Biotechnological Applications of Proteins & Enzymes (1977) Academic Press, New York, S. Francisco & London

178. "Pseudomonic Acid. Part I. The Structure of Pseu Dominic Acid A, A Novel Antibiotic Produced by Pseudomonas Fluorescens"; Sir Ernst Chain & G. Mellows; J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Transactions I (1977) 294-309

179. "Pseudomonic Acid. Part 3. Structure of Pseudomonic Acid B"; E.B. Chain, G. Mellows; J. of the Chemical Society. Perkins Transactions I (1977), 318-322

180. "The Penicillin Discovery - Past and Present"; E.B. Chain; Japanese Journal of Antibiotics (1978) Vol. 31, No. 8, 493-507 (in Japanese)

181. "The Early Years of the Penicillin Discovery"; E. Chain; TIPS (1979) Inaugural issue



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In addition to the publications listed here, Chain contributed to Chemical Investigations on penicillin 1943-1945, sent in form of reports to the Committee for Penicillin Synthesis of the Medical Research Council. No copies of these are available in the Chain papers, but the deatils are supplied for information:

A. PEN Reports

1. E.P. Abraham, E. Chain and W. Baker and R. Robinson - Pen 79, May 19th 1943; Further studies on the degradation of penicillin; I. Effect of acid inactivation, acid hydrolysis and mercuric chloride on the optical activity of penicillin. 2. Penicilliamine. 3. Penicillinic acid. 4. Degradation of penicillamine to penicillaminic acid. 5. Effect of ketene on penicillamine

2. E.P. Abraham, E. Chain and W. Baker and R. Robinson - Pen 88, July 1943.; Studies on the degradation of penicillin

3. E.P. Abraham, E. Chain, W. Baker and R. Robinson - Pen 91, August 19th 1943. A discussion of the structure of penicillinic acid and its derivatives. The structure of penicillamine

4. E.P. Abraham, E. Chain and W. Baker and R. Robinson - Pen 99, Sept 2nd 1943) Crystalline salts of penicillin

5. E.P. Abraham, E. Chain and W. Baker and R. Robinson - Pen 97, Sept. 16th 1943.; Further studies on the degradation of penicillin; Isopropyliden-penicillamine. Tosyl derivative of penicillamine. Aldehyde fragement from penicillin hydrolysis

6. E.P. Abraham, E. Chain, W. Baker, J.W. Cornforth, R.N. Cornforth and R. Robinson -Pen 100, Oct 4th 1943; Synthesis of penicillamine

7. E.P. Abraham, E. Chain and W. Baker and R. Robinson -Pen 103, Oct 23rd 1943; Further studies of the degradation of penicillin; Formation of penilloaldehyd. Its oxidation to acid C8 H 13 0 3N; Structure of penilloaldehyde. Structure of penillic acid.; Structures for penicillin. (Oxazolene-thiazolidine and - lactam structures)

8. E.P. Abraham, E. Chain and W. Baker and R. Robinson - Pen 109, Nov 8th 1943; Further studies in the degradation of penicillin; Structure of penillo-laldehyde. Synthesis of dihydropenilloaldehyde and the acid deriving from it by oxidation with silver oxide.

9. E.P. Abraham, E. Chain and W. Baker and R. Robinson -Pen 111, Nov 17th 1943; Further studies in the degradation of penicillin; Synthesis of penilloic-l acid and penillo-l aldehyde B. CPS Reports

1. E.O. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 1, Dec 20th 1943.; Constitution of penicillin.

2. E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 11, Jan 4th 1944; Isopenillic acid

3. E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 21, Feb. 2nd 1944; Mechanism of action of penicillinase

4. E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 22, Feb. 26th 1944

5. E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 29, March 18th 1944.; Properties of some synthetic thiozolidines in relation to the structure of penicillin

6. D.P. Wilson, J.B. Jepson, E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 26, March 16th 1944; 2-phenyl-4 ethoxymethyleneoxaazolone and its condensation with 1-cysteine

7. J.P. Jepson, E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 30, March 20th 1944; 2-Furyl-4-ethoxymethylene-oxazolone

8. J.F.W. McOmie, E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson -CPS 32, March 20th 1944; The preparation of penicillamine from S-benzylpenicillamine

9. G.M. Robinson, E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - March 27th 1944.; 2-Styryl-4 ethoxymethylene-oxazolene; Formation of a bacteriostat of penicillin type

10. E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson -CPS 43, April 3rd 1944; Synthesis in the penicillin-II series, involving the use of dithiophenylacetic acid.

11. J.W. Cornforth, D.H. Cornforth, E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 57, April 2nd 1944; Attempted synthesis of penicillic acid. New synthesis of imidazioles and oxazoles

12. J.W. Cornforth, R.H. Cornforth, E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 58, May 1st 1944; 2-hydroxy-5 propylaxazolene and its conditions with penicillamine

13. J.W. Cornforth, R.H. Cornforth, E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 59, May 2nd 1944; 4-hydroxymethylene 2-n-amyloxazolone and its condensation with penicillamine. Possible synthesis in small yield of dihydropenicillin-1 or a stereoisomoride

14. F.E. King, S.G. Waley, E.P.Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson; CPS 68, May 30th 1944; 2-Benzylidene pseudo-oxazolone

15. J.W. Cornforth, R.H. Cornforth, M.J.S. Dewar, E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson. CPS 69, May 30th 1944; PB-diethoxyaline

16. E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 71, June 1st 1944; Synthesis of racemic decarboxy penicillic II-acid, and recemic penicillamine-ll- hydrochloride; 17. E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 71, June 1st 1944; Some further reactions of phenylthioacetylglycine. Phenyl-thioacetylalanine

18. J.P. Wilson, E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 76, June 14th 1944; Derivatives of 4-Formyloxazolone

19. J.P. Wilson, E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 92, June 24th 1944; Transformation of benzoylaminocinnamhydrazide and remarks on the constitution of certain derivatives of hippuric acid

20. E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 235, August 26th 1944; Removal of the carbobenzoxy group from a 2-carbobenzoxy-amino-methylthiazolidine

21. R.J.S. Beer, F.E. King, E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 268, Sept.19th 1944; Ddl-nor-penicilloic acid

22. E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson- CPS 271, Sept. 26th 1944; Structure of penicillin

23. E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson -CPS 342, Dec. 1st 1944; Synthesis of Intermediates (Penicilloic acid with unsubstituted amino group and its corresponding thio derivative)

24. J.A. Barltrop, E.P. Abraham, W. Baker and R. Robinson - CPS 463, April 10th 1945; Thiazoline derivatives related to pencillamine

25. E.P. Abraham, W. Baker and E. Chain - CPS 554, July 1945; The -lactam structure for the penicillins

26. E.P. Abraham, W. Baker, E. Chain and R. Robinson - CPS 648, Nov. 26th 1945; Synthetic penicillin in small yield


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