Diseases of the digestive canal : (sophagus, stomach, intestines) / by Dr. Paul Cohnheim ; from the 2d German edition, ed. and tr. by Dudley Fulton.

  • Cohnheim, Paul, 1867-
[1909], ©1909
    guide to the physician in the difficulties of diagnosis and treat- ment of diseases of digestion. With this desire I offer it to the public, and hope for a kind reception on the part of its readers. I owe the execution of the microscopical drawings to the kindness of Miss Paula Guenther. Paul Cohnheim.
    TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL SECTION PAGE Anamnesis and Subjective Symptomatology 1 Physical Examination 5 Inspection 5 Percussion 8 Palpation 8 Auscultation 21 Internal Chemical and Microscopical Examination of the Stomach. . 21 Introductory Remarks 21 Qualitative Examination 23 Quantitative Examination 25 Ferment Tests 29 Motility Tests 35 Jlicroscopical Examination of the Stomach-contents 36 Examination for Blood 41 Technic, Indications .\nd Contraindications in the Use of the Stomach-Tube 42 Laboratory Apparatus 46 SPECIAL SECTION Diseases of the CEsophagus 48 Cancer of the (Esophagus 48 Ulcer of the (Esophagus 50 Benign Stenosis (including Strictures and Spasms) 57 Dilatation of the (Esophagus (Diverticulum) , 60 Chronic Cardiospasm 61 Foreign Bodies 67 Neuroses of the CEsophagus 68 Diseases of the Stomach 71 Clinical Remarks 71 Organic Diseases of the Stomach 82 Acute and Chronic Gastric Catarrh 82 Acute Gastritis 83 Chronic Gastritis 87 Ulcer of the Stomach^ 108 Appendix: Erosions and Fissures of the Pylorus 127 Carcinoma of the Stomach 133
    PAGE Diseases of the Stomach: Organic (Continued) Epigastric Hernia 150 Gastrectasis 151 Perigastritis 167 Hypersecretion 168 Hyperchlorhydria 172 Functional Diseases of the Stomach 177 Ana^mic-Gastroptotic Dyspepsia (Atony) 180 Remarks on Enteroptosis 190 Phthisical D3'spepsia 196 Nervous Dyspepsia 199 Special Forms of Neuroses of the Stomach 209 Diseases of the Stomach in Connection with Diseases of Other Organs. 223 The Stomach and Disorders of Metabolism 223 Acute and Chronic Infectious Diseases 225 Central Nervous System 225 Stomach and Circulatory System 228 Stomach and Diseases of tlie Lungs 229 Stomach and Genito-urinary Apparatus 230 Stomach and Liver, Pancreas and Spleen [Gail-Bladder] 231 Stomach and Intestinal Diseases 235 Stomach and Sexual Organs 236 Diseases of the Intestine 237 Introduction 237 Examination of the Patient 242 Chemical and Microscopical Examination of the Stool 245 Primary Organic Diseases of the Intestine 253 Acute Enteritis 253 Chronic Catarrh of the Intestine 257 Appendix: Membranous Enteritis, Meteorism and Flatulence. 265 Ulceration of the Mucous Membrane of the Intestine 271 Typhlitis and Appendicitis 275 Tumors and Neoplasms of the Intestine 281 Displacements of the Intestine 283 Secondary Organic Diseases of the Intestine 285 Stenosis and Dilatation of the Intestinal Canal 285 Intestinal Obstruction 289 Acute and Chronic Peritonitis 294 Functional Diseases of the Intestine 299 Chronic Constipation 299 Appendix: Relationship between Constipation and Diarrhoea. 318 Neuroses of the Intestine 319 Atony of the Intestine 321 Intestinal Spasms (Lead Colic) 321 Nervous Diarrhoea . 323 Peristaltic Unrest of the Intestine 323 Intestinal Neurasthenia 324 Intestinal Disturbances in Diseases of Other Organs 325
    PAGE Diseases of the Intestine: Functional (Continued) Parasites of the Intestine 325 Diseases of the Rectum 330 Catarrh and Inflammation of the Rectum 331 Ulceration of the Rectum 334 Fissures and Erosions of the Anus 335 Neoplasms of the Rectum 337 Hemorrhoids 337 Malignant Neoplasms of the Rectum 341 Benign Stenoses of the Rectum 344 Nervous Diseases of the Rectum 345 Appendix 347 Diagnostic Table '. 347 Outline of Dietetic Treatment 348 Outline of Balneotherapy 356 Indications for Hydrotherapeutic, Mechanical and Electrical Treat- ment 359 Clinical A B C of the Most Important Disturbances of the Digestive Tract 361 Index 367
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