A dictionary of medical terminology, dental surgery, and the collateral sciences / by Chapin A. Harris.
- Harris, Chapin A. (Chapin Aaron), 1806-1860.
- Date:
- 1855
Licence: Public Domain Mark
Credit: A dictionary of medical terminology, dental surgery, and the collateral sciences / by Chapin A. Harris. Source: Wellcome Collection.
Provider: This material has been provided by the National Library of Medicine (U.S.), through the Medical Heritage Library. The original may be consulted at the National Library of Medicine (U.S.)
25 results
- Found on image 78 / 798…- pearance of an anomaly or disease, after it had been lost in one or more genera- tions. ATAX'IA. From a, priv., and raaau, to order. In Physiology, irregularity in the functions of the body, and in Pathology, in the symptoms of a disease. ATAX'O-ADYNA'MIC FEVER. Ty- phus fever; so called because of the ine- q...
- Found on image 128 / 798…a- ble state of the body; a mercurial diathesis of the general system; artificial teeth, im- properly inserted, or of bad materials; roots of teeth ; irregularity in the arrange- ment of the teeth; too great a pressure of the teeth against each other; and, in short, every thing that is productive of irritation ...
- Found on image 240 / 798…s. DYSCOPHO'SIS. From fog, with dif- ficulty, and ko(j)ous I am deaf. Impair- ment of the sense of hearing. DYSCO'RIA. From fog, and Kopn, the pupil. Irregularity of the pupil. DYSCRA'SIA. From 5vg, and upamg, temperament. A bad temperament, or habit of body. DYSECCE'A. From fog, and okov, hear- ing. Deafness; ...
- Found on image 257 / 798…uor; weariness. ENOSTO'SIS. From ev, in, and oatsov, a bone. A tumor formed in the medullary part of a bone. ENRYTH'MOS. From tv and pvtiuog, number. Irregularity in the beating of the pulse. ENS. Being; entity; existence. In Chemistry, a substance supposed to con- tain, in a small compass, all the virtues of t...
- Found on image 277 / 798…tervals, and especially if the organ cannot be securely replaced with an artificial substi- tute, it may be advisable to permit it to remain. Fourth. Irregularity in the arrangement of the teeth, resulting from a disproportion between the size of these organs and the alveolar arch, is another indication which c...
- Found on image 340 / 798…ld be removed; "all such teeth," says Dr. Koecker, "as from their irregular situa- tion or direction, excite a mechanical ir- ritation, provided this irregularity can- not be remedied by filing, or by cutting away the irritating parts, should also be removed." In the treatment of spongoid inflamma- tion and ulc...
- Found on image 391 / 798…ypes of diseases, and to the pulse, when its beats are separated by unequal intervals. Also, to the teeth when one or more is out of the dental arch. IRREGULARITY. Deviation from an established rule or straight line. Irregularity of the Teeth. Devia- tion of the teeth from their natural ar- rangement is of frequ...
- Found on image 391 / 798… unequal intervals. Also, to the teeth when one or more is out of the dental arch. IRREGULARITY. Deviation from an established rule or straight line. Irregularity of the Teeth. Devia- tion of the teeth from their natural ar- rangement is of frequent occurrence, and is dependent upon a variety of causes. The fol...
- Found on image 391 / 798… malformation of the jaws. The deviations of the teeth from the natural arrangement, are exceedingly vari- able. Mr. Fox enumerated four varieties of irregularity in the front teeth. 1. The appearance of one of the permanent cen- tral incisors of the upper jaw behind the corresponding temporary tooth, so that a...
- Found on image 392 / 798…he crown an oblique or transverse direction across the alveolar ridge. At other times one or more come out in front of the circle of the other teeth. Irregularity in the arrangement of the lower incisors, though less frequent in its occurrence, is occasionally met with, and when it does happen, their deviations...
- Found on image 392 / 798…y molars being larger than the bicuspids, it rarely happens that the latter are prevented from acquiring their proper position. Examples, however, of irregularity of arrangement, even of these teeth, are occasionally met with. The molar teeth, with the exception of the denies sapientke, which frequently take a ...
- Found on image 392 / 798…ly take a wrong direction in their growth, deviate still less frequently from their proper position. With regard to the means for the pre- vention of irregularity, the reader is re- ferred to article Dentition, Method of Directing Second. The most proper time to effect an alter- ation in the position of a tooth,...
