Three hand yin channels and their acupoints, general chart

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Woodcut illustration from an edition of 1763 (28th year of the Qianlong reign period of the Qing dynasty). It charts the paths and acu-moxa locations of the three hand yin channels on the inner surface of the upper limbs, i.e. the lung channel of hand taiyin, with marked points including shaoshang (Lesser Shang), yuji (Fish Border), taiyuan (Great Abyss), jingqu (Channel Ditch), lieque (Break in the Sequence) and kongzui (Utmost Opening); the heart channel of hand shaoyin with marked acu points including shaochong (Lesser Rushing), shaofu (Lesser Palace), shenmen (Numinous Portal), yinxi (Yin Cleft), tongli (Penetrating the Interior) and lingdao (Spirit Path); and the Heart Envelope (xinbao, pericardium) channel of hand jueyin with marked points including zhongchong (Middle Rushing), laogong (Palace of Toil), daling (Great Mound), neiguan (Inner Pass), jianshi (Intermediate Messenger) and ximen (Cleft Portal).


Picture title: General chart of the hand yin [channels]. Other lettering (channels and points): Lung channel of hand taiyin: shaoshang (Lesser Shang); yuji (Fish Border); taiyuan (Great Abyss); jingqu (Channel Ditch); lieque (Break in the Sequence); kongzui (Utmost Opening); chize (Foot Marsh); xiabai (Clasping the White); tianfu (Celestial Palace); goes to yunmen (Cloud Portal). Heart channel of hand shaoyin: shaochong (Lesser Rushing); shaofu (Lesser Palace); shenmen (Numinous Portal); yinxi (Yin Cleft); tongli (Penetrating the Interior); lingdao (Spirit Path); shaohai (Lesser Sea) qingling (Blue/Green Spirit); jiquan (Bourne Spring. Heart Envelope (xinbao, pericardium) channel of hand jueyin: zhongchong (Middle Rushing); laogong (Palace of Toil); daling (Great Mound); neiguan (Inner Pass); jianshi (Intermediate Messenger); ximen (Cleft Portal); quze (Marsh at the Crook); tianquan (Celestial Spring); goes to tianchi (Celestial Pool)


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