Witchcraft in old and New England / by George Lyman Kittredge.

  • Kittredge, George Lyman, 1860-1941.
    Gomme, Sir G. L., 399, 412, 423, 453, 477) 487, 523, 548 Gonzenbach, L., 442 Goodcole, Henry, 577; Mrs., 577 Goodell, A. C., 421, 583, 594 Gooding, Elizabeth, 563 Goodman, Godfrey, 325 Goodwin, John, his children, 371, 565 Gookin, Daniel, 592 goose, 484 Gorman, H., 421 Goslyng, Thomas, 158 Gough, Richard, 591, 595, 597 Gouldsbury, C., 434, 513 Gowdie, Isobel, 160, 491 Gower, John, 57 f., 104 f. Gowghter, 117 Grasse, J. G. T., 522 Graf, A., 545 Grafton, Richard, 408, 458 grain, 172; burning grain, 31; grain or¬ deal, 238 Granada, D., 493 Granso, 180 f. Grant, C., 542 Granville, Denis, 135, 462 Gratian, 244 Grattan, J. H. G., 526 grave mould, 49, 142 f. Gray, J. H., 572; William, 519 Great Paxton, 236 Gredt, N., 482, 486, 496, 514, 516, 527 Greece, 54, 60, 93, 111 f., 172, 183 f., 190, 201, 218, 224, 378, 384, 396, 414, 442 ff., 451, 462, 465, 506 f., 510, 529, 531 536 f-> 543- See Macedonia Green, Emanuel, 582; S. A., 596 Greene, Robert, 133 f., 439 Greenough, W. P., 514 Greenslet, F., 562, 582, 591 Greenwood, Sir Hamar, 136; Richard, 207 f. Gregor, W., 390, 426 ff., 430, 453, 477, 480,483 f.,486,49O) 494 f-j497 ff)5I5 Gregory Nazianzen, 537 Gregory the Great, 43, 127 f., 200 f., 202, 222,529 Gregory, William, 126, 407, 416 f., 457, 474)534)547 Grendon, Felix, 387 ff., 441, 444, 448, 453 f-) 461, 466, 473) 489) 5°8) 526 Grey Friars Chronicle, 408 ff., 416, 470, 474)520 Grey, Sir George, 532 Grienberger, T., 396 Griffith, F. LI., 396 Grig,-, 230 f. Grillando, Paolo, 141, 149, 151, 212 f., 384, 387) 4°2) 412, 436, 441, 454, 456 ff, 460, 465 f., 472, 480, 520, 532, 547)565 Grimm, Jakob, 425, 427, 446, 452, 463, 472) 480, 514, 522, 532) 536, 548, 563; Wilhelm, 514, 563 Grindal, Edmund, 115, 250, 259, 553 Grippis, Fortunatus de, 503 Grogaldr, 438, 478 Grohmann, J. V., 392, 464, 486, 510, 512) 5J4, 527 Gross, Charles, 538 Grosseteste, Robert, 222, 240 Grundtvig, S., 376, 437 Guagnino, A., 474 Guazzo (Guaccius), F. M,, 440 f., 445, 458) 472, 476, 482, 496, 501, 514, 522, 533) 547 f-)56° Guernsey, 430, 484, 515, 549 Guichard, 83, 108 f., 117 f. Guidott, T., 576 Guigemar, 16 Guignehochet, 216 Guilford, Francis Lord, 333 f., 590 f. Guilielmus Alvernus, 217, 406 f., 444, 463, 492, 503, 522, 526, 531 Guillaume de Palerne, 440; le Breton, 534 guinea pig, 501 Gull-J>oris Saga, 517 Gunpowder Plot, 320 Gunter, Anne, 321 f., 577 Gunther, Bishop, 474 Gurdon, P. R. T., 513, 543 Guthrum, 27, 383 Gybbys, John, 130 Gyges, 111 Gylou, 224 Gypsies, 390, 414, 434, 482, 506 f. Haag, G., 523 Haberland, Karl, 503 Habington, William, 405 Hache, Roger atte, 194 Hackett, Margaret, 85 Hackman, J., 519 Haddan, A. W., 378, 381 ff., 393, 449, 461, 472 f. Haddon, A. C., 412, 432; John, 188 Hadrumetum, 111 f.
