The complete confectioner, or, The whole art of confectionary: forming a ready assistant to all genteel families; giving them a perfect knowledge of confectionary; with instructions, neatly engraved on ten copper-plates, how to decorate a table with taste and elegance, without the expence or assistance of a confectioner / By a person, late an apprentice to the well-known Messrs. Negri and Witten, of Berkley-Square.
- Nutt, Frederick.
- Date:
- 1790
Licence: Public Domain Mark
Credit: The complete confectioner, or, The whole art of confectionary: forming a ready assistant to all genteel families; giving them a perfect knowledge of confectionary; with instructions, neatly engraved on ten copper-plates, how to decorate a table with taste and elegance, without the expence or assistance of a confectioner / By a person, late an apprentice to the well-known Messrs. Negri and Witten, of Berkley-Square. Source: Wellcome Collection.
Provider: This material has been provided by The University of Leeds Library. The original may be consulted at The University of Leeds Library.