The personification of the art of painting, supported by Cardinal Girolamo Buonvisi, arrives on a triumphal car at Mount Parnassus where she is greeted by the muses. Etching by P. Testa, ca. 1642.

  • Testa, Pietro, 1611-1650.
  • Pictures

About this work


In the centre, a horse-drawn carriage proceeds under a rainbow created by rays of the sun shining on Iris ("Arcum meretur"). The carriage holds Pictura, the personification of painting, and takes her towards Mount Parnassus and Mount Helicon. Pictura is painting a shield with the arms (as cardinal) of Girolamo Buonvisi. The three Graces crown her with a laurel wreath. On the left are shown actions and expressions which have been recorded with the aid of painting ("Affectus exprimit"), such as Laocoon being strangled by a snake, Pan, Flora, Samson fighting a lion, and Adam and Eve. On the right the ancient poets prepare to descend from Parnassus to greet her, and the Muses stand at the foot of the mountain ("Parnaso triumphat"). On Mount Helicon, Pegasus is creating the spring Hippocrene, from which water flows down through a pool with swans to a lower pool, where a river god distributes it into two streams (presumably the Serchio, in Lucca, and the Tiber, in Rome)



Physical description

1 print : etching ; image and border 47 x 71.1 cm


Affectus exprimit. Arcum meretur. Parnaso triumphat. et D. Hieromymo Bonvisio clerico. Vota illustrissime domine, persolvi. Pictura tuis auspiciis triumphat. Olim in triumphali pompa simulacra, pictaeque tabulae ducebantur; et hic speciem devincti animi mei expressam habe. Utinam huic pompae tubicenes accedant, qui laetum ac suave canant. At felicia sidus tuum pollicetur. Fama dum tuos referet plausus, meas dabit acclamationes. Vale Petrus Testa Lucen.


[State described by Bartsch, i.e. without the imprint of Rossi].

Creator/production credits

Both the artist Testa and the dedicatee Cardinal Girolamo Buonvisi were from Lucca

References note

Adam Bartsch, Le peintre graveur, Vienna 1820, vol. XX, p. 226-227, no. 35 ("Le triomphe de la Peinture sur le Parnasse. Les Muses s'avancent pour recevoir cette déesse qui est montée sur un char où elle est couronnée par les Grâces, et suivie d'hommes et de femmes qui expriment dans diverses attitudes les différentes passions de l'ame qu'elle sait représenter dans ses tableaux. Dans un écriteau à la gauche d'en bas, est écrit: Affectus exprimit, dans un second au milieu: Arcum meretur, et dans un troisième à droite: Parnaso triumphat. Au bas de ce même côté droit est écrite une dédicace adressée à Jérôme Bonuisi.")
Elizabeth Cropper, Pietro Testa, 1612–1650: prints and drawings, Philadelphia, Pa.: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1988, no. 73, pp. 151-154 and 284-285 (as "The triumph of Painting on Parnassus")


Wellcome Collection 3162929i


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