    Halsig, F., 387, 390, 396, 436, 444, 466 Hastesko, F. A.: see Finland hail: see weather hair, 48 f., 90, 97, 102 f., 134, 142, 436 Hairy Jack, 176 Hale, John, 177, 335, 428) 435; sir Ma¬ thew, 332 ff., 364, 592; W. H. H., 36 f., 407 f., 419, 438> 4495 451 *•» 474) 5°4, 509 f.,512 Halfdanar Saga, 516 Halifax, 207 f., 436, 477, 480, 495 f-> 528 Halitgar, 384, 386 Hall, Alice, 196; Edward, 82, 408, 416 f.; Hubert, 401; Joan, 107; Joseph, 293, 301 f., 509; Richard, 107; Thomas, 38 Hallbjorn, 222 Halle, John, 260, 535, 554 Halliday, W. R., 536 f- Halliwell, J. O., 389 f., 421, 437, 448, 461, 497) 5!3) 522> 534, 55G 563, 576 Hallywell, Henry, 518, 565, 582, 584 halter, 142 Halton, John de, 403, 546 Ham, 42 Hamel, F., 493 Hammond, J., 459 5i8j 522 Hammurabi, 237 Hamper,-, 148 f. Hampshire, 484 Hampton, N. H., 206 Hancock, F., 400, 430, 467,477, 513, 523 Hancok, Agnes, 38, 145 f., 443, 518, 553 hand of corpse, 142; of glory, 145, 463 f. hanged man, 141 f. hangman’s rope, 142 hansel, 165 Hansen, Joseph, 24, 376 f., 382, 403 f., 412, 415, 417, 441, 445> 461, 469 f-, 472, 480, 482, 489, 496, 53°, 532 544 ff., 580 Hanson, O., 451, 542 Harcourt, Vernon, 458 hardman, 55 Hardness, 7 ff. Hardwick, C., 417, 566 Hardy, W. J., 407 f., 510 Hardyng, John, 156 hare, 45, 149, :66, 174, J79> 427 Hare, Hugh, 596 Harington, Sir John, 509 Haris, Robert, 557 Harland, John, 389 f., 422) 424> 448, 477, 523, 525; John (and Dobson, W.), 539 617 Harleian mss., 399, 416, 418, 457, 562, 575 Harley,-, 95 f. Harman, Thomas, 525 Harold Fairhair, 439 Harper, Joseph, 542 Harpsfield, N., 408 f. Harris, Elizabeth, 161; William, 289 Harrison, Thomas, 301, 569; William, 477 Harry, John, 55 f. Harsnet, Samuel, 122, 298, 402, 412, 427 f., 447, 456> 491, 498, 5i8> 571 h Hart, Thomas, 99; W. H., 424, 520, 578 Hartland, E. S., 433 f., 452> 4^7 Hartlay, Edmund, 282 Hartlepoole, Richard, and wife, 229 f. Hartshorne, C. H., 514 Harvey, Gabriel, 249, 485; John, 533; —7, 3QI Harvie, Isobel, 39 Harvye, Joan, 542 Hasylwoode, William, 198 f. hate, 51, 121. See love Hathaway, Richard, 540, 594 Hauber, E. D., 492, 536, 538 Hauksbok, 386 haunted houses, 214 ff. Haureau, B., 524 Havekost, E., 397, 527 Hawarde, John, 424, 463, 566 Hawkwell, 96 hay burned, 428 Haydock, Richard, 320, 325, 529, 578 Hayley, William, 521 hazelwood, 10 Hazlitt, W. C., 509. See Brand head down, 74; head that speaks, 240; head as idol, 403 headache, 142 head-band,443 headless man, 220, 228 healers: see white witchcraft Heanley, R. M., 431 heart pierced and roasted, 97 ff.; ex¬ tracted, 42 Heather, Thomas, 520 Heawelon, 315 Heberling, R., 481 Hecker, J. F. C., 413, 457> 492 Heddon, 131 hedgehogs, 49, 166, 491 Hefele, C. J. von, 384 Heim, R., 396, 423, 444
