Trim. G protein/adenylate cyclase, mol.model

  • T.Blundell & N Campillo
  • Digital Images
  • Online

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Molecular model of the trimeric G protein G alpha in complex with (i) adenylate cyclase (PDB code:1azs) and (ii) RGS4 (regulator of G-protein signalling 4, PDB code:1agr), ribbon diagram. G alpha is shown in green with the switch regions I, I and III red. The C1 and C2 subunits of adenylate cyclase are shown in blue and violet respectively. The trimeric guanine nucleotide- binding proteins are involved as transducers in various transmembrane signalling systems. The G alpha (s) protein is involved in hormonal regulation of adenylate cyclase: it activates the cyclase in response to beta-adrenergic stimuli, and is regulated by RGS4.

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