Copy 2

A most excellent and learned woorke of chirurgerie, called Chirurgia parva Lanfranci, Lanfranke of Mylayne his briefe: reduced from dyvers translations to our vulgar or usuall frase / and now first published in the Englyshe prynte by John Halle Chirurgien. Who hath thereunto necessarily annexed. A table, as wel of the names of diseases and simples with their vertues, as also of all other termes of the arte opened ... And in the ende a compendious worke of anatomie ... An historiall expostulation also against the beastly abusers, both of chyrurgerie and phisicke in our tyme ... All these faithfully gathered, and diligently set forth, by the sayde John Halle.

  • Lanfranco, of Milan, active 13th century

Licence: Public Domain Mark

Credit: A most excellent and learned woorke of chirurgerie, called Chirurgia parva Lanfranci, Lanfranke of Mylayne his briefe: reduced from dyvers translations to our vulgar or usuall frase / and now first published in the Englyshe prynte by John Halle Chirurgien. Who hath thereunto necessarily annexed. A table, as wel of the names of diseases and simples with their vertues, as also of all other termes of the arte opened ... And in the ende a compendious worke of anatomie ... An historiall expostulation also against the beastly abusers, both of chyrurgerie and phisicke in our tyme ... All these faithfully gathered, and diligently set forth, by the sayde John Halle. Source: Wellcome Collection.

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