Adamson handling and display collection: reproductions of paintings and drawings by people with mental illness ca. 1946-1990. Colour photographs, 2017.

  • Pictures

About this work


Contains reproductions of thirteen paintings in the Wellcome Library



Physical description

13 photographs : photoprints, printed in colours ; various sizes + printed labels and copies of a handout


A Christmas celebration. Gouache by H. Sennitt, 1949. Reproduction of Adamson Collection/Wellcome Library no. 2948664i
Anguish. Gouache by Mary Bishop 1962. Reproduction of Adamson Collection/Wellcome Library no. R1C64
Road to nowhere. Gouache by Martin Birch 1960s. Reproduction of Adamson Collection/Wellcome Library no. R1C21
A cat smiling. Gouache by M. Birch, 1968. Reproduction of Adamson Collection/Wellcome Library no. 2948749i
Still life of flasks. Gouache, ca. 1970 (?). Reproduction of Adamson Collection/Wellcome Library no. OOF16
Honeymoon in Paris. Gouache, 1949. Reproduction of Adamson Collection/Wellcome Library no. R1C12
Edward Adamson with ram's horn ears, with an angel blowing the trumpet. Drawing by M. Birch, 1969. Reproduction of Adamson Collection/Wellcome Library no. 2851437i
Portrait of Edward Adamson. Reproduction of Adamson Collection/Wellcome Library no. OOF49
Self portrait as Christ by Lowe Watson. Reproduction of Adamson Collection/Wellcome Library no. OOF10
Eyes, inside-and-outside, masks and confinement. Gouache by H. Sennitt in 1953. Reproduction of Adamson Collection/Wellcome Library no. R1C9
A standing figure facing left. Crayon drawing by J.J. Beegan, ca. 1946. Reproduction of Adamson Collection/Wellcome Library no. 2846834i
Drawing and inscription by Joan Wisdom, 1967. Reproduction of Adamson Collection/Wellcome Library no. 2948748i
Two sides of a ravine: left, a woman walks away towards the left; right, a man in a white laboratory coat. Watercolour by T.E. Hart, 1967. Reproduction of Adamson Collection/Wellcome Library no. 2948663i

Creator/production credits

The artist and teacher Edward Adamson (1911-1996) established a painting and drawing studio for people with mental illness at Netherne Hospital (at Hooley, Surrey) in 1946, and continued to run it until his retirement in 1981


Wellcome Collection 3025646i

Where to find it

  • 13 colour photographs with printed labels and copies of a handout

    Closed stores

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