Report to Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department from the Poor Law Commissioners, on an Inquiry into the sanitary condition of the labouring population of Great Britain : with appendices.

  • Chadwick, Edwin, 1800-1890.
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    -Suggested Form of NoUf cation to Owners or Occupiers for the distribution of the Expense of permanent Alterations, and the avoid- ance of Overcharges on persons enjoying only portions of the benefit. The Commissioners of Sewers appointed to superintend the execution of the Act of Victoria, passed for the protection of the public liealth, which requires that every inhabited tenement shall be provided with proper means ot drainage, and cleansing, and the removal of refuse, have caused a survey to be made of the houses and tenements in—[court or street, as the case may be]. On this survey it appears that your house, with others in the same place, are without the requisites required by law; that they are witliout proper sewers, without drainage frorn the house, and without water or proper means for the constant removal of nightsoil, or conveniences for cleansing. By the section of the Act the several requisites hereunder described are directed to be provided and completed within months after this date. The Commis-sioners have directed tenders for contracts upon specifi- cations to be taken for the execution of the required works, under a civil engineer, in the most beneficial manner and at the lowest cost. They are also prepared to take loans on the security of the rates for defraying the expenses of the execution of the works contracted for. It will be at )'our option either to repay at once tiie cost of the requisite works by which the property will be benefited, or to repay it by annual instalments in 30 year, payirrg 5 per cent, interest on the principal sum expended, or on that part of it that may, from time to time, remain unpaid. To save the trouble and expense of a double collection, annual instal- ments and the interest on the principal sums expended will be collected from the tenant with rates. Where the landlord is under any agree- ment or obligation to cleanse the cesspools, the tenant will be entitled to deduct from the rent the chai’ge for the drainage and apparatus for cleans- ing. Where the tenant pays rent weekly, or at shorter periods than quarterly, and does not pay rates, the charge for the works in question is required by the statute to be paid by the owner of the tenement, who will levy the amount with the rent, or make his own terms W'ith the tenant for the improvement in question. The cost of the required improvements or principal sum, which will be charged at the contract prices, together with the annual instalments and interest thereon, and the weekly charge or improved rent that may be due or charged on the weekly tenant, will be as follows:— First Outlay per Tenement. Annual Instillment for Repay- ment in 30 years. Annual Interest, com- muteil at 5 per cent, on Outlay, charged as Rent on Tenant, and Annual Rent of Water. Weekly Charge to the Tenant, or Increased Rent. £. s. d. Water-closet ] s. d. s. d. s. d. Water-tank >10 8 6 Drain . , J G 11 G 8 0 3 Main Sewer 5 12 0 3 9 3 G 0 lA Water 3 0 0 1 Total . . 10 8 15 2 0 If the landlord undertake to cleanse the cesspools, then the addilional weekly charge on the occupier for the supplies of water and drainage will [].] 2 H