A man sleeps by a hot stove; a devil blows evil thoughts into his ear; Venus gestures towards the stove, and Cupid learns to walk on stilts in the foreground. Engraving by A. Dürer, ca. 1497-1498.
- Dürer, Albrecht, 1471-1528.
- Date:
- [1497?]
- Reference:
- 570763i
Licence: Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Credit: A man sleeps by a hot stove; a devil blows evil thoughts into his ear; Venus gestures towards the stove, and Cupid learns to walk on stilts in the foreground. Engraving by A. Dürer, ca. 1497-1498. Source: Wellcome Collection.