    Heimskringla, 438, 526 Heinrich, Fritz, 389 ff., 408, 444, 466, 508 Heisterbach, Caesarius of, 116 ff., 149, 221 f.,514, 529 Heiward, Robert le, 234 Heldenbuch, 440 helenium, 32 Helgakvitm, 515 Heliand, 222 Hellwig, A., 399 f., 406, 459, 464, 518 Helmont, J. B. van, 348, 412, 430, 584 Heming(s)burgh (-ford), Walter of, 403, 446 henbane, 449 Henderson, George, 496, 498 f., 523; William, 390, 424 f., 426 ff., 430, 432, 453, 459 ff-, 464, 468 f., 485 ff., 498, 510 ff., 519, 522, 527, 597 Henrici, Leges, 29, 75, 383 Henry I, 159; II, 183; III, 235; IV, 156; v, 79,411; VI, 61, 83,115,126 f., 177; VII, 50; VIII, 38, 66, 86, 107 ff., 189; son of James I, 265, 319, 479, 573 Henry, Alexander, 413, 455; Philip, 452 Henslow, George, 389, 444 Henslowe, Philip, 92 f., 190 f. Heppe, H.: see Soldan Herbert, J. A., 398, 438, 445 ff., 452, 469 f., 483, 517, 544 f., 547 f. herbs, spells for, 31 f. Hercules, 114, 116 Hereford, 34, 59; Duke of (Henry IV), 404 Herefordshire, 117, 390, 408, 425, 448, 459, 467 f.,471 heresy, 38, 80 f., 187, 245 ff. Hereward, 33 Herle, Charles, 176 Hermogenes, 30 Herodias, 250, 549, 564 Heron, John, 66, 133, 550 Herrick, E. P., 405, 425, 464; Robert, 171,220, 436 Hertford, 38 Hertfordshire, 211 f., 236, 591 Hertz, W., 407, 492, 496 Hervieux, L., 500 Hesychius, 404, 532 Heuen-Tsang, 541 Heuser, W., 544 Hewat, M. L., 405, 455 Hewett, S., 390, 400, 436, 447 f., 460 f., 468, 471, 487, 500, 510 Heydon, John, 54 f., 406, 477 f. Heyl, J. A., 486 Heyrick, Robert, 577, 592; Sir William, 577 Heyward, Sir Rowland, 89 Heywood, John, nof.; Oliver, 400, 435, 465; Thomas, 14 f., 239, 271, 402, 441, 478, 589 Hibbert, S., 477 f., 479, 488 hibernation, 129,451 Hickes, George, 133, 337 f., 421 Hicks, Elizabeth, 71 hide, sleeping on or in a, 46 f. Higden, Ranulf, 159, 397 Higginson, John, 335, 579 Hikkes, Robert, 206 Hildburgh, W. L., 411, 463 Hill, Richard, 408, 416 f. hill-digging, 204 ff. Hillebrandt, A., 402, 411 Hillen, H. J., 479 Hilles, Richard, 409 hillmen, 119 Hilton-Simpson, M. W., 431, 513 Hincmar, 380, 538 Hind Etin, 119 Hinde, William, 570 Hinton, J., 530 Hippocrates, 218, 585 Hoare, Christobel M., 401 Hobart, Sir Henry, 308, 310 Hobbes, Thomas, 178, 335, 350 Hobley, C. W., 432, 442, 451, 464, 473, 490, 507 hobthursts, 166, 215 Hock, K. F. von, 545 Hodson, T. C., 411, 456 Holler, M., 395, 424, 453, 466, 532 Hoffmann-Krayer, E., 396 Hoghton, Sir Richard, 287 f. Hoigges, Henry, 55 f. Holbeach, 197 holed stones, 148, 220 Holinshed, Raphael, 169, 399, 410, 419, 434, 446, 475, 477, 492, 5°9, 52°, 534, 567 Holkot, Robert, 79, 106, 121, 240, 465, 497 f.,501, 533 Holland, Henry, 549; Thomas, 576 Holland: see Low Countries Hollingsworth, A. G. H., 433, 513 Hollis, A. C., 434, 444, 473 Holmberg, Uno, 414, 423, 523, 527 Holmes, J. H., 401, 455
