Segment 1 The story begins with Mrs Smith, a working class housewife. She has three children; Mary, Jack and William. Mrs Smith becomes concerned about Jack who is having problems breathing and goes to see Dr King in his surgery. Dr King then visits Jack, diagnosing a bad case of diphtheria. He gives Jack an injection to his abdomen. He organises a swab and the laboratory technician is shown preparing the culture and placing the samples in an incubator. Jack goes into hospital; Mrs Smith is seen in the waiting room looking upset. The surgeons operate on Jack; placing a metal tube in his throat so that he can breathe. Jack is in the hospital bed; steam is directed across him to aid his breathing further (he has diphtheria of the larynx). The boy in the adjacent bed is paralysed and is fed through his nose. Overnight Jack's condition deteriorates. Meanwhile back in the laboratory the samples are viewed, discovering diphtheria germs (a still image is used). Jack dies, freeing the hospital bed for another child with diphtheria... the viewer is then asked whether they want their child to take his place? Time start: 00:00:00:00 Time end: 00:08:40:09 Length: 00:08:40:09
Segment 2 Mrs Smith revisits Dr King and he reminds her that her children could have been immunised 3 year's previously. Mary and William are then taken to the surgery to test for natural immunity to the disease. Both are immune. A typical non-immune reaction is shown; a sore is seen but the film notes that this is temporary. Footage of a genuine clinic follows with children being immunised (they require 3 injections over the course of 3 weeks). They are shown having recently been immunised; they are happy and smiling. The laboratory is then visited with more shots of a technical nature showing how the samples are created. A gun is then pointed at the viewer with the message that diphtheria germs are as dangerous as getting shot at! A toy gun with a small sign saying 'toy caps', is then seen which suggests that immunisation would neutralise danger. There is a sign for the diphtheria immunisation clinic with more views of children receiving their inoculations. The closing message is 'YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED'. Time start: 00:08:40:09 Time end: 00:16:31:00 Length: 00:07:49:51