A history of the vegetable kingdom : embracing comprehensive descriptions of the plants most interesting from their uses to man and the lower animals ... / by William Rhind.

  • Rhind, William, active 1818-1867.
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This Work furnishes a much more extensive vocabulary than any Dictionary that has hitherto appeared. “Dr. Ogilvie has not only produced the best English Dictionary that exists, but, so far as the actual state of knowledge per- mitted, has made some approach towards perfection.”—British Quarterly Review. “ Copious beyond all precedent in the staple of ordinary language, it is enriched with a mass of terse and comprehensive information under the heads of technical and scientific words—information which has become absolutely necessary for the general reader, in an age when the facts and language of Science are invading the sphere of common life at all points. . . . An immense abundance of exquisite little cuts are introduced, scarcely any occasion being allowed to escape, where the definition can be made to appeal to the eye, as well as to the intellect. These volumes have, indeed, so many attractions, that, after having enjoyed their use for some time, we begin to look upon them as a positive necessity.”—Manchester Examiner and Times. Complete in 36 parts, imperial 4to, 2s. 6d. each; or strongly bound in half-morocco, gilt edges, £5, 5s. The Imperial Atlas OF MODERN OROGRAPHY; A Series of One Hundred carefully coloured Maps, embracing the most recent Discoveries, and the latest Political Divisions of Territory in all parts of the World. Compiled from the most authentic sources, under the supervision of W. G. Blackie, ph.d., f.b.g.s., Editor of the Imperial Gazetteer. With an Index, containing references to nearly 120,000 Places. In fulness and accuracy of information, largeness of scale, and clearness of engraving, this Atlas will compare favourably with the most costly works of the kind extant. It is portable, and can be consulted with ease, being an imperial 4to, measuring when closed 15 inches by 11 inches. The Maps are printed on paper measuring 22 inches by 15, and carefully coloured. The Series extends to Seventy-eight such Sheets, comprising above One Hundred different Maps. “After a careful perusal of the whole work, we can safely say that we know of no Atlas, published at the same low price, which is so copious and accurate in detail, so clearly printed, and so well engraved; that no maps have been hitherto constructed on scales so carefully adapted to the relative importance of countries, as viewed from the stand-point of English merchants and general readers.”—London Review, Complete, including Supplement, in 36 parts, imperial Svo, 2s. 6d. each; also in divisions, 7s. 6d. each. The Imperial Gazetteer; A GENERAL DICTIONARY OF GEOGRAPHY, PHYSICAL, POLITICAL, STATISTICAL, and DESCRIPTIVE; containing comprehensive Accounts of the Countries, Cities, Towns, Villages, Seas, Lakes, Rivers, Islands, Mountains, Valleys, &c., in the World. Edited by W. G. Blackie, ph.d., f.r.g.s. 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The Engraved Illustrations, 73 in number, consist of a Series of Historical Designs, selected from the Works of the ancient and modern Masters, and a series of Views of important Bible Localities, from Authentic Drawings, the whole engraved in the most finished manner.
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To teachers we commend it as the best and cheapest dictionary in the language— it indeed distances by far anything of the kind before published.”—Papers for the Schoolmaster. “ It would he absurd to profess that we have read the Student's Dictionary through continuously ; but we have tested so much, so often, and so impartially, that we feel qualified to pronounce it emphatically an honest and thorough work, and a well-nigh invaluable acquisition to the student’s library.”—Weekly Review.
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In this respect it is emi- nently like Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, a work so beautifully proportioned in doctrine, that Calvinist and Arminian, Church- man and Dissenter, are all alike agreed in admiring it.”—From Biographical Notice by Rev. J. C. Ryle, B.A. Oxon. Family Worship : A Scries of Devotional Ser- vices for every Morning and Evening throughout the Year, adapted to the purposes of Domestic Worship; Prayers for particular occasions, and Prayers suitable for children, &c. By above TWO HUNDRED EVANGELICAL MINISTERS. With Five Hun- dred Selected Hymns. Illustrated by Twenty-six fine Engravings on Steel. 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