- Found on image 393 / 798…ting teeth, have been found preferable to silk. Various other methods have been pro- posed and adopted for the purpose of rem- edying tins variety of irregularity. M. Delabarre recommends the employment of ligatures, so applied as to keep up a con- stant action upon the deviating teeth. In- stead of using blocks...
- Found on image 393 / 798…ance between the back teeth, and it is unquestionably the most efficient and powerful agent that has ever been used for remedying this description of irregularity. But before it is applied it should be ascer- tained whether there be a sufficient aper- ture in the dental circle for the reception of the deviating ...
- Found on image 400 / 798… Unable to chew a mouthful of food or even open the jaws for its reception, his food had to be intro- duced through a small opening, occasioned by an irregularity of the bicuspid teeth on the right side. On the left side, just within side until it ends where he commenced and I the anSle of the mouth, a firm ban...
- Found on image 408 / 798…mmetry in one week, though oc- casionally it will take from three to six weeks or even longer. When the protrusion of the lower jaw is accompanied by irregularity, Dr. Gr. very proj>erly directs that means should, at the same time, be employed for remedying it. He also recommends that the operation for retractin...
- Found on image 442 / 798…rformance of this opera- tion. See Extraction of Teeth. Partial luxation is sometimes produced from improper methods of procedure in the treatment of irregularity of the teeth, sometimes by the action of an antagoniz- ing tooth, and occasionally by the filling up of the socket with a deposition of bony matter. ...
- Found on image 469 / 798…. Mechanical Dent'istry. The art of constructing and applying artificial teeth, artificial palates, obturators and applian- ces for the correction of irregularity in the arrangement of the natural teeth. See Impressions of the Mouth in Wax ; Me- tallic Base for Artificial Teeth; Model, Plaster and Metallic, of ...
- Found on image 490 / 798… the mouth. Moulding Flask, Hawks'. A flask invented by Dr. E. G. Hawes of New York, for obtaining castings from plaster models, which, on account of irregularity of the teeth or projection of the alveolar border, cannot be drawn from a simple impression in sand. MOUNTING. The act of preparing any thing for use...
- Found on image 527 / 798…he teeth. ODONTONOMY. Odontonom'ia; from oSovi, a tooth, and ovo/xa, a name. See Dentonomy. ODONTOPARALLAXIS. FromoSwj, and Tcapa2.2.a^ig} deviation. Irregularity of the teeth ; deviation from the natural po- sition of one or more of the teeth. See Irregularity of the Teeth. ODONTOPHY'IA. Dentition. ODONTOPLERO...
- Found on image 527 / 798…ARALLAXIS. FromoSwj, and Tcapa2.2.a^ig} deviation. Irregularity of the teeth ; deviation from the natural po- sition of one or more of the teeth. See Irregularity of the Teeth. ODONTOPHY'IA. Dentition. ODONTOPLERO'SIS. From 0801*, a tooth, and trAjgpww?, filling. Filling teeth, which see. ODONTO'RINE. From oSod...
- Found on image 540 / 798…m op-dog, straight, right, and odovg, a tooth. That part of dental surgery which has for its object the treatment of irregu- larity of the teeth. See Irregularity of the Teeth, Treatment of. ORTHODONTIC. Relating to the treatment of irregularity of the teeth. ORTHOG'NATHOUS. From oP£o?, and yva&og, jaw. Having ...
- Found on image 540 / 798…s for its object the treatment of irregu- larity of the teeth. See Irregularity of the Teeth, Treatment of. ORTHODONTIC. Relating to the treatment of irregularity of the teeth. ORTHOG'NATHOUS. From oP£o?, and yva&og, jaw. Having a straight or vertical jaw. A term applied to a form of head in which the facial an...
- Found on image 732 / 798…f. Pee Filling Teeth. Teeth, Fractures of the. See Frac- tures of the Teeth. Teeth, Formation of. See Teeth, development of pulps and sacs of. Teeth, Irregularity op. See Irreg- ularity of the Teeth. Teeth, Malformation of. See Teeth, Deviation in the growth and form of. Teeth, Milk. The temporary teeth. Teeth,...
- Found on image 733 / 798… developed in one part of the alveolar border, and sometimes in another, but most frequently between or behind the central incisors of the upper jaw. Irregularity often results from their pres- ence. Teeth, Tartar of. See Salivary Calculus. Teeth, Temporary. The teeth of first dentition; milk teeth; deciduous t...