    Holond, John, 196 Holonde, Richard, 65 Holt, Sir John, 364 f. Holthausen, F., 389, 394, 448 f., 490, 5°5> 5^6 Holworthy, R., 461, 553 Holy Maid of Kent, 64 f. holy oil, 147, 151, 202; water, 41, 48, 122, 147, 151, 202, 211; wax, 470 Holyday, Barten, 200 homage, 42, 240 ff. Homer, 113 f., 384, 441 f. Homilia de Sacrilegiis, 384, 386 f., 398, 444, 471 f., 548 Hone, William, 528 honey, 163, 214 f. Honeywell, Christopher, 15 f. Honorius IV, 399 hoodoo bag, 48 f. Hooker (alias Vowell), John, 567 Hooper, John, 40, 70 f., 476, 553 Hoops, Johannes, 386 Hope, John, 207; R. C., 394, 439, 452 Hopf, L., 398, 497 Hopfner, T., 504 Hopkins, Matthew, 6, 134, 176, 236, 271 ff., 296, 331 f., 358, 367 f., 371, 564, 594 f.; Nicholas, 229 Horace, 531, 544, 560 Horley, E., 566, 568 Horn, 440 Horn, Robert, 559; W., 454 Horne, G., 402, 454 f., 473 Horneck, Anthony, 565, 588 Hornegild,-, 14 Horner, Elizabeth, 593 hornet, 499 horse, 36 f., 95 ff., 133, 147, 395> 43H transformation to, 184; ridden by nightmare, 219 f.; demon horse, 177, 266 f.; brazen horse, 56 horseshoe, 167, 200 Horsey, William, 50 Horstmann, C., 544 f. Horton (Orthon),2i6 Horwood, A. J., 404 Hose, C., 399, 413, 455 Hossack, B. H., 482, 488 host, 42, 149 f., 181 Hott, Jane, 272, 491, 495, 539 Houell, Robert, 403 f. house cobolds, 41, 215 ff., 221, 488 Hoveden, Roger of, 539 Howard, Henry: see Northampton; Surrey Howell, James, 331 f., 595 Howhett, Margaret, 590 Howitt, A. W., 413, 433, 455 huckauf, 220 f. Hudgin, 216 Hudibras, 521, 595 Hudson, Mrs., 107 Hiibener, G., 522 Hugh, St., 120, 125, 175 Hughes, Lewis, 300 Hull, William, 38 human sacrifice, 206, 233, 243 humblebees, 179, 208 Humm, John, 417 Humphreys, A. L., 430, 433, 467, 471, 495; W. J.,472 hunger borns, 34 Hungerford, Walter Lord, 65 f. Huns, 116 Hunt, Alice, 248; Margaret, 37, 122; Justice Robert, 274, 562; Robert, 391, 427 f., 435 465, 468, 47°f*> 5l8 Hunter, John, 505, 511, 523; Joseph, 55^; William, 426, 486 hunting, 384, 490 Huntingdon, 95, 135, 271, 306, 563, 596 Huntingdonshire, 96, 228, 236, 435, 471, 594. See Warboys Huntley, Alice, wife of John, 85; Mother, 66 Huss, K., 511 Hussey, Joseph, 162 Hutchinson, Francis, 288 f., 312, 351, 366, 556, 581, 589, 593 f., 596; Roger, 68; Thomas, 591 ff. Hutgin, 216 Hutton, J. H., 411, 423 f., 455 f.; Mat¬ thew, 570; Timothy, 572 Hyde, Douglas, 388, 390, 396 Hyde, 544 hydromancy, 57, 186, 503 hyena,237,493 Hylten-Cavallius, G. O., 391, 485 f., 528,536 hypericon, 119 ff. hysteria, 267, 322, 334 f., 354 Iamblichus, 410, 449, 520 Ilithyia, 114
