Muñoz, Luis (c.1814-1876)

  • Muñoz, Luis, c.1814-1876, surgeon
  • Archives and manuscripts

About this work


Lecture notes, produced in Paris.

L. 1. bl.

Ll. 2-34 (l.8 bl.): Medical therapeutics ([P.] Ricord). 8 April to 13 July 1840.

Ll. 35-39 bl.

Ll. 40-95 (i.e. the vol. in reverse, beginning at l. 95): Anatomy of the nervous system, with ink drawings. ([F.A.] Longet). 24 June to 20 August 1840.

L. 96 bl.

Frequently re-written in ink over pencil. A note by N. León on the lower board reads 'Apuntes autógrafos del Dr. D. Luis Muñoz.'



Physical description

96ll. (some bl.). 15 x 9.5 cm. Original green 1/4 leather and boards. Ll. 6 & 7 removed and replaced by two larger leaves.

Acquisition note

Purchased 1927.

Biographical note

Muñoz, Catedrático de patología externa in the Escuela Nacional de Medicina, Director of the women's surgical ward of the Hospital de San Andrés, and Director of Vaccination, was son of the well-known surgeon J.M. Muñoz González, and himself became a leading Mexican surgeon and surgical writer. He visited Europe twice.

A brief obituary appears in Anales de la Asociación Larrey (Méx.), 1876, 2, 153.

Ownership note

Formerly part of the León Collection.

Finding aids

Described in: Robin Price, An Annotated Catalogue of Medical Americana in the Library of the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine (London: Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1983).


Where to find it

  • LocationStatusAccess
    Closed stores

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