Ulrich Junior, Johann

  • Ulrich Johann, Junior
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Liber amicorum. An interleaved copy of the 'Liber emblematum D. Andreae Alciati...verteutscht und am Tag gegeben durch Jeremiam Held. Frankfort: bey Georg Raben, in Verlegung Sigmund Feyrabends und Simon Hüters. 1567'. With 33 signatures, mostly of theologians, but including that of Oswald Gaebelkover, MD. dated October 25, 1601 (facing fol. 73v). On the interleaves before fol. 80 and fol. 104 are faint pencil drawings, the first of a man playing a flute, the second of a lady and gentleman in court dress. Some of the woodcuts have been coloured by hand. List of signatories: Facing Fol. 15v, 2nd interleaf Ulrich (Johann), Senior. Superintendens Jesennsis filio suo. 28/8/1601. 16v Ulrich (Timotheus) 'scribebat fratri'. Wittenberg. 29/8/1601. 17v Cygneus (D. F.). Wittenberg. 28/8/1597. 28v Hutter (Leonhard) [1563-1616], Theologian. Wittenberg. 8/4/1598. 29 Eck (Johann Heinrich) of Baden. n.d. 29 Deutzschmann (Caspar) of Schlieben. n.d. 30v Cygneus (D. F.). 13/4/1596 33 Tryller (Daniel). 1598. 40 Tinaeus (Georg). Moldau. 1594. 42v Crentius (Georg). 27/2/1594. 43 Schernack (Andreas). n.d. 44 Cocus (David). 1594. 49 W. (M. S.). 16/9/1571. 65 Helsing (Albinus). n.d. 65v Francke (Andreas). Moldau. 1594. 67 Preill (Augustinus) [ -1634], Theologian. -/3/1594. 72 Wunschald (Georg). Wittenberg. 1/9/1597. 73v Gaebelkover (Oswald) M.D., [1538-1616]. Heidenstein. 25/10/1601. 84v Berg [?] (Urhing?]. [Faintly written in pencil]. 30/9/1600. 92v Schmidt (Erasmus) [1560-1637], Mathematician. Wittenberg. 1/9/1597. 95v Kheil (Mathias). Wittenberg. 29/8/1601. 96 Balduin (Friedrich) [1575-1627], Theologian. Wittenberg 29/8/1601. 96v Crusius (Jacobus) [1548-1617], S. J. Wittenberg. 12/4/1598. 98v [Anonymous]. Wittenberg. 27/7/1596. 99 Gundermann (Georg). Wittenberg. 29/8/1597. 111v Venediger (Daniel). Wittenberg. 28/8/1601. 111v, 2nd interleaf Rhodius (Jacobus). Wittenberg. 29/8/1601. 117 Summer (Johann). Torgau [?]. n.d. 117v Nimitz (Georg von). Wittenberg. 28/8/1601. 120v Oblicius (Martin). Wittenberg. 7/4/1598. 121v Klein (Elias). Wittenberg. 7/4/1598. 122v Nerckwith (Nicolaus). 28/8/1601. 124v Cholius (Caspar). Chronogram 'seD LIbera nos a MaLo'. [1601]. 125 Tryller (Michael). Wittenberg. 29/8/1601. The interleaves between fol. 1 and fol. 22 contain emblem verses in Latin and German, 'desumpti ex Thesauro philopolitico Joannis Ludovici Gottfridi (i.e. Johann Philipp Abelin [ -1646]), as noted on fol. 1 verso: also 'Curiosae quae-dam ex peregrinatione C. Reissfingel'. These are apparently written by the Gerhard Pfister whose name is found on the title-page. Produced in Torgau.



Physical description

1 volume 13 ll. + 130 ff. + 7 ll. 8vo. 16 x 91/2 cm. Stamped vellum binding: the upper cover with a central panel within a decorated border, containing an unidentified coat of arms; and the initials C.K.W. and date 1571 in black. The lower cover has a Crucifixion scene in the centre panel.


The papers are available subject to the usual conditions of access to Archives and Manuscripts material, after the completion of a Reader's Undertaking.

Acquisition note

Purchased 1935.

Finding aids

Database description transcribed from S.A.J. Moorat, Catalogue of Western Manuscripts on Medicine and Science in the Wellcome Historical Medical Library (London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1962-1973).

Ownership note

On the title-page are the following inscriptions by former owners: 'In usum fratris P. Gerhardi Pfister in mon[asterio] s[acrae?] t[heologiae?] professi anno 1671' [at Torgau?]. 'Monasterii B[eatae] M[ariae] V[irginis] ad S[acrae] T[heologiae] Catalogo Inscriptus. No. 1 Sacri Ordinis Cisterciensis'. 'Sum ex libris Johannis [name crossed through] [15]94]'. 'Casparus Perillus von Torgau mahler 1607'.


Where to find it

  • LocationStatusAccess
    Closed stores

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Accession number

  • 69040