    image magic, 27, 29, 42, 56, 73 ff., 80, 105, 113, JI5> H7f-> 27°> 3o8> 398; milking an, 163 Image of Ypocresye, 64 Imbert-Gourbeyre, A., 46 Imma, 202 imposture, 61 ff., 87, 192 ff., 319 ff., 34G 354, 429 impotence, 26 f., 113 imps: see familiars Inchubus, 110, 210 incubation, 46 f., 94, 125, 221 f. incubus, 42, 52, 64, 115 ff, 219, 225, 332 Inderwick, F. A., 540, 566, 573, 593, 596 India, 73 f., 101 f., 134, 144, 172, 237; Notes, passim Indians, 20, 103, 134, 362 f., 371, 413, 423, 434, 454 ff, 472 f-, 499, 5°7» 5*3 f-, 5l6, 53o, 536, 591 Indracht, St., 222 infanticide, 224 f., 243, 245, 268 Ingram, W. V., 521, 525 ink, 189 f. Ino,233 Inquisition, 25, 246 insects, 172 ff., 179 ff., 491 Institoris, Heinrich, 25 Insulis, Alanus de, 178 inversion, 21, 40 f., 74, 103, 215 invincibility, 108 invisibility, 176, 464, 524 invulnerability, 55 invuituacio: see image Iphiclus, 113 Ipswich, 14, 96, 236 Ireland, 52 f., 92, 122 ff., 132, 136, 161, 166, 168, 175, 223; Notes, passim. See Kyteler Iscanus, Bartholomew, 166 Isidore, 403, 444, 462, 531, 537 Isidorus Mercator, 384 Isis, 40 Islington, 88 Italy, 136 f., 172, 183 f., 206, 346 f.; Notes, passim Ivanow, W., 411 Ivens, R., 388, 405, 436, 454, 473, 490, 5°7, 5I3f*,544 Ivo of Chartres, 244 Izzard, Ann, 236 Jackson,-, 210; Elizabeth, 300; G. F. (see Shropshire); Thomas, 120, 429 Jacobs, F., 537; J., 580 Jacoby, A., 443, 494, 506, 543 Jacquette de Luxembourg, 84, 106 f. Jacson, Mariot, 38 Jahn, O., 476; U., 377 f., 425, 464, 472, 482, 492, 496, 522 jail fever: see typhus James, St., 30, 391 f. James I, 6, 14, 22, 235, 276 ff, 331, 340 f., 366, 406, 420, 449, 526, 530, 548, 562, 584 James, M. R., 389, 496, 509, 525, 545. See Map Jameson, Thomas, 208 Jamieson, Robert, 514 Jamnes, 385 Jane, Queen, 410 Jaquett: see Jacquette Jarbrey, Nazareth, 188 Jastrow, M., 411 Jataka, 532 Jeaffreson, J. C., 547, 579 Jeanne de Navarre, 76, 83, 109 Jefferies, Anne, 535 Jeffray, John and Maud, 327 Jegerlehner, J., 481, 513, 519 Jenks, Roland, 89, 347 Jenness, D., 455 Jennings, Lady, and daughter, 451, 577 Jente, R., 379, 383, 385, 393, 415, 441, 466, 493, 495, 517, 522, 526 Jerome, St., 239 Jessopp, A., 408, 518 f., 590 Jesuit Relations, 363, 591 Jewel, John, 23, 227, 250 ff., 371 Jews, 46, 68, 75 f., hi f., 137, 195, 399, 425, 440, 442, 444, 502, 520 Joan of Arc, 83, 399; of Navarre, 79 f. Job, 40, 391 f. Jorimann, J., 387 f., 441, 449, 456 John, St., 74, 221 John XXII, 77 f. John, King, 159, 181, 226 John, A., 425, 481, 506, 515 f.; E., 392, 501 Johnson, Margaret, 270 f.; Samuel, 329; Walter, 453 Johnstone, H., 546 Jones, Edward, his wife, 150; Ernest, 526; Maurice, his wife, 130; Nicholas, 88; Richard, 63 f., no, 211; William, 439,47L5°3 Jonson, Ben, 88, 170, 265, 315, 498, 533, 572 Jonsson